Engineering Sketch Pad (ESP) Version 1.25

Authors: John F. Dannenhoffer, III (

Date: June 2024.

0.0 Table of Contents

1.0 Overview

    1.1 Gallery of cases

2.0 Tutorials

    2.1 First tutorial: ESP user interface

    2.2 Second tutorial: Base ESP model

    2.3 Third tutorial: Using the sketcher and adding spokes

    2.4 Fourth tutorial: RULEs, BLENDs, and error checking

    2.5 Fifth tutorial: Multi-models

    2.6 Sixth tutorial: Integrated Design Environment

    2.7 First legacy tutorial: Basic usage

    2.8 Second legacy tutorial: Sketcher

    2.9 Third legacy tutorial: Aircraft example

3.0 Command Line

4.0 Interactive Options

5.0 Format of the .csm and .udc Files

    5.1 Format of the .csm file

    5.2 Format of the .udc file

    5.3 Special characters

    5.4 Valid CSM statements

    5.5 User-defined Primitives/Functions shipped with OpenCSM

    5.6 User-defined Components shipped with OpenCSM

    5.7 Number rules

    5.8 String rules

    5.9 Parameter rules

    5.10 Expression rules

    5.11 Attribute rules

    5.12 Format of the plotfile

6.0 Example .csm file

7.0 Frequently Asked Questions

8.0 Release notes

9.0 Error Codes

    9.1 OpenCSM error codes

    9.2 EGADS error codes

10.0 Bug Reports and Other Feedback

11.0 Copyright

12.0 Glossary

1.0: Overview

The Engineering Sketch Pad (ESP) is a browser-based program for creating, editing, and generating constructive solid models for use in the multi-disciplinary analysis and optimization of engineered systems. It is built using a client-server architecture.

The server consists of a back-end program (serveESP) that performs the majority of the computational work; the server has been designed to work on a variety of compute platforms, including UNIX, LINUX, OSX, and Windows. As will be described below, the user of ESP typically starts a session by starting the server.

The client, which is built within a web browser, provides the graphical user interface with which most users will provide inputs and receive outputs. The supported browsers include recent versions of FireFox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Edge. (Internet Explorer is not supported because of a bug within the WebSockets layer provided by the browser).

ESP is technically just the user-interface to a system of software packages, including:

All the parts of the ESP system are distributed as source code that is licensed via the LGPL 2.1 license. See the Copyright section below for details.

In most cases, a user will start with a configuration that is described in a .csm file and then modify it and/or build it via OpenCSM's various commands.

For a convenient Quick Reference, see $ESP_ROOT/doc/ESP_QuickReference.pdf, which is a two-page summary of the various .csm commands, built-in functions, dot-suffixes, and the ESP character set.

1.1 Gallery of cases

ESP ships with a assortment of .csm files, as shown below. Feel free to open them in your favorite text editor to see how they were constructed.










In addition, several students have created models of a variety of configurations. The .csm files for these cases are not included in the distribution since they have not been cleaned up; nevertheless, the models are very impressive.










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2.0: Tutorials

There are six (new) Tutorials that will help you get acquainted with the Engineering Sketch Pad (ESP). The first uses a fairly sophisticated multi-model to help you get familiar with the ESP browser-based graphical user interface (GUI). Then in Tutorials 2 through 5, the configuration that was used in Tutorial 1 will be built up, step by step.

These Tutorials cover many of ESP's features, but not all of them. They follow current ESP best practices, in which a configuration is built by using a scripting language; most users find this mode of using ESP to be more flexible and faster than the GUI-based mode used by traditional CAD systems. But, if you favor the traditional CAD system look-and-feel, check out the legacy Tutorials (starting with First legacy tutorial: Basic usage)

For a more extensive introduction to ESP, see the ESP training slides (which are available at In addition, detailed descriptions of all commands are included later in this help document Valid CSM statements.

Before we begin, a few notes:

2.1 First Tutorial: ESP user interface

This first Tutorial is designed to help you get familiar with the ESP browser-based user interface.

Starting ESP

There are two main ways of starting ESP.

Technique 1. Click the ESP125 icon on your desktop. This will open up a terminal window in which all the environment variables needed to run ESP are defined. After the window opens, you can issue a command such as:

         serveESP [options] [filename[.csm]]
where [options] is a list of one or more command-line options, and filename (with or without the .csm extension) is the (optional) model file. The [options] gives you ability to do things such as building the model in batch mode (i.e., no user interface) with the -batch option, or changing the port number used by the server with the -port option. Try -help to get a full list of the available [options].

To start the first Tutorial, simply enter:

        serveESP ../data/tutorial1    (on MAC or LINUX)
        serveESP ..\data\tutorial1     (on Windows)

After serveESP builds the configuration, it will automatically open up a browser containing the ESP user interface. When ESP starts, it may first ask you for the hostname and port associated with the server (which was started when you typed serveESP).

Most often you will choose the default Localhost:7681. Note that a new feature in ESP125 allows more than one user to attach to the same session, allowing them to work collaboratively on the same model at the same time. This new collaboration feature is not explicitly covered in these Tutorials.

Technique 2. Click the runESP125 icon on your desktop, which will open up (in the background) a terminal window and then a browser containing the ESP user interface. The first thing it may ask you for is the hostname and port associated with the server (that is actually running in the terminal window), as shown above. Most often you will choose the default Localhost:7681. Note that a new feature in ESP allows more than one user to attach to the same session, allowing them to work collaboratively on the same model at the same time. This new collaboration feature is not explicitly covered in these Tutorials.

When ESP starts using technique 2, it will not contain a model. You will have to manually load the model by pressing the File button (near the top left) and then choosing Open. You will be asked for the name of the file, at which time you should answer:

        ../data/tutorial1      (on MAC or Linux)
        ..\data\tutorial1      (in Windows)

Organization of the browser window

After you have chosen either technique 1 or 2, it is time to explore the ESP user interface. You will see that the window is broken into four frames:

Manipulating the 3D image in the GraphicsWindow

The first thing to do is to play with the image in the GraphicsWindow. This is done with the mouse in the following ways:

It is suggested that you use the left or middle mouse button for these operations, since many browsers steal right mouse actions and do something such as posting a popup menu.

When using the mouse, it is possible to enter FlyingMode, in which the view continually changes until the mouse button is released. FlyingMode is particularly useful when one needs to translate a long distance. Toggling FlyingMode is done by pressing the ! key in the GraphicsWindow.

At any time, a user might want to save a view for later use in the browser session. This is done by pressing the > key in the GraphicsWindow; the saved view can be retrieved (multiple times) by pressing the < key.

You can also save a view into a file (for use in a later ESP session) with the <Ctrl->> or . keys, which will prompt you for a filename. You can read a view file with the <Ctrl-<> or , keys, which will prompt you for the view filename. If the file does not exist, nothing will happen.

The default (home) view can be obtained by pressing either the <Home> key or the H button near the top of the TreeWindow. (The home view is one in which the x-coordinate increases from left to right and the y-coordinate increases from bottom to top.) One can also get the top view by pressing the T button, the bottom view by pressing the B button, the left side view by pressing the L button, or the right side view by pressing the R button.

The function of the arrow keys on the keyboard depends on whether FlyingMode is active or not. For example, if FlyingMode is not active (the default), pressing the <Left> key causes the object to rotate to the left by 30 degrees; if FlyingMode is active (because the ! key was pressed), then pressing the <Left> key causes the object on the screen to translate to the left. If the Shift is held while the <Left> key is pressed, the increments are 5 degrees and the translations are also smaller.

The <PgUp> key or the + button can be used to zoom in and the <PgDn> key or the - button can be used to zoom out. (Recall that the mouse wheel can also be used.) The behavior of these keys/buttons does not depend on the current FlyingMode.

To re-center the image at a given point and simultaneously reset the point about which mouse rotations will occur, point to any object in the GraphicsWindow and press * or 8; the image will be re-centered and a message will be posted in the MessageWindow.

To determine the identity of any object in the GraphicsWindow, simply put your cursor on the object and press ^ or 6; a summary of the identified object is shown in the MessageWindow. (Note that if the cursor is not exactly over any object, the message will only be posted once the mouse passes over a graphic object.)

To determine the approximate coordinates of any location in the GraphicsWindow, simply put your cursor on the location and press @ or 2; a little red square is placed at the location and the approximate coordinates of the location are shown in the MessageWindow. Also posted is the distance from the previous query. Note that the little red square is cleared if the distance from the previous query is zero (i.e., the @ or 2 option was selected twice at the same screen location).

To add an Attribute to any Face or Edge, simply put your cursor on the object in the GraphicsWindow and press A (upper case A). You will then be asked for the name of the new Attribute as well of its value, which can either be a string (if is starts with a $) or a semi-colon separated list of expressions.

Lastly, to get help on the commands that are available in the GraphicsWindow, press ? and a short listing will be given in the MessageWindow.

Changing how the model is displayed in the GraphicsWindow

Now let's look at the Display part of the TreeWindow. By default, "Display" is expanded and you can see that you have Bodys named "SheetModel", "SolidModel", and "Spindle". Expand the listing for "SolidModel" by pressing the + to the left of "SolidModel" and you will see entries for Faces, Edges, and Nodes. To the right of "Faces" (below "SolidModel") you will see three items:

Try each of these and see what happens. In addition, you can also change the display characteristics with key-presses in the GraphicsWindow. Hover over an entity and press:

Notice also that there is a + to the left of "Faces", which indicates that you can interact with the object on a Face-by-Face basis. The basic rules here are:

Sometimes there are a series of entities for which you want to change a property (the visibility, grid, tranparency, or orientation). This can be done simply by changing the property of the first (or last) entity and pressing the Shift key while changing the property of the last (first) entity. As long as the first and last entities have the same parent, all the properties of all the intervening entities will be changed too.

When you have a configuration with lots of Bodys, it is sometimes useful to alter the visibility of all Faces, Edges, or Nodes (in all Bodys). This can be done by pressing on the word Display in the KeyWindow.

To see this working, press Viz to the right of "Display", which will turn everything off. Pressing it again, will now turn everything on, including little black squares at every Node in all Bodys. Sometimes this is useful, but other times it is annoying. So pressing on Display will bring up a pop-up; if you now choose -1 (hide all Nodes) and press Enter, the Nodes will be removed from the graphical image.

The File menu (in the TreeWindow)

Now it is time to look at the buttons at the top of the TreeWindow. The first one to look at is the File button, which posts a menu with the following options:

The Tool menu (in the TreeWindow)

The second button on the top of the TreeWindow is the Tool button, which gives you access to the various tools within ESP. In version 1.25, there are only six options here:

It is anticipated that many more tools will be added to the Tool menu in future releases of ESP.

Other buttons in the TreeWindow

The StepThru button allows you to view the steps used to build a model. When you first press this button, the first Body created during the construction process is shown. The legend on the button changes to NextStep, which then gives you the option of seeing the next step in the build. This button can be pressed repeatedly to see the whole build process. If you want to leave StepThru mode, simply press CancelStepThru at the bottom of the TreeWindow. Also while in StepThru mode, you can use the following key-presses in the GraphicsWindow:

If you ask to go to the next step and you are currently at the last step, StepThru mode will be canceled (same as pressing CancelStepThru). Similarly, if you are at the first step and ask to go to the previous step, StepThru mode will be canceled.

The Help button bring up the help document (which you are currently reading).

The second row of button contains two (or three) buttons.

The first button can have a variety of labels:

The second button in the second row, Undo, allows you to un-do the last change that you made using the GUI. Note that not all actions can be un-done.

The third button in the second row may, or may not, be visible. (In this Tutorial, it is not visible.) It is used when there is more than one user connected to the same hostname and port at the same time. In this case, the button will be visible with the legend Collab. The color of the button give you information about your collaboration status:

These Tutorials will not further discuss this new ESP feature.

The third row of buttons allows you to set the home, left, right, bottom, or top view and allow you to zoom in and out. These were described above.

Now it is time to start looking at the tree itself. At the top level of the tree are four groups:


If you click the + to the left of "Design Parameters", a list of the current DesignParameters is shown as well as the name of all DesignParameter groups (described later). The groups can have sub-groups, etc, so sometimes it is convenient to see everything at once. This can be done by pressing ExpandAll to the right of "Design Parameters". (When you have done this, the legend will change to CollapseAll which will have the opposite effect.

Now let us start looking at what happens when we change a DesignParameter. We are going to start by pressing makeSpindle (which, as you will see in Tutorial 4 allows us to make the spindle in various ways.) When you have done this, the GraphicsWindow will change to a form that gives you all the information associated with this DesignParameter.

Across the top of the form is a series of buttons:

Another thing you may notice is that the first column in the DesignParameter tree is changed to magenta for the DesignParameter that is being edited. Also, for any Branch that uses the DesignParameter, the first column in the Branches tree has a yellow background. You may have to press ExpandAll to the right of "Branches" to see the Branches ("Brch_000005" and "Brch_000039") that use "makeSpindle".

For now, change the value of makeSpindle from 1 to -1", press the <Enter> key or the OK button. Now press Press to Re-build and you will see your new configuration (which will only consist of the spindle).

Now press the + under "Design Parameters" and to the left of "spindle:" in the TreeWindow, and then press yrad; this will open up a form that allows you to edit the multi-valued DesignParameter. As you will see later when we build the model, "yrad" has four values. For now, change the value in "row 1" and "column 2" to 2, hit Enter and Press to Re-build. You should see that the configuration has now changed (to make the second radius much larger).

Change the value back to 0.5 and re-build.

You can also press Delete Parameter to delete a DesignParameter from the model. Be aware that doing will break the model build process if the model refers to it in any of its Branches. So we will not delete any DesignParameters in this Tutorial.

If you want to add a new DesignParameter, simply click on Design Parameters. You will be asked for the new parameter name (which must start with a letter, underscore, or colon, and be followed by up to 63 letters, digits, underscores, and colons). You will then get a form that looks like the one we have been using, except for the fact that it will contain two buttons near the top (in addition to OK and Cancel):

Initially all the values are blank; you must add values for them. The initial values for the velocities are 0.


Now let us see how the sensitivities work. If you once again edit the "spindle:yrad" DesignParameter, you will see that since "spindle:yrad" is a multi-valued DesignParameter you get a new row of entry boxes (near the bottom) in which to enter the design velocities. So if you wanted to compute the sensitivity of the geometry with respect to (WRT) the second "spindle"yrad" value, enter a 1 in "row 1" and "column 2" in the velocities table and press Compute geom sens. The GraphicsWindow will switch back to a view of the 3D configuration, which will be colored based upon the sensitivity value at each point. You will also see that the KeyWindow changed to show you a spectrum associated with the colors in the GraphicsWindow. (red indicates that the surface will move outward and blue indicates that the surface will move inward). Since part of the configuration is red, you can see that the geometry will grow outward. Note that the geometric sensitivity tells you how the local surface normal will change; this is generally computed exactly in ESP by actually differentiating the build process.

ESP has another sensitivity, namely the tessellation sensitivity. This is an approximation of how points will move if the DesignParameters changes. (It is only an approximation, since we do not know how your particular mesh generator will redistribute points on the surface when the surface shape changes.) If you now re-edit "spindle:yrad" and press Compute tess sens, you will get the surfaces painted again and you will see little tufts showing the sensitivity. If the tufts are too long, you could always change the design velocity to a smaller value (such as 0.1) and the spines will get shorter (which looks a lot better for this case). By the way, blue spines are associated with Faces, red spines are associated with Edges, and magenta spines are associated with Nodes.

To return to a display without sensitivities, choose any DesignParameter, press Clear Design Velocities, then OK, and then Press to Re-build. Do this now.


A LocalVariable is a parameter that cannot be set before a model is built (unlike DesignParameters, which get their values before the model is built). Instead, it is created and used during the build process. To understand the difference, let us take an example. Suppose the you had a DesignParameter called "diameter", but the operation that creates a SPHERE takes the radius as one of its arguments. There are a variety of ways of handling this situation, but an obvious one is to create a LocalVariable called "radius" and then using a SET statement

          SET   radius  diameter/2
to set the radius to half the diameter. Clearly the "radius" depends on the "diameter", so it cannot be directly set outside the build process.

There are two special kinds of LocalVariables:

ExpandAll works exactly the same as it does for the DesignParameters.


In ESP, a model is built by executing the Branches in the FeatureTree. There are several kinds of Branches in ESP:

You will become familiar with may of the Branches in Tutorials 2 through 5.

A new Branch can be created (at the end of the FeatureTree) by pressing the word Branches in the TreeWindow.

ExpandAll works exactly the same as it does for the DesignParameters and LocalVariables. Do that now.

One can inspect, edit, or delete a Branch by pressing on the name of the Branch, which typically has a name such as "Brch_xxxxxx".

Now click on Brch_000114 and the Branch editor will appear.

At the top of the Branch editor you will see a series of buttons:

Below the button are the properties and arguments associated with the Branch. If you edit these, remember to press OK and then Press to Re-build to see the effect of the edits.

If you choose "Brch_000114", you will see that the first column is colored magenta. None of the other entries in the first column are colored, which either means that:

To get around this, change the DesignParameter "makeSpindle" to o and Press to Re-build. Once you've done this and re-edit "Brch_000114", the first column in the Branches tree in the TreeWindow is colored as follows:

Current ESP best practice does not rely much on editing the Branches using these features; these features are typically used for "quick explorations" as you will see in the Tutorials that follow.

For now, Cancel out of the Branch editor.

DisplayType and KeyWindow

ESP can display the 3D configuration with various coloring schemes. You can choose amongst them by clicking on DisplayType:

When using any of the modes except monochrome or Erep, you will see that the KeyWindow shows you a title and a little spectrum to let you know what the various colors mean. If you click in the KeyWindow (when a spectrum is showing), you can change the values associated with the lower limit (blue) and the upper limit (red). When viewing normals, the lower KeyWindow limit will usually be zero and the upper limit can be used to adjust the lengths of the tufts. Trying these on the spindle gives you pictures like this.


For the next part of the Tutorial it is probably best to focus on the SolidBody. So, do the following:

When you have done this, you should see the following.

This model was constructed so that all of the Faces have an Attribute named "myPart" on it. To see this for yourself, put your cursor on any Face and press the ^ key; a description of the Face and all of its Attributes are displayed in the MessageWindow, such as:

Click on DisplayFilter and enter myPart in the popup window. In order to see what the available values for the "myPart" Attribute are for this model, enter ? in the new popup; in a popup, ESP tells you that the valid names are "tire", "disk", "spoke", "hole", and "spindle". Enter spoke and the Faces with that Attribute are shown as usual, while all other Faces are shown transparently, as in

Try changing the DisplayFilter to myPart, hole to see the Faces associated with the holes. You can turn the DisplayFilter off by simply pressing Enter in one of the popups.

Starting either the Attribute name or value with ~ (tilde) negates the specification. For example:

Debugging a model

As models get large, it is sometimes difficult to determine what is going on. To aid in this, there are two buttons in the .csm editor that can assist you. To demonstrate these, choose File and then Edit: ../data/tutorial1.csm to open the editor. Ignore the warning that there wil be some lost changes. Scroll down to line 153 (which is a JOIN statement) and press the Debug button. In the MessageWindow, you will see:

    Body 32                       (join       @ [[../data/tutorial1.csm:153]])
    uses:    Body 29              (join       @ [[../data/tutorial1.csm:149]])
    uses:    Body 31              (mirror     @ [[../data/tutorial1.csm:152]])
    used by: Body 34              (union      @ [[../data/tutorial1.csm:167]]) 
which says that the JOIN statement creates Body 32 by JOINing Bodys 29 and 31. The result of the JOIN is subsequently used in the UNION operation on line 167. If you double-click on any of the double-bracketed text, the editor will automatically jump to that line (in the proper file).

If you move to line 156 (the SET statement) and press the Debug button, you will get a list of all the Bodys that were created, and where they were created. (The asterisk at the beginning of a line indicates that the Body is on the stack.)

The other useful feature is the Trace button, which shows you everywhere a top-level Parameter is defined and used. Press the Trace button now, enter 1 to choose Parameters and enter spindle:* to see all the top-level Parameters that have the prefix spindle:. Again, you can press on any of the double-bracketed text to jump to the associated line in the associated file.

Closing your browser will close the interactive session and wil also terminate the ESP server.

Now that you have finished your tour of the ESP interface, proceed on to Tutorial 2 to start building up this configuration from scratch.

2.2 Second Tutorial: Base ESP model

In the second tutorial, you will start building up a configuration, step by step. It is assumed that you are already familiar with the ESP browser-based graphical user interface (GUI). If you are not, please do Tutorial 1 first.

Begin by starting ESP by either pressing the runESP125 icon on you desktop, or by pressing the ESP125 icon and then typing serveESP in the window that pops up.

In either case, if ESP asks for you hostname and port, enter (the default) Localhost:7681. This should bring up an empty ESP GUI.

First (example) configuration

We are going to start a new configuration, using the ESP integrated code editor. To do that, click on File and then choose Edit: <new file>. The GraphicsWindow should now contain and empty file.

Start by typing the following into the code editor:

          # tutorial2
          # written by ...

          DESPMTR    length    4   # length of box
          DESPMTR    height    3   # height of box
          DESPMTR    depth     2   # depth  of box

          # create box centered at the origin
          BOX        -length/2  -height/2  -depth/2 \ comment
                      length     height     depth


When you have done this, you should see:

Before we go any further, some explanation about the code (or script) editor is in order. The integrated editor has a row of buttons at the top:

Note that the text in the file is colored:

Now it is time to explain the script that you typed.

Lines 1 and 2:

        # tutorial2
        # written by ...
are comments, designated by the comment symbol (#). It is good practice to name and sign your scripts, since you may return to them in the future, and any information that you include will help you.

All ESP commands begin with a CommandName (which you expect to see in blue), followed by zero or more arguments. The CommandName can be either all UPPERCASE or lowercase, but not MixedCase. The arguments are separated from the CommandName and from each other by spaces. If you want to include a space within an argument (to increase readability), simply put quotation marks (" ") around the argument. ESP ignores anything after it finds a comment "#" symbol.

Lines 4 through 6:

        DESPMTR    length    4   # length of box
        DESPMTR    height    3   # height of box
        DESPMTR    depth     2   # depth  of box
define DesignParameters. To get the most out of an ESP model, you should define the configuration in terms of DesignParameters so that you can: The format of the DESPMTR statement is: In lines 4 through 6, the # starts a comment.

Lines 9 and 10:

        BOX        -length/2  -height/2  -depth/2 \ comment
                    length     height     depth
actually generate a BOX, which is specified by its beginning coordinates (xbase, ybase, zbase) and its size (dx, dy, dz). If you put you cursor on line 9 and press the Hint button near the top of the editor, the editor will list (just below the buttons) the format of the BOX command. Note that on line 9 there is a backslash (\); this is the line continuation character, which tells ESP to ignore the backslash and everything following it, and concatenate the following line. So, lines 9 and 10 are equivalent to:
        BOX  -length/2 -height/2 -depth/2 length height depth
Note that the continuation character was used here to improve readability.

Since we wanted the BOX centered at the origin, and since the BOX command is defined in terms of a "base" point, we needed to specify that the "base" was half the length, height, and depth away from the origin.

In ESP, expressions follow the same syntax as most modern computer languages. See Expression rules for complete details.

Line 12:

identifies the END of the script. This statement is technically not needed, but I always use it. ESP does not read (or process) anything after the END statement, so it is a convenient way of testing an ESP script while you are writing and debugging it.

Now that the script is complete, it is time to run it. To do this, press the Save button at the top of the editor. Since this is a new file, ESP will ask for the filename with which to save it. For this tutorial, enter tutorial2 (or tutorial2.csm) at the prompt. This will cause the file to be saved and the model to be automatically executed. Your GraphicsWindow will then change to a 3D view of your configuration.

To see the effect of the DesignParameters in your model, press length in the DesignParameters part of the TreeWindow and change the value to 1, hit OK and Press to Re-build. You should see a shortened version of your box.

Now let us return to the code editor, by pressing File (at the top of the TreeWindow), and then Edit: tutorial2.csm. You will get a popup that says "1 change(s) will be lost. Continue?". This is informing you that you changed something via the TreeWindow (in this case, the length of the BOX). Since we only did this to verify that our DesignParameters were working okay, we can discard this change and return to the code editor by pressing OK.

Now we are going to add a cylinder that starts at the middle of the front Face and is vertical with a length of "height". This can be done by modifying your script to:

        # tutorial2
        # written by ...

        DESPMTR    length    4   # length of box
        DESPMTR    height    3   # height of box
        DESPMTR    depth     2   # depth  of box
        DESPMTR    radius    1/2 # radius of cylinder

        # create box centered at the origin
        BOX        -length/2  -height/2  -depth/2 \ comment
                    length     height     depth

        # create the cylinder and move to correct location
        CYLINDER   0  0  0  0  height  0  radius
        TRANSLATE  0  0  depth/2

Your editor should look like this:

Note that we added a new line 7:

        DESPMTR    radius    1/2 # radius of cylinder
which is a new DesignParameter for the radius of the CYLINDER.

Then in line 14:

        CYLINDER   0  0  0  0  height  0  radius
we actually generate the CYLINDER (see the Hint for help on the CYLINDER statement). The CYLINDER is then TRANSLATEd to its correct position in line 15:
        TRANSLATE  0  0  depth/2
If you actually had looked at the Hint for a CYLINDER you would have noticed that we could have done the statements in lines 14 and 15 in the single statement:
        CYLINDER   0  0  depth/2  0  height  depth/2  radius

The reason that this was done in two statements here was to explain the concept of the Stack, which is used in the construction process. ESP maintains of last-in-first-out Stack of the Bodys that are created during the build process. The Stack starts empty for every build. Then the BOX statement in line 10 creates "Body 1", which is put onto the Stack. So the Stack looks like:

        Body 1       (the box)

Then the CYLINDER is generated in line 14 (creating "Body 2"), so the Stack looks like:

        Body 2       (the cylinder)
        Body 1       (the box)

Now the TRANSLATE statement in line 15 takes the Body on the top of the Stack ("Body 2") and TRANSLATEs it to its new location. In essence, the Body on the top of the Stack has been replaced by the new Body. So the Stack now looks like:

        Body 3       (the translated cylinder)
        Body 1       (the box)
By using the Stack, there was no need to tell ESP which Body was to be TRANLATEd.

If we Save this modified script, we should get a configuration with two Bodys:

Finally we want to combine the two Bodys on the top of the Stack (which currently only contains two Bodys) using a Boolean operation:

Let us start off with the UNION, so add a new line to you script, to produce:
        # tutorial2
        # written by ...

        DESPMTR    length    4   # length of box
        DESPMTR    height    3   # height of box
        DESPMTR    depth     2   # depth  of box
        DESPMTR    radius    1/2 # radius of cylinder

        # create box centered at the origin
        BOX        -length/2  -height/2  -depth/2 \ comment
                    length     height     depth

        # create the cylinder and move to correct location
        CYLINDER   0  0  0  0  height  0  radius
        TRANSLATE  0  0  depth/2


If you Save your new script, you will see one Body ("Body 4"). Also, the Stack now just contains the result of the UNION

        Body 4        (the result of the union)

Imagine that you wanted to set up your script so the particular Boolean operation that was to be used could be selected during the build process. This could be done by modifying your script to be:

        # tutorial2
        # written by ...

        DESPMTR    length    4   # length of box
        DESPMTR    height    3   # height of box
        DESPMTR    depth     2   # depth  of box
        DESPMTR    radius    1/2 # radius of cylinder
        CFGPMTR    oper      1   # =1 for UNION, =2 for SUBTRACT, otherwise INTERSECT

        # create box centered at the origin
        BOX        -length/2  -height/2  -depth/2 \ comment
                    length     height     depth

        # create the cylinder and move to correct location
        CYLINDER   0  0  0  0  height  0  radius
        TRANSLATE  0  0  depth/2

        # choose the appropriate Boolean
        IFTHEN    oper EQ 1
        ELSEIF    oper EQ 2

which would look like this:

The first this we should note is line 8:

        CFGPMTR    oper      1   # =1 for UNION, =2 for SUBTRACT, otherwise INTERSECT
which contains a ConfigurationParameter. A ConfigurationParameter is like a DesignParameter in every respect, except that you cannot take the sensitivity with respect to it. That makes it ideal for cases (such as this), where you want to be able to influence the build before it happens, but not in a way that could be differentiated.

Here we have introduced a new concept (line lines 19 through 25):

        IFTHEN    oper EQ 1
        ELSEIF    oper EQ 2
that is fairly unique to ESP: the logic block. This is introduced by the IFTHEN statement, followed by zero or more statements, followed by zero or more ELSEIF statements (each of which can be followed by zero or more statements), followed by an optional ELSE statement (with its own included statements), followed by the ENDIF statement. This logic construct can be found in every computer language; oddly is seems to be lacking in most CAD system.

The relations operations allowed in the IFTHEN and ELSEIF statments are:

If you look at the Hint you will see that you can have two relational operations joined by either AND or OR.

Save your modified script. Try modifying "oper" in the ESP TreeWindow to get each of the following:

Second (real) configuration --- basic tire

Rather than typing a lot of code, we are going to use the Tutorial files in the ESP distribution. To do that, press File, then Open, and then enter ../data/tutorial2 on MAC or LINUX or ..\data\tutorial2 on Windows.

If we open the script editor, we see DESPMTR statements such as those in lines 5 through 7:

        DESPMTR   tire:width         12.0      # width of tire
        DESPMTR   tire:diam_outer    30.0      # outer diam  of tire
        DESPMTR   tire:diam_inner    22.0      # inner diam  of tire
before. The only difference here is that the names contain a colon (:). This is done because we expect the model to get fairly complicated and it would be good to group DesignParameters so that they are easier to find in the ESP GUI.

The strategy that we are going to use to build a tire-like object is to define a cross-section and then use it to make a body of revolution. In Tutorial 3 we will use the sketcher to make a complex cross-section, but for this Tutorial we will just be using a rectangle.

We will start with a BOX command (in line 19), but this time we will make its "dz" zero, to create a SheetBody (a Body without volume) instead of the traditional SolidBody. Notice that the SheetBody is defined in the xy-plane (because zbase is 0) and that is goes between 0 and tire:width/2 in the x direction and tire:diam_inner/2 and tire:diam_outer/2 in the y direction. (By the way, after this statement there is only one Body on the Stack.)

We want to now REVOLVE this Body around the x-axis to make a ring. In ESP, it is NOT the best practice to actually REVOLVE something 360 degrees since some of the (subsequent) geometric operations are not robust for this case. Therefore the best practice is to REVOLVE it 180 degrees and then MIRROR it and JOIN the two halves together.

In line 22:

        REVOLVE   0   0   0   1   0   0   180
you can see that we REVOLVE the Body on the Stack (that is, the Body that was created by the BOX command) around an axis that passes through (0,0,0), which is in the (1,0,0) (that is x) direction, and REVOLVE it 180 degrees. (See the Hint on the REVOLVE command if you need it by putting the cursor on line 22 and pressing the Hint button.)

If we use StepThru mode, we can see the REVOLVEd Body.

After doing this, the Stack will contain:

        Body 2      (the revolved Body)

Next we will be transforming this Body (that is, we will be MIRRORing it). The various transformations in ESP are:

We now want to MIRROR across the xy plane (signified as the (0,0,1) plane). But, the MIRROR operates the same as all the other transformations; that is it takes the Body off the top of the Stack, performs the transformation, and then pushes the result back onto the Stack. Since we want to keep the original Body and then make a mirror image, we need do a little manipulation of the Stack. This is done by line 30:

        RESTORE   .
which tells ESP to make another copy of the Body on the top of the Stack. After doing this, the Stack will contain:
        Body 3        (a copy of Body 2)
        Body 2        (the original revolved Body)

We can now MIRROR the Body on the top of the Stack (Body 3), producing:

        Body 4        (a mirrored version of Body 3)
        Body 2        (the original revolved Body)

Finally we can JOIN the two halves together. The difference between UNION and JOIN is subtle, but important. JOIN should be used when you expect to have Faces (or Edges) that are coincident in the input Bodys; UNION is more general, but has the possibility of creating lots of little sliver Faces if the Faces that are being combined are not exactly the same. Best practices say to use JOIN whenever appropriate and UNION only when needed.

Again, if we use StepThru mode, we can see the JOINed original and MIRRORed Bodys.

Lines 34 through 36:

        RESTORE   .
        MIRROR    1   0   0
do exactly the same as above, but makes and combines a mirror image about the x (1,0,0) plane.

Adding in disk and attribution

The next thing that we will do is add in the disk and provide Attributes on the model.

We are going to go through the new statements a little at a time.

First look at lines 10 and 11:

        DESPMTR   disk:width          1.0      # width  of disk
        DESPMTR   disk:chamfer        0.5      # chamfer radius btwn disk and tire
in which we define new DesignParameters for putting a disk inside the tire. The disk itself is generated in line 46 (and continued in line 47):
        CYLINDER  -disk:width/2  0  0  \
                  +disk:width/2  0  0  (tire:diam_inner+tire:diam_outer)/4
and then UNIONed with the tire in line 50:

ESP models get much of their value through the use of Attributes. An Attribute is a name/value pair that can be attached to any Body, any Face, any Edge, or any Node. The value can be:

See lines 48 and 49:

        ATTRIBUTE myPart $disk
        ATTRIBUTE _color  $red
These ATTRIBUTE statements tell ESP to put the indicated Attribute on the CYLINDER Body (that was created by the immediately-preceding Branch) as well as any Faces created when the CYLIDER was being created. Hence all the Faces will be marked as being part of the "disk" (via the "myPart" Attribute) and will be colored "red". See the section on Attribute rules below for details about special Attributes, such as "_color".

Identifying the "tread" part of the configuration is a bit trickier. This is because the tread Faces were generated by the REVOLVE operation. But we do not want all the Faces that were created to get the "tread" Attribute. To get around this, we will use the SELECT statement. This statement has lots of options, and in fact is the longest entry in the sections that describes the various commands.

To figure out which Face we want to Attribute:

Put your cursor over the magenta Face and press the ^ (or 6) key in the GraphicsWindow, and you should see this:

In the MessageWindow, you can see that the Face has many Attributes, but the one we are interested in is the one called "_faceID". The "_faceID" is a unique triple of numbers that tell you:

So we could use a statement such as:

        SELECT FACE 2 6 1
to get this Face. But, if we were to edit the script and add something else before the REVOLVE, then the first entry would change. A safer way of doing this is to use the "last" Body; this can be done conveniently using the @nbody AtParameter. Hence, we used the line:
        SELECT FACE @nbody 6
where the trailing 1 is assumed.

We can ATTRIBUTE this SELECT statement (in lines 26 and 27):

        ATTRIBUTE myTag  $tread
        ATTRIBUTE _color $magenta
to get the desired result.

Drilling holes

The next thing is to add in a series (called a pattern) of holes, through the disk and around the x-axis. To do this, we are going to have to start by defining the DesignParameters associated with the holes (in lines 14 through 16):

        CFGPMTR   hole:num            5        # number of holes
        DESPMTR   hole:diam_circ      4.0      # diam of circle of holes
        DESPMTR   hole:rad            0.5      # radius of each hole
Note that it does not make sense to compute the sensitivity with respect to the number of holes, so "hole:num" is actually a ConfigurationParameter.

The actual drilling of the holes is performed by the pattern in lines 59 through 75: To start off, look at lines 59 and 75:

        PATBEG  ihole  hole:num

These define a pattern (in C a "for" loop and in FORTRAN a "do" loop), where the LocalVariable ihole gets the value "1" the during first trip through the loop, the value "2" the second time, ... and the value hole:num the last time. Note that if hole:num is not greater than zero, the pattern will be skipped.

The actual drilling of the holes is done by the SUBTRACTion of a CYLINDER from the disk; this is done in lines 71 through 74:

        CYLINDER -disk:width  y  z \
                 +disk:width  y  z  hole:rad
        ATTRIBUTE myPart $hole
Note a few things:

One other thing to note here is how the center of the hole (in y and z) is computed. In cases where there is only one hole, it is placed on the x-axis with the lines:

        SET  y  0
        SET  z  0
In cases with more than one hole, they are equally spaced around the x-axis by lines 66 through 68. Note a few things in line 67:
        SET  y  "hole:diam_circ/2 * cosd(theta)"

Adding a chamfer

The next step is to add a CHAMFER between the tire and the disk. To see how to do this, see the help on CHAMFER:

       CHAMFER   radius edgeList=0
                 use:    apply a chamfer to a Body
                 pops:   Body
                 pushes: Body
                 notes:  Sketch may not be open
                         Solver may not be open
                         if listStyle==0
                            if previous operation is boolean, apply to all new Edges
                            edgeList=0 is the same as edgeList=[0;0]
                            edgeList is a multi-value Parameter or a semicolon-separated
                            pairs of edgeList entries are processed in order
                            pairs of edgeList entries are interpreted as follows:
                               col1  col2   meaning
                                =0    =0    add all Edges
                                >0    >0    add    Edges between iford=+icol1
                                                             and iford=+icol2
                                <0    <0    remove Edges between iford=-icol1
                                                             and iford=-icol2
                                >0    =0    add    Edges adjacent to iford=+icol1
                                <0    =0    remove Edges adjacent to iford=-icol1
                            edgeList contains Edge number(s)
                         sensitivity computed w.r.t. radius
                         sets up @-parameters
                         new Faces all receive the Branchs Attributes
                         face-order is based upon order that is returned from EGADS
                         signals that may be thrown/caught:
Note a few things:

For our case, we simply want to put the CHAMFER between the tire and the disk, for which edgeList can be left blank if we place the CHAMFER command just after the UNION of the tire and the disk. This is done in lines 54 and 55:

        CHAMFER   disk:chamfer
        ATTRIBUTE _color $blue
(Note that the Faces created by the CHAMFER are colored blue in line 55).

But what if the user does not want a CHAMFER? We can add the statements in lines 53 and 56 to skip this if the use specifies a non-positive value for disk:chamfer.


ESP has the ability to make some of its LocalVariables available outside ESP (such as in CAPS). This is done with the OUTPMTR statements in lines 8 and 12:

        OUTPMTR   tire:volume                  # volume      of tire

        OUTPMTR   disk:volume                  # volume of disk

The first one is fairly easy to compute since there is an AtParameter that contains the volume of the last Body created (or SELECTed). Line 39:

        SET       tire:volume  @volume
stores that value in the OUTPMTR tire:volume.

Getting the volume of the disk is a bit harder, since we must account for the holes and/or CHAMFER. The easiest way of doing this is to make a CYLINDER that just fits within the tire, INTERSECTing it with the current configuration, and then looking up its @volume. But the problem with that is that we still want to keep the whole configuration (and the INTERSECT operation will consume it).

The answer to this is STORE and RESTORE. Earlier, we saw a special version of RESTORE (that is, RESTORE .) to duplicate the Body on the top of the Stack.

The STORE command in line 78:

        STORE    SolidModel  0  1
says to remember the Body on the top of the Stack as SolidModel 0 (name and index) and furthermore to leave the copy of the Body on the stack (because the third argument keep had a non-zero value). So after line 78 the Stack is unchanged but the Body on the top of the Stack was STOREd away for future use.

Lines 82 through 86:

        SET      xmax     2*tire:width
        CYLINDER -xmax  0  0  +xmax  0  0  tire:diam_inner/2
        SET      disk:volume  @volume
        STORE    .          # pop Body off stack
create the temporary CYLINDER, INTERSECT it with the configuration that had been on the top of the Stack, and then saves its volume in disk:volume. The last line, STORE . removes the Body that was left on the Stack after the INTERSECT operation from the Stack.

Finally, we want to display the final configurations, so we RESTORE it in line 89:

        RESTORE          SolidModel
and then name it (in the ESP GUI) so that it is easier for the user.

One final note. Although it might seem daunting to build a script like tutorial2.csm, if you build it up, step-by-step, it is not quite so difficult.

2.3 Third Tutorial: Using the sketcher and adding spokes

As with the second Tutorial, this third Tutorial will start with the basics on a sample problem and then we will apply what we learned to the real Tutorial problem.

First sketch - the shape

For the third tutorial, we will start without a .csm file. This can either be done by starting over or by pressing File and then New.

We are going to start with an empty sketch. To do this we will first add a SKBEG Branch by pressing Branches, selecting a SKBEG, and making the x, y, and z all zero. The final argument, relative, is set to 1 to indicate that all coordinates in the sketch are relative to the coordinates that were contained in the SKBEG statement.

When a SKBEG Branch is added, ESP now automatically adds the matching SKEND Branch and automatically enters the Sketcher.

There are several changes between normal 3D mode and the Sketcher. The first difference is the buttons on the top of the TreeWindow. A second button has now appeared that is labeled Sketch, which will pop up a menu with the entries:

The legend on another button has now changed to Drawing..., which describes the status of the Sketcher.

Also, the KeyWindow now lists the status of the Sketcher status, in terms of the number of degrees of freedom (ndof) and the number of constraints (ncon). This is followed by a listing of the available commands in the Sketcher.

Within the Sketcher (which is displayed in the GraphicsWindow), there is a point at the center that has the legend "XY" and a blue line between that point and the current cursor location. As you move the cursor around in the Sketcher, you will notice that the blue line follows the cursor. You will also notice that if the line is approximately horizontal or vertical, it will change from blue to orange; this is an indication that if the current cursor location is chosen (see below), an implicit "horizontal" or "vertical" constraint will be created.

As you can see in the KeyWindow, you have 6 choices:

If you just press the mouse button, the l (lower case L) option will be chosen for you. So now, draw the sketch shown in:

in a counter-clockwise direction, starting at the point with the label "XY". Make sure that when you have completed the closed sketch, the last point should be the same as the first point. You can ensure this by noting that a circle is placed around the first point if the last point is "close enough".

Notice that several of the line segments have either the letter "H" or "V" associated with them. These "horizontal" or "vertical" constraints were automatically added for you since you pressed l or the mouse button when the line was orange. Also notice that since you "closed" the sketch, it got filled in with grey. (If you had left it open by pressing the o key, there would be no filling.)

Your completed sketch should now have 16 degrees of freedom (since there are 8 points and no arcs) and 10 constraints. To see what the meaning of the various constraint letters are, notice that the KeyWindow has now changed to explain the meaning of the constraints. In summary, at the first point, both the "X" and "Y" coordinates are fixed. The other constraints are that certain line segments are either constrained to be horizontal ("H") or vertical("V").

Since the number of constraints is fewer than the number of degrees of freedom, we will have to add more constraints.

If you do not know what constraint(s) to add, press the Constraining... button and several choices will be presented to you (in green), as in:

We will choose the following:

Since the number of constraints now matches the number of degrees of freedom, the grey fill has changed to a light green fill and the first button has turned green with the legend Press to Solve. Press that button and (hopefully) your sketch will solve. (If it does not, you can always remove constraints by moving the cursor over the constraint and pressing <, which deletes selected constraints at that point or on that segment.) To center the image, press the H button. You screen should look like:

We are now finished with the Sketcher (for now), so press Sketch and then Save to return to the normal 3D view. You can now press Press to Re-build to rebuild the 3D object, giving a screen that looks like:

You will notice that we hard-coded dimensions into our sketch. To make the sketch more useful, it would be convenient to drive it with DesignParameters. To do this, we first have to create them. This is done in the code editor or by pressing Design Parameters in the TreeWindow, entering length as the Parameter name and setting its value to 4.

In a similar way, create a height DesignParameter whose value is 3 and a thick DesignParameter whose value is 0.5.

Now, let us use these DesignParameters in the sketch. To do this, choose one of the statements between the SKBEG and SKEND. I suggest choosing Brch_000003, which is the SKVAR statement (which shows the default locations of each of the sketch points). Select Enter Sketcher.

We are now going to change the various "L" constraints, by moving the mouse over the "L", pressing L and entering the new value. Specifically, you should change the "L" constrains as follows:

Press to Solve, giving:

Press Sketch and Save (to exit the Sketcher) and Press to Re-build to use the latest changes.

Think about what we have done. We have made a U-shaped channel whose overall length and height were given, and whose channel walls were all set to "thick". Suppose instead that the "design intent" of the channel was to create a channel of a given slot width. In this case, we would want to constrain the sketch differently.

Start by creating a DesignParameter named slot whose single value was 1. Now select Brch_000002 and Enter Sketcher. We are going to have to remove the "L" constraints from the top two horizontal segments, so go to each and press <. Since there are two constraints here, you are asked which constraint to remove. Simply enter L at the prompt and the length constraint will be removed but the horizontal constraint will remain. If you want to remove all constraints, press < multiple times.

Now move the mouse over the horizontal segment at the bottom of the slot and press L and set the length to slot. You will notice that the sketch is under-constrained (is grey). We need to add a constraint that the slot is centered. To do this, we are going to make the lengths of the two small horizontal segments near the top on each side of the U equal to each other. The first step here is to identify one of the segments. This is done with the ? command. So, move the cursor over the top-left horizontal segment and press ?. You will notice in the MessageWindow that this is segment 7. Now move over the top-right horizontal segment and enter the length ::L[7], which tells it to use the same length as segment 7. Press to Solve to give:

Press Sketch and Save and Press to Re-build.

Now open the list of DesignParameters (using the "+" to the left of "Design Parameters") and change the value of slot to 2. Press to Re-build to see the effect of this change.

We will now experiment with some of the other constraints. Specifically we will be removing some of our "H" and "V" constraints and instead add constraints at some of the points. Re-enter the Sketcher and move the cursor over the right-hand segment, press < to remove the vertical constraint. Similarly remove the horizontal constraint from the top-right horizontal segment.

The sketch is under-constrained (is grey). We are going to add a perpendicularity constraint at the point at the lower-right corner by moving the mouse over the point and pressing P. Just to be different, at the top-right point we are going to add an "angle" constraint by pressing A and adding a value of 90. Note that an angle less than 180 turns to the left whereas one greater than 180 turns to the right.

Press to Solve and Sketch and Save.

We are now going to extrude the sketch into a solid. This is done by first creating a DesignParameter named depth and giving it a default value of 3. Then add an EXTRUDE Branch (by pressing Branches in the TreeWindow), whose arguments are dx=0, dy=0, and dz=depth. This will extrude the sketch in the "z" direction (out of the screen). Press to Re-build, yielding:

As with most programs, it makes sense to periodically save your work, so press File, Export FeatureTree, and save the current model in a file named "tutorial3". (Note that the ".csm" suffix will automatically be added for you.)

To see the .csm file associated with the current model, press the File and Edit: tutorial3.csm buttons. For now you can ignore the warning. At the top of the file, all the DesignParameters are defined (along with their current values). This is followed by the Branches in the Feature Tree. Note the the sketch starts with a SKBEG statement. This is followed by a SKVAR statement that specifies the initial locations of the various points in the sketch. (These positions were automatically set up for you when you drew the sketch). Following that, there is a series of SKCON statements that define the various constraints in the Sketcher. The first argument of each SKCON statement is the constraint type (which corresponds with the letters in the Sketcher), followed by the point (or segment) number and the value; again these were automatically set up for you when you drew the sketch and constrained it. This is then followed by a series of LINSEG Branches, which say that our current sketch is made up of a series of line segments. Again the number of the points to use in the LINSEG Branches was set up automatically for you.

Press Cancel to exit the editor and return to the normal view.

We are now going to create another sketch, which will be used to cut a hole in the left upright of the bracket. This cut will be parameterized with a DesignParameter named rad whose value is 0.5. (You can create that now.)

Now we want to create a new sketch. We do this by adding a SKBEG Branch (by pressing Branches in the TreeWindow); set all its arguments to 0.

The sketch that we are going to create consists of a race-track-shape curve, as shown in:

This is done with the following actions. Draw a horizontal segment off to the right (make sure the line from the last point is drawn in orange) and press L (or click the mouse) to create the first horizontal segment. Then move the mouse up and press the C key to create a circular arc segment. When you have done that, the segment that you just created turns red and follows the cursor; move the cursor and see how it changes. Once it is located at approximately the correct location, press the mouse button. Then sketch the horizontal line segment to the left, a circular arc on the left end, and finally a line segment back to the original point.

You might be wondering why the bottom of the racetrack was created with two LINSEGs. The reason is that we are ultimately going to want to center the sketch on the left-leg of the bracket, so having a point at the "center" of the sketch will be convenient.

We are now going to constrain the sketch as follows:

Press to Solve, zoom in (using the + button) and center the sketch in the window (using the H) button, yielding:

Sketch and Save and Press to Re-build. If you turn the configuration around, you will see the sketch at the back left bottom corner, as in:

We want to rotate this to be parallel with the y-z plane by adding a ROTATEY Branch (with arguments 90, 0, 0), move it to its proper location by adding a TRANSLATE Branch (with arguments 0, height-3*rad, and depth/2). If you Press to Re-build you will see that the sketch is now properly positioned. We can then add an EXTRUDE Branch (with arguments length/2, 0, and 0) and finally subtract that new volume by adding a SUBTRACT Branch (with the default arguments). If you Press to Re-build, you should get:

Adding a sketch to a model

One of the problems with using the interactive sketcher is that the only way of saving an interactively-drawn sketch is to use Export FeatureTree, but that option removes all your formatting and all the comments that you have already spent time to put in your model file. (You could also create a constrained sketch using SOLBEG/SOLEND and then using statements such as LINSEG or CIRARC directly. This technique is not covered in this tutorial.)

To demonstrate adding a sketch to a model, we are going to make a parameterized wedge. Start with an empty ESP by pressing File and New.

To create a parameterized sketch of a triangle, do the following:

The "length" of the horizontal segment is length and the "length" of the vertical segment is height. Press to Solve, then Sketch, then Save, then Press to Re-build. You should now see the following:

Notice that the Body is drawn in pink, meaning that it is a SheetBody (that is, a Body with Face(s) that does not enclose a volume).

Next we are going to save this as a user-defined component (UDC). For now, think of a UDC as a file that can be included in another file. To save this, press File and then Export FeatureTree and use the name triangle.udc. You will get a warning about losing formatting, etc.; this is okay, so just press OK.

Now we are actually going to create the model (that is, the .csm) file by selecting File and Edit: <new file>. Enter the following in the editor:

        # wedge
        # written by ...

        DESPMTR   depth   2.0

        UDPRIM    $/triangle

        EXTRUDE   0  0  depth


Line 4 defines a DesignParameter (as we have seen before). Line 6 is new; the UDPRIM statement tells the program to "include" the file triangle.udc at this point. This is followed in line 8 by an EXTRUDEion in the z direction.

Press Save in the editor, and use the name wedge. You should now see a 3D wedge on your screen. Note that the Faces are now yellow since this is now a SolidBody (that is, it encloses a volume).

If you change the value of the depth DesignParameter and Press to Re-build, you will see the depth of the wedge has changed. Now we want to make length and height DesignParameters too. To do this, we will need to edit wedge.csm to be:

        # wedge
        # written by ...

        DESPMTR   length  4.0
        DESPMTR   height  3.0
        DESPMTR   depth   2.0

        UDPRIM    $/triangle

        EXTRUDE   0  0  depth


Press Save. Notice that the configuration is not automatically re-built since we have more than one file in the session. Now we will edit triangle.udc and remove the two SET statements near the top. Again Save.

Finally, when you press Press to Re-build you will see a fully parametric wedge. Try changing the DesignParameter and/or get the sensitivities (which, you may recall, is done by editing a DesignParameter and then choosing either Compute geom sens or Compute tess sens. Here is what the tessellation sensitivities look like with respect to the length.

Sketch for tire

The next thing we are going to do is to make a copy of our ../data/tutorial2.csm file, and call it temp.csm. To do this:

After you have done that, we will make our sketch of the cross-section of the tire. This is done by pressing File and then New (thereby removing from memory anything we have already done).

We are going to need a few DesignParameters for our sketch. But for now, we are going to make them LocalVariables with SET statements. (The reason for doing this is because we are really going to want to have the DesignParameter in the main script, and not in the sketch UDC that we will now be building.)

Using Branches, create the following SET statements:

Press to Re-build so that ESP now knows about these DesignParameters. You can also press ExpandAll to the right of LocalVariables to check the spelling of the variables that you just set.

Now make the sketch (by adding a SKBEG Branch), with the arguments 0, tire:diam_inner/2, 0, and 1, that looks like:

The constraints associated with this sketch are:

Note that you make the "width" constraint by hitting W at the top-left point and then clicking the mouse on the farthest-right point, and then entering the value. Also, do not forget to add the two "tangency" constraints (at the right-most point and at the right-most point of the upper horizontal line).

Then Sketch, Save, (ignore the warning) and Press to Re-build. In order to save our work, use File, Export FeatureTree and enter temp_sketch.udc as the filename.

Now we want to include this sketch in our bigger model file. To do this, File and Open and choose temp. (If you followed the directions above, you should now see the same model that you had at the end of Tutorial 2.)

After changing the name of the file in the first line (which is not actually needed, but which is a best practice), we are going to change our definitions of the DesignParameters (which are in lines 5 through 7), to:

        DESPMTR   tire:wid_outer     12.0      # outer width of tire
        DESPMTR   tire:wid_inner     10.0      # inner width of tire
        DESPMTR   tire:fillet         1.0      # fillet rad  of tire
        DESPMTR   tire:diam_outer    30.0      # outer diam  of tire
        DESPMTR   tire:diam_inner    22.0      # inner diam  of tire

The only other thing we need to do is to change the definition of the cross-section. Change the first BOX statement (line 21) to read:

        UDPRIM   $/temp_sketch

When you Save out of the code editor, you will get an error (MessageWindow will end with ||), telling you that something went wrong. (What went wrong is that the SET statements in the UDC are trying to set a new value for a DesignParameter). It will also seem to "lock up" the GUI. To clear this lock, press Re-building... and ignore the warning.

Now edit temp_sketch.udc and remove the SET statements near the top (since they will be DesignParameters in temp.csm). Press Save and Press to Re-build and you should now see your tire with an updated cross-section.

But, you will notice that notice that the MessageWindow has turned yellow, indicating that there was an error encountered. If you double-click on the yellow window, the code editor will automatically open up to the offending line. In this case, we no longer have a parameter named tire:width; it has been renamed to tire:wid_outer. Make the change, Save, and Press to Re-build.

Adding in spokes

The next thing we are going to do is to add spokes to our configuration. At this time, File and Open the model ../data/tutorial3 (or ..\data\tutorial3). Now File and Edit: ../data/tutorial3.csm.

To add the spokes, the following changes were made:

2.4 Fourth Tutorial: RULEs, BLENDs, and error checking

In this fourth tutorial, we are going to focus on Bodys that are made by growing from lower-dimensional Bodys. Specifically we are going to look at EXTRUDE and REVOLVE, which we have already seen, and then two new important construction techniques: RULE and BLEND.

All of these techniques can be used to make a WireBody out of a series of NodeBodys, or a SheetBody out of a series of WireBodys, or a SolidBody out of a series of SheetBodys.

Before continuing, it is instructive to define what we mean by the various Body types:

The examples in this Tutorial all make SolidBodys out of SheetBodys.

Let us start with a simple rectangle, which can easily be made with the BOX command. Press File, then New, then Edit <new file> and put the following in the editor:

        BOX        1.0 4.0 0.0   2.0 3.0 0.0
        EXTRUDE    0.0 1.0 4.0
and Save to the file temp. The first line makes a 2-by-3 SheetBody that lies in the x-y plane and whose lower left corner is at (1.0,4.0,0.0). The second line EXTRUDEs the SheetBody into a SolidBody by implicitly making a second copy that is at (0.0,1.0,4.0) relative to the original SheetBody and then connecting the SheetBodys.

Instead of an EXTRUDEion, we can make a body of revolution by changing the second line to:

        REVOLVE    0.0 0.0 0.0   1.0 0.0 0.0  90.0
which takes the SheetBody and REVOLVEs it by 90 degrees about an axis that goes through the point (0.0,0.0,0.0) and which is in the (1.0,0.0,0.0) direction (that is, parallel to the x axis). If you do not remember the arguments for any command, remember that you can press the Hint button at the top of the editor.

We could also rotate it about the y axis by changing to:

        REVOLVE    0.0 0.0 0.0   0.0 1.0 0.0  90.0

Note that both of these commands pop a SheetBody off the Stack and put the resulting SolidBody back onto the Stack.

Basic RULEs and BLENDs

Now we will make more a more interesting Body by starting with a super-ellipse, which is an ellipse-like shape, where the exponent (n) may not be 2.

Delete all the lines in the editor and add (possibly using Copy and Paste to make your life easier):

        UDPRIM    supell   rx 3.0   ry 2.0   n 5.0

        UDPRIM    supell   rx 3.0   ry 2.0   n 3.0
        TRANSLATE 0  0  1

        UDPRIM    supell   rx 3.0   ry 2.0   n 2.0
        TRANSLATE 0  0  2

        UDPRIM    supell   rx 3.0   ry 2.0   n 1.5
        TRANSLATE 0  0  3

        UDPRIM    supell   rx 3.0   ry 2.0   n 1.0
        TRANSLATE 0  0  4
The first line generates a super-ellipse in the xy plane that is 6 wide, 4 tall, and has a power of 5. The third line generates another super-ellipse, but with a power of 3; this super-ellipse is then brought forward by TRANSLATEing it in the z direction. This is then followed by three more super-ellipses. Note how the higher the power, the more squared-off the super-ellipse is.

Now we want to use these by RULEing them into a SolidBody. This can be done by adding the statement

to the end of your script. The resulting RULEd Edges are all straight.

ESP requires that all the Bodys that are RULEd have the same number of segments (in this case, Edges). It RULEs together all the Bodys on the Stack, unless there is a MARK on the Stack; in this case, it just RULEs the Bodys back to the Mark. To see this in action, add the line:

between the first and third lines and see what happens. (The first SheetBody remains on the stack and the other four are RULEd together to form the SolidBody).

The types of the Bodys that are RULEd together all have to be of the same type (NodeBody, WireBody, or SheetBody), with one exception: the first and/or last Body could be a NodeBody. To see this in action add the line:

        POINT     0  0  5
just before the line with the RULE. Note how the Body now comes to a point (pun not intended).

The other very popular command is BLEND, which follows basically all the same rules as RULE; the difference is that BLEND uses cubic BSplines to connect the sections (instead of straight lines as was done for RULE). Change the RULE to BLEND in the code editor and see what happens.

Using user-defined primitives and components

In Tutorial 3 we used the UDPRIM statement to include a user-defined component (UDC). Then in the section above we used the same UDPRIM statement to call a user-defined primitive (UDP). Both UDCs and UDPs are ways that ESP can be extended by the user.

The first argument of the UDPRIM is the name of the UDP, UDF, or UDC; which one it is depends on the way the primtype is specified:

In case you are curious, a user-defined function (UDF) is just like a user-defined primitive (UDP), except it consumes one or more Bodys from the Stack; recall that UDPs do not consume any Bodys from the Stack.

The second through ninth arguments come in name/value pairs. The UDPRIM statement has enough room to have four pairs of them. But some UDPs and UDCs can have more than four possible arguments. To get around this limitation, there is a companion UDPARG statement that must precede the UDPRIM statement, and must have the same primtype. The pairs of name/values are processed in order, with the last value being used. Thus the codes:

        UDPRIM   supell   rx 3.0   ry 2.0   n 2.0
        UDPARG   supell   rx 3.0
        UDPARG   supell   ry 2.0
        UDPRIM   supell   n  2.0
        UDPARG   supell   rx 0.0   ry 8.0   n 3.0
        UDPARG   supell   rx 3.0   ry 2.0   n 2.0
        UDPRIM   supell
are all equivalent.

There is one more point, specifically about UDCs. UDCs come in two types:

Before we return to the main tutorial, we will take a quick look at another popular UDP: NACA. File and Edit and delete you current script and add:

         UDPRIM    naca   thickness 0.12   camber 0.04   sharpte 1

         UDPRIM    naca   thickness 0.06   camber 0.0    sharpte 1
         SCALE     0.6
         TRANSLATE 0.5  0.1  3.0

which makes a swept tapered wing with a sharp trailing edge. Note that without the sharpte option, the NACA UDP generates an airfoil with a blunt trailing edge, which is consistent with the original definition by NACA.

Adding a spindle

Now it it time to turn to Tutorial 4. Press File, then Open, choose ../data/tutorial4 (or ..\data\tutorial4.csm)and then File Edit: ../data/tutorial4.csm The first change is in lines 37 through 57:

        CFGPMTR   spindle:Cfront      2        # blend continuity at front transition
        LBOUND    spindle:Cfront      0
        UBOUND    spindle:Cfront      2
        CFGPMTR   spindle:Cback       2        # blend continuity at back  transition
        LBOUND    spindle:Cback       0
        UBOUND    spindle:Cback       2
        DESPMTR   spindle:rad_nose    0        # nose radius
        LBOUND    spindle:rad_nose    0
        DESPMTR   spindle:clear       0.1      # clearance between spindle and disk
        LBOUND    spindle:clear       0.0

        CONPMTR   spindle:nsect       4        # number of cross-sections
        DIMENSION spindle:xloc              1  spindle:nsect
        DIMENSION spindle:yrad              1  spindle:nsect
        DIMENSION spindle:zrad              1  spindle:nsect
        DIMENSION spindle:n                 1  spindle:nsect
        DESPMTR   spindle:xloc     "-4.0; -3.0; -1.0; +1.0;"   # x-locations
        DESPMTR   spindle:yrad     " 0.5;  0.5;  1.0;  1.0;"   # radii in y-direction
        LBOUND    spindle:yrad       0.0
        DESPMTR   spindle:n          5.0                       # super-ellipse power
        LBOUND    spindle:n          1.0
which define the DesignParameters for the spindle. (For now, ignore the LBOUND and UBOUND statements.) Pay particular attention to lines 37 and 40:
        CFGPMTR   spindle:Cfront      2        # blend continuity at front transition

        CFGPMTR   spindle:Cback       2        # blend continuity at back  transition
which define ConfigurationParameters. Recall that a ConfigurationParameter is like a DesignParameter in all ways except that you cannot find the sensitivity with respect to it. We will see in a few minutes what spindle:Cfront and spindle:Cback are, and why it does not make sense to find the sensitivity with respect to them.

Line 48

        CONPMTR   spindle:nsect       4        # number of cross-sections
defines a ConstantParameter, which must be a single number. It has global scope, meaning that it is visible in the top-level script as well as any UDCs that may be loaded.

Lines 49 through 52

        DIMENSION spindle:xloc              1  spindle:nsect
        DIMENSION spindle:yrad              1  spindle:nsect
        DIMENSION spindle:zrad              1  spindle:nsect
        DIMENSION spindle:n                 1  spindle:nsect
contain DIMENSION statements, which tell ESP to reserve enough space to hold a multi-valued parameter. The first argument to DIMENSION is the name of the DesignParameter, ConfiguratonParameter, or LocalVariable; the second and third arguments are the number of rows and the number of columns, respectively.

Lines 53, 54, and, 56

        DESPMTR   spindle:xloc     "-4.0; -3.0; -1.0; +1.0;"   # x-locations
        DESPMTR   spindle:yrad     " 0.5;  0.5;  1.0;  1.0;"   # radii in y-direction

        DESPMTR   spindle:n          5.0                       # super-ellipse power
assign the (multiple) values to their respective DesignParameters. The values are separated by a semi-colon, and since there are spaces to improve readability, we need to enclose the whole argument in quotation marks (" "). If there are more values given than the size of the parameter, the extra ones are ignored. Similarly, if there are fewer values given, the last given value is used in all the remaining locations. So, in line 56, a single value (5.0) is given, and all four entries in spindle:n get that value.

Look at the SET statement in line 62

        SET       spindle:zrad   spindle:yrad
This statement sets all of the spindle:zrad values to be the same as the spindle:yrad values.

The actual construction of the spindle occurs in lines 65 through 95


           # if a nose is given, create an initial point
           IFTHEN    spindle:rad_nose GT 0
              POINT  spindle:xloc-2*max(spindle:yrad,spindle:zrad)   0   0

           PATBEG    isect  spindle:nsect
              IFTHEN    isect GT 1   AND   spindle:xloc[isect] LE spindle:xloc[isect-1]
                 MESSAGE   spindle:xloc[+isect+$]<spindle:xloc[+(isect-1)+$]
                 THROW     -998

              # basic cross-section
              UDPRIM supell   rx spindle:zrad[isect]   ry spindle:yrad[isect]   n spindle:n[isect]
              ROTATEY  90  0  0
              TRANSLATE spindle:xloc[isect]  0  0

              # add in extra copies for front transition continuity
              IFTHEN    isect EQ 2
                 PATBEG    icopy   2-max(spindle:Cfront,0)
                    RESTORE .

              # add in extra copies for back transition continuity
              ELSEIF   isect EQ spindle:nsect-1
                 PATBEG    icopy   2-max(spindle:Cback,0)
                    RESTORE .
First turn your attention to the pattern (outer PATBEG through PATEND). It loops for spindle:nsect sections, and creates them with the UDPRIM supell statement in line 79:
         UDPRIM supell   rx spindle:zrad[isect]   ry spindle:yrad[isect]   n spindle:n[isect]
Since the UDP creates the SheetBody in the xy-plane, and since we really want in in the zx-plane, we need to ROTATEX it 90 degrees and then TRANSLATE it to the correct location.

As was mentioned above, the BLEND command uses cubic BSplines to connect the sections. By definition the cubic BSplines have continuous curvatures ("C2"). If we wanted to build a Body that had lesser continuity (slope continuity is "C1" and just point continuity is "C0"), we can do that in BLEND by repeating the sections. The code in lines 84 through 94

        IFTHEN    isect EQ 2
           PATBEG    icopy   2-max(spindle:Cfront,0)
              RESTORE .

        # add in extra copies for back transition continuity
        ELSEIF   isect EQ spindle:nsect-1
           PATBEG    icopy   2-max(spindle:Cback,0)
              RESTORE .
allows you to control the continuity at the interior sections. If the user sets spindle:Cfront to 1, then the PATBEG at line 85 executes once. The RESTORE . command puts another copy of the second cross-section (SheetBody) on the Stack; if spindle:Cfront is 0, then two copies of the SheetBody are put on the Stack. Lines 91 through 93:
        PATBEG    icopy   2-max(spindle:Cback,0)
           RESTORE .
do the same for the second-to-last cross-section.

To see how this works, first set makeSpindle to -1 (more on his later) and Press to re-build. Try various combinations of spindle:Cfront and spindle:Cback and see how the spindle shape changes.

A quick note: while it is possible to get a RULEd Body by using BLEND with all the interior SheetBodys duplicated twice, doing it this way is much less efficient and may cause problems in your build later on. So it is best to use RULE if appropriate.

The concept of a Group is introduced in line 99:

A Group is a collection of Bodys that work as a single entity in STORE, RESTORE, and all the transformations (such as TRANSLATE and SCALE). It works by taking all the Bodys back to the MARK (in line 65), or to the bottom of the Stack if no MARK is found, and collects them. The statement following the GROUP command is STORE xsects 0 1 (in line 100), which STOREs the entire Group in storage "xsects 0", and leaves a copy of the Group on the Stack (since the third argument is 1).

The actual BLEND is done in lines 103 through 110:

        RESTORE  xsects
        IFTHEN    spindle:rad_nose GT 0
           BLEND  "spindle:rad_nose; 0; 1; 0;\
                   spindle:rad_nose; 0; 0; 1"
First, the MARK is set, then a copy of the whole Group in "xsects 0" is placed in the Stack. Then, most often, the BLEND in line 109:
is executed to generate the BLEND.

By the way, if you are wondering why we made a copy of the Group of cross-sections, it was done so that you could see the original cross-sections, along with the BLEND, when you were looking above at the effect of changing spindle:Cfront and spindle:Cback.

There is one more complication in this code that will be explained now. BLEND has the ability to be rounded over at either the beginning or end or both; the code here does it at the beginning of the BLEND. The first thing that is required is a user-defined switch to turn this feature on and off. This switch is defined in line 43:

        DESPMTR   spindle:rad_nose    0        # nose radius
The second thing that needs to be done is in lines 68 to 70:
        IFTHEN    spindle:rad_nose GT 0
           POINT  spindle:xloc-2*max(spindle:yrad,spindle:zrad)   0   0
If the user specified a positive spindle:rad_nose, then a POINT is created upstream of the first cross-section. The last step is the actual BLEND statement in lines 106 and 107:
        BLEND  "spindle:rad_nose; 0; 1; 0;\
                spindle:rad_nose; 0; 0; 1"
If you get a Hint on the BLEND, you will see that the first (optional) argument is the begList; see the documentation in Valid CSM statements for a full description.

Once the spindle is created, it is STOREd away in line 123:

        STORE    Spindle

There is another feature of the code that also needs explanation here. You will notice that you were told above to set makeSpindle to -1. If you read the comment on line 5:

        CFGPMTR   makeSpindle         1        # =-1 to make and stop, =0 to skip, =1 to make
you will see why. Specifically, if makeSpindle is 1 (the default), then the spindle is built; it is skipped via the IFTHEN statement in line 60:
        IFTHEN    makeSpindle NE 0
if it is 0. But what happens if the user sets it to -1? That little magic happens in lines 117 to 120:
        IFTHEN    makeSpindle LT 0
           MESSAGE Stopping_after_spindle_generation
           THROW   -999
If makeSpindle is negative, then a MESSAGE is posted in the MessageWindow and a signal -999 is THROWn. The effect of THROWing this signal is that all following statements are skipped until the matching CATCH is encountered in lines 259 and 260:
        CATBEG    -999
There is nothing between these two statements, except that the -999 signal is canceled. The net effect is that the build will not be considered a failure. (In retrospect, it might have been better to put the MESSAGE statement between the CATBEG and CATEND, but the code as given here works nonetheless.)

Lastly, once the spindle is created, a hole (with a specified clearance, spindle:clear) needs to be placed in the overall tire-like Body (SolidModel) to make room for the spindle. This is done by lines 196 to 199

         RESTORE   Spindle

         HOLLOW    +spindle:clear
which first puts a copy of the Spindle on the Stack, then "grows" the copy by spindle:clear via the HOLLOW command, and finally SUBTRACTs the grown Body from the SolidModel.

Adding error checking

The writer of an ESP model often knows something about some of the DesignParameters and ConfigurationParameters, and writes the model with that knowledge in mind. In order to protect the model from bad user inputs, one can add LBOUND and UBOUND statements. If these are present, ESP will check to make sure that the user does not violate these bounds. Near the top of the tutorial4.csm there are several such statements, such as in lines 38 and 39:

        LBOUND    spindle:Cfront      0
        UBOUND    spindle:Cfront      2
which restrict the user to consider only C0, C1, or C2 continuity in the BLEND while making the Spindle.

More (run-time) error checking is done by lines 73 through 76

        IFTHEN    isect GT 1   AND   spindle:xloc[isect] LE spindle:xloc[isect-1]
           MESSAGE   spindle:xloc[+isect+$]<spindle:xloc[+(isect-1)+$]
           THROW     -998
which check that the spindle:xlocs are monotonically increasing.

2.5 Fifth Tutorial: Multi-models

This fifth tutorial introduces the concept of a multi-model, which is a series of models that are driven by the same set of Configuration and DesignParameters, and which have Node, Edge, and Faces marked with Attributes so that some later analysis will know how to transfer data from one model (for example, for a CFD solver) to another (for example, a structural solver).

For the current Tutorial, two models will be created:

Press File, Open, and select ../data/tutorial5 (or ..\data\tutorial5).

The first big change (relative to tutorial4) is in lines 170 to 178:

        UDPARG    supell   rx tire:diam_outer/2   ry tire:diam_outer/2
        UDPRIM    supell   n  2
        ATTRIBUTE myTag  $disc
        ROTATEY   90     0  0

        SELECT    FACE
        ATTRIBUTE myPart $disk

        STORE     disc
Here we create a circular SheetBody via the supell UDP, put a myTag Attribute on it, ROTATEY it, give the (only) Face a myPart Attribute, and STORE it away.

The next major change is in lines 264 to 276:

        RESTORE   SolidModel
        SELECT    FACE  $myTag  $tread
        EXTRACT   @sellist

        # split the SheetBody into 4 pieces (so that its Nodes line up with the discs Nodes)
        BOX       -2*tire:diam_outer  0  -2*tire:diam_outer \
                   4*tire:diam_outer  0   4*tire:diam_outer

        # union this with the disc into a complete skeleton
        RESTORE   disc
        JOIN      1e-2
        STORE     SheetModel
It begins by EXTRACTing the Faces from the SolidModel that have a myTag Attribute whose value is the string tread. This is done by SELECTing those Faces (which puts their Face number into the AtParameter @sellist), and then using the @sellist in the EXTRACT command.

We eventually want to JOIN these Faces to the disk created above, but we have a problem. Recall that JOIN expects there to be a match between either Edges or Faces in the Bodys that are to be JOINed. You will see that the disk has four Edges (and four Nodes), whereas the treads that we just EXTRACTed only have two circumferentially. To get around that, we need to split the tread Faces; this can be done with the SUBTRACT command. Specifically, if you have two SheetBodys that are not co-planar, then the result of the SUBTRACT will be the first input SheetBody that has been "scribed" at the places where it intersects the second Body. We do that here in lines 269 to 271:

         BOX       -2*tire:diam_outer  0  -2*tire:diam_outer \
                    4*tire:diam_outer  0   4*tire:diam_outer

In lines 274 to 276:

        RESTORE   disc
        JOIN      1e-2
        STORE     SheetModel
the "disc" that was STOREd above is RESTOREd and JOINed with the tread Faces. Finally the whole SheetModel is STOREd away.

The only other change is in lines 279 to 290:

        IFTHEN    theView EQ 1  OR  theView EQ 3
           RESTORE          SheetModel
           ATTRIBUTE _name $SheetModel
        IFTHEN    theView EQ 2  OR  theView EQ 3
           RESTORE          SolidModel
           ATTRIBUTE _name $SolidModel
           RESTORE          Spindle
           ATTRIBUTE _name $Spindle
           CATBEG    $name_not_found    # needed for cases where spindle was not created
which put the appropriate Bodys on the Stack. This is done via the theView DesignParameter, which is defined in line 5. By now, most of the code in lines 279 to 290 should be self-explanatory. The only exception might be lines 288 and 289:
        CATBEG    $name_not_found    # needed for cases where spindle was not created
If the user had set makeSpindle to 0, then the spindle would not have been created and the RESTORE command in line 286 would have raised the name_not_found signal. The CATBEG statement catches (and cancels) that signal so that the rest of the script can be executed.

As you can see by going through these tutorials, writing an ESP script is not too difficult, if you do it step by step. That is how this Tutorial script was developed: step by step.

Most of the scripts that you write initially will be much simpler than the script that we used here. Feel free to use the Hint button in the script editor, look up the commands in this Help document (below), use the ESP_QuickReference, and contact the authors if you are not sure how to do something. It is only by frequent contact with the users that ESP can be made better for the kinds of things that you want to do.

2.6 Sixth tutorial: Integrated Design Environment

This tutorial uses ESP's Integrated Design Environment (IDE), which allows a user to incrementally build geometric models and perform analyses via the Computational Aerospace Prototype Syntheses (CAPS) system. The goals of this new IDE are to:

Work in the IDE is organized in Phases, which are the atomic pieces of work that keep track of a design as it evolves from a very simple initial concept through its final design. A Phase keeps track of the evolution of the geometric model (in ESP .csm files) as well as the Python scripts that tie the geometric model with analysis software through the CAPS system. CAPS includes links to analysis software such a Computational Fuild Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) programs. (We will be using the Athena Vortex Lattice (AVL) analysis later in this tutorial.)

In many ways, a Phase resembles the version-control snapshots (or commits) of a software project in a revision-control system such as Git or Subversion. Like these version-control systems, the Phases in the IDE can be organized in Branches, and are named with the Branch number, followed by a dot, followed by the Revision number. The first Phase is always named "1.1", which means the first Revision on the first Branch. Subsequent Phases in the main Branch are numbered sequentially, such as "1.2", "1.3", etc. The Branches are also numbered sequentially, and always start at revision 1, such as "2.1". All Phases (except "1.1") have a parent Phase, which is either the prior Revision in the current Branch or the Branch.Revision from which a new Branch was greated. For example, the parent of Phase "3.6" is always "3.5". The parent of the first Revision of any Branch can be any previously existing Phase.

A Phase can be in several states:

When working on a Phase in the IDE, a user has four options to leave the Phase:

Also, as noted above, in the event that the program crashes or is killed, the Phase will be left Locked (but otherwise Open).

Design problem

The design exercise that we will be looking at in this tutorial is a rubber-powered, hand-launched aircraft that carries golf balls. The design will be scored as the product of the square of the time aloft beyond 3 seconds and the number of golf balls carried.

First model (simple rectangular wing)

We are going to start this tutorial by clicking on the ESP_125 icon on the Desktop. (Note that since we be re-entering serveESP several times and will using the phaseUtil program, it is not advisable to use the runESP_125 icon for this tutorial.)

After clicking the ESP_125 icon, a terminal window will open. Since there will be lots of files used in this tutorial, it is convenient to set an environment varaible that tells serveESP where to find the various files that we will be using. Issue the command:

        setenv ESP_PREFIX ../data/tutorial6/       (in a tcsh on Mac or LINUX)
        export ESP_PREFIX=../data/tutorial6/       (in a bash shell on Mac or LINUX)
        set ESP_PREFIX=..\data\tutorial6\          (on Windows)

Special note: In what follows, the separator between a file and its directory (folder) will be shown as a forward-slash (/). If you are using Windows, please use the back-slash (\) instead.

We will start the tutorial by using a very simple wing model. Start the program by typing:

       serveESP ../data/tutorial6/model1.csm

You will see the normal ESP screen, which looks like:

Note that the ESP window looks the same as in the previous tutorials and that you can do anything you want with the model.

To examine the .csm file (which is used to define the geometric model), click on File and Edit: ../data/tutorial6/model1.csm, which will open the code editor.

Notice that we have four Design Parameters ("wing:area", "wing:aspect", "wing:thick", and "wing:camber"), each with its own default values, defined in lines 8 through 11 by:

        DESPMTR   wing:area    20.0
        DESPMTR   wing:aspect   4.0
        DESPMTR   wing:thick   0.01
        DESPMTR   wing:camber  0.06
Note that the prefix "wing:" is not essential, but helps to organize the Design Parameters in the ESP viewer.

This is followed by lines 14 through 17:

        SET       wing:span    sqrt(wing:area*wing:aspect)
        SET       wing:chord   wing:area/wing:span

        OUTPMTR   wing:span
which compute the "span" and "chord" from the area and aspect ratio, and further makes the "span" an Output Parameter, which means that its value is accessible outside the model build process.

The actual build is done in lines 20 to 27:

        UDPARG    naca         thickness wing:thick
        UDPARG    naca         camber    wing:camber
        UDPRIM    naca         sharpte   1
        ROTATEX   90
        SCALE     wing:chord
        TRANSLATE 0   -wing:span/2   0

        EXTRUDE   0    wing:span     0
which generates a NACA airfoil, ROTATEs it to the x-z plane, SCALEs it by the "chord", TRANSLATEs it half the "span", and then EXTRUDEs it for the full "span". This is technique is not the traditional way of creating a wing, but is used here for illustriative purposes. Press the Cancel button to get the view shown above.

We are now going to enter the IDE by pressing Tool and Caps. The first thing you are asked for is the name of your project, optionally followed by a colon (":") and the Branch number, then optionally followed by a dot (".") and the Revision number, all optionally followed by an asterisk ("*"). If the Branch is not given, it defaults to Branch 1; if a Revision is not given, it defaults to the last Revision in the Branch. The asterisk tells the IDE to ignore the model currently on the screen, and instead use the model associated with the Branch.Revision given (or implied). More on this later.

For this tutorial, we are going to call the project "ostrich"

We then get another prompt that asks us to describe the intent (our intention) during this Phase. This information is saved by the system and displayed at various times. For this tutorial, our intent will be "initial sizing of rectangular wing", as in:

Note the changes to the display:

The first thing we are going to do is to create a CapsValue named "nball". This is done (in an analogous way to creating a new DesignParmeter) by pressing on the words Caps Values, entering the name "nball", entering the value "1" in the form, and then pressing the OK button.

We can also add a row-vector by pressing Caps Values, entering the name "badValue", pressing the Add column button twice, and then filling in the values, such as:

We can press OK to save our change. If we then press ExpandAll to the right of Caps Values and Design Parameters, we should see:

Note that the "wing:area" is "20" and "wing:aspect" is "4", as was prescribed in the .csm file.

Now we are going to maniulate the model in CAPS (via its Python interface called pyCAPS). This is done by pressing Tool followed by Pyscript, which brings up a prompt that looks like:

You can enter "../data/tutorial6/". By the way, if you leave the .py extension off, the IDE will provide it for you.

Lines 1 through 7 are typical Python comments that describe the purpose of the file:

        #                                                                 #
        # - pick (S, AR, V) to maximize L/D                   #
        #                                                                 #
        #              Written by John Dannenhoffer @ Syracuse University #
        #                                                                 #

Lines 10 and 11 get the Python script access to the various needed Python libraries:

        import pyCAPS
        from   pyOCSM import esp

As we will see below, we need to take the square-root of a number, so line 14 gives us access to Python's math library:

        import math

The first real interaction with CAPS occurs in lines 17 to 19:

        myProblem = pyCAPS.Problem(problemName = "RunWithoutESP",
                                   capsFile    = "../data/tutorial6/model1.csm",
                                   outLevel    = 1)

These lines are interpreted differently if running in the IDE or if running from a stand-alone Python prompt:

In this script, the wing is sized by doing a full-factorial design of experiments, with the independent variables being wing area, aspect ratio, and cruise velocity. The value that is being maximized is the lift-to-drag ratio.

We start off in lines 22 to 28 by defining the density of air, the weight of a ball, the fixed weight of the aircraft, a wing-weight mutiplier, the zero-lift drag coefficient, target oswald efficiency factor, and maximum lift coefficient:

        rho      = 0.002377       # slug/ft3
        Wball    = 0.10           # lb/ball
        Wfixed   = 0.02           # lb
        Wwing    = 0.03           # lb/ft3
        CD0      = 0.04
        oswald   = 0.90
        CL_max   = 1.00

Lines 31 to 34:

        if ("nball" in myProblem.parameter):
            nball = myProblem.parameter["nball"].value
            nball = 2
are used to create a local Python variable, "nball", from the CapsValues (if it exists) or to use a default value of "2". The value is then printed in the MessageWindow by:
        print("nball", nball)

Before the full-factorial search, we need to initialize the best-we-have-seen-so-far in lines 39 to 44:

        S_best   = 0
        AR_best  = 0
        V_best   = 0
        W_best   = 0
        CL_best  = 0
        LoD_best = 0

The full-factorial search is carried out in lines 47 to 66:

        for S in [0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00]:
            for AR in [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]:
                for V in [2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 17.5, 20.0]:

                    # compute performance
                    b   = math.sqrt(S * AR)
                    q   = 0.5 * rho * V**2
                    W   = Wfixed + nball * Wball + S * b * Wwing
                    CL  = W / (q * S)
                    CD  = CD0 + CL**2 / (math.pi * AR * oswald)
                    LoD = CL / CD

                    # save if best result so far
                    if (LoD > LoD_best and CL <= CL_max):
                        S_best   = S
                        AR_best  = AR
                        W_best   = W
                        V_best   = V
                        CL_best  = CL
                        LoD_best = LoD
where we start with the three nested loops, we compute the performance (lift-to-drag ratio), and then remember this case if it is the best we've seen so far.

Then the "best" results are reported to the user in the MessageWindow by:

        print("S_best  =", S_best  )
        print("AR_best =", AR_best )
        print("W_best  =", W_best  )
        print("V_best  =", V_best  )
        print("CL_best =", CL_best )
        print("LoD_best=", LoD_best)

Finally the best results are returned to the IDE by lines 77 to 83:

        myProblem.geometry.despmtr["wing:area"  ].value = S_best
        myProblem.geometry.despmtr["wing:aspect"].value = AR_best

        if "CLcruise" in myProblem.parameter:
            myProblem.parameter["CLcruise"].value = CL_best
            myProblem.parameter.create("CLcruise", CL_best)
The first two lines update the DesignParameters and then the last 4 lines either update the "CLcruise" if it already exists or creates a new CapsValue and sets its value.

If we ExpandAll the CapsValues and DesignParameters, we should see:

Note that the values in the TreeWindow have been updated (the "wing:area" is "2" and the "wing:aspect" is "8", but that the image has not been updated, since CAPS only re-builds the geometry on demand; that is, the geometry is only rebuilt when a downstream process needs the geometry to be updated.

One such downstream process is leaving the IDE. We are going to do this now by pressing Caps, followed by Commit Phase. This will both Close this Phase (so that no further edits can be done to it) and will update the geometry, as in:

We have now returned to the normal ESP display.

Now, let's say that we want to remove the "badValue" that we created earlier. To do this, we can enter CAPS again by pressing Caps, entering "ostrich" as our project, and "mark badValue for deletion" as our intent phrase. Note that since we only entered "ostrich" above, it was assumed to be on Branch "1" and to start after the last Revision ("1"). (We could have had a similar result by entering "ostrich:1" or "ostrich:1.1")

Once we are back in the IDE, we can press Tool and Pyscript on the file "../data/tutorial6/".

Lines 9 through 16 are the usual hook-up to CAPS:

        # get access to pyCAPS
        import pyCAPS
        from   pyOCSM import esp

        # if running in serveESP, the following load is ignored
        myProblem = pyCAPS.Problem(problemName = "RunWithoutESP",
                                   capsFile    = "../data/tutorial6/model1.csm",
                                   outLevel    = 1)

Line 20 is commented out:

        #--- myProblem.parameter["badValue"].markForDelete()
but we want it un-commented (since we want to mark "badValue" for deletion). This is done by placing the cursor somewhere on Line 20 and pressing the Comment button. This function looks at the first highlighted line, and if it is a comment, it un-comments the whole highlighted region. Alternatively if the first line in the highligted region is not a comment, the region is commented. We can use this to comment the lines:
by highlighting them and pressing Comment, yielding:

We can execute this script by pressing the Save and run button. You can look at the bottom of the screen (in the MessageWindow) and see that the pyscript completed successfully.

If you ExpandAll the CapsValues, you will see that "badValue" is still there, but will be deleted when the Phase is Committed.

Now let us look at two other commands that become available when you press the Caps button:

If you look in the MessageWindow, you will see that there are two Phases:

The MessageWindow also says that we do not yet have any active Analyses (yet).

We are going to commit the Phase by pressing Caps and Commit Phase

Second model (simple tapered wing)

In a real design environment, the design process can take days or weeks to execute, and so to simulate that we are gong to exit serveESP by closing the browser and then opening serveESP again by typing:

        serveESP ../data/tutorial6/model2a
or its equivalent. You will notice that we are starting serveESP with a different model file, which is a slightly different representation of the same wing. Expanding the Design Parameters shows that we have a new DesignParameter called "wing:taper", which is initialized to "1".

To see the differences between this new file (model2a) and the original file (model1), press File and model2a.csm. The new DesignParameter ("wing:taper") is defined in line 10:

        DESPMTR   wing:taper   1.00
Lines 15 through 18 are slightly different from before:
        SET       wing:span    sqrt(wing:area*wing:aspect)
        SET       wing:croot   wing:area/wing:span*2/(wing:taper+1)
        SET       wing:ctip    wing:croot*wing:taper
        SET       wing:xtip   (wing:croot-wing:ctip)/2
where the differences account for the fact that the wing root chord and wing tip chord are related by the taper ratio.

The big difference is in the construction of the wing in lines 26 through 46:

           # left tip
           UDPARG    naca         thickness wing:thick
           UDPARG    naca         camber    wing:camber
           UDPRIM    naca         sharpte   1
           ROTATEX   90
           SCALE     wing:ctip
           TRANSLATE wing:xtip   -wing:span/2   0

           # root
           UDPARG    naca         thickness wing:thick
           UDPARG    naca         camber    wing:camber
           UDPRIM    naca         sharpte   1
           ROTATEX   90
           SCALE     wing:croot

           # rite tip
           UDPARG    naca         thickness wing:thick
           UDPARG    naca         camber    wing:camber
           UDPRIM    naca         sharpte   1
           ROTATEX   90
           SCALE     wing:ctip
           TRANSLATE wing:xtip   +wing:span/2   0

Instead of an EXTRUDE, the new construction will be a RULE between the left tip cross-section, the root cross-section, and the right-tip cross-section. The left-tip cross-section is a NACA airfoil (in lines 25 through 27), that is ROTATEd, SCALEd, and TRANSLATEd as before in lines 28 through 30. Similar statements create the root and right-tip cross-sections. These three cross-sections are then RULEd together by line 46 (back to the MARK in line 23). Hit Cancel to get out of the code editor.

In order to find the "optimal" taper, we are going to vary the taper ratio to get the maximum Oswald efficiency factor, as predicted by the Athena Vortex Lattice (AVL) method. The representation of the aircraft that AVL uses as its input is simply cross-sections that describe the various lifting surfaces. To see how to do this, we will be modifying our model, as is done in "model2b.csm". Press File and Open and enter "../data/tutorial6/model2b" and a new model should appear on the screen, which has 4 Bodys; one Body is the outer mold line (OML) and the other three are the cross-sections for AVL.

The changes to the .csm file start in lines 12 and 13:

        CFGPMTR   view:OML      1
        CFGPMTR   view:AVL      1
which define ConfigurationParameters that tell if we want to view the OML and if we want to view the AVL cross-sections. As you can see, both of these are non-zero, and hence we see the 4 Bodys on the display.

The next set of changes is (for example) in line 39:

           STORE     wing  -1  1
which STOREs a copy of the cross-section in the first available "wing" storage location (which in this case is "0"). The final "1" in the STORE command says to leave a copy of the Body on the stack (so that it can be used by the subsequent RULE). Similar storage is done in lines 47 and 56. Line 58:
        STORE     OML
STOREs the OML after it has been created.

Lines 61 to 68:

        IFTHEN view:AVL NE 0
           RESTORE  wing -1

        # to view OML, restore the OML
        IFTHEN view:OML NE 0
           RESTORE   OML
are used to RESTORE the Bodys that we want left on the stack. Note that the RESTORE in line 62 RESTOREs all the AVL sections (as indicated by the second argument being "-1"). Press Cancel to get out of the code editor.

The final thing that we need to do to run AVL is to add Attributes as done in model2c.csm. To get this file into ESP we are going to use a slightly different process from above. Press File and then Edit: < new file>, to give you a blank .csm file. Press the Insert button at the top of the editor and enter "../data/tutorial6/model2c.csm" in the prompt that appears.

The first set of differences can be seen in lines 38 to 40, lines 50 to 52, and lines 61 to 63:

              ATTRIBUTE capsAIM           $avlAIM
              ATTRIBUTE capsIntent        $wing
              ATTRIBUTE capsGroup         $wing
which set Attributes on the airfoil sections immediately after they are created. Creating Attributes as early as possible is a best practice in using ESP. You can look at the documentation of the AVL Analysis Interface Module (AIM) in the ESP documentation suite for full details on these Attributes.

The next difference is in line 69:

              ATTRIBUTE capsGroup    $wing
which attributes the OML and then in lines 75 to 78:
              ATTRIBUTE capsReferenceArea  wing:area
              ATTRIBUTE capsReferenceSpan  wing:span
              ATTRIBUTE capsReferenceChord wing:croot
              ATTRIBUTE capsReferenceX     wing:croot/4
which set the reference quatities that AVL will need.

Press Save to exit the code editor. Since ESP does not know the name of the new file, it prompts you for it; enter "model2.csm" (which will save the file in your current working directory).

Notice in the TreeWindow that we have four Bodys. If we turn the visibility of Body 22 (the OML) off by pressing the Viz to the right of Body 22 we will see the tip and root cross-sections, which after rotating the display looks like

Turning the visibility of Body 22 back on gives:

The first thing we need to do is to hook up to our CAPS project by pressing Tool and Caps and entering "ostrich" as our project name. When asked for our intent, enter "find taper to maximize oswald". You will notice in the MessageWindow that it says that "CAPS overrides .csm value for wing:area", and "wing:aspect" and that the updated values are shown in the dislay.

In order to "optimize" the taper, we are going to execute AVL for taper ratios from 0.2 to 1.0 and are going to remember the "best". A script that does this can be launched by pressing Tool and Pyscript and typing "../data/tutorial6/". As you can see in the code editor, lines 10 through 18 are the usual hook-ups to the model currently in ESP.

Lines 21 through 25:

        if ("avl" in myProblem.analysis):
            avl = myProblem.analysis["avl"]
            avl = myProblem.analysis.create(aim  = "avlAIM",
                                            name = "avl")
either get access to an AVL AIM named "avl" (from a previous analysis), or create a new AVL AIM. In both cases, the python variable "avl" is a handle to the AIM.

Then in lines 28 through 31:

        if ("CLcriuse" in myProblem.parameter):
            avl.input["CL"].value = myProblem.parameter["CLcruise"].value
            avl.input["CL"].value = 0.95
we get the target cruise lift coefficient, either from the CapsValue we set earlier (when we ran "../data/tutorial6/") or using the default value of 0.95. Other inputs needed by AVL are given in lines 33 to 36:
        avl.input["Mach"].value = 0
        avl.input["Beta"].value = 0
        avl.input.AVL_Surface   = {"wing" : {"numChord"     : 4,
                                             "numSpanTotal" : 24}}

In lines 39 and 40:

        taper_best  = 0
        oswald_best = 0
we initialize the best we have seen so far, and in lines 43 and 44:
        taper_data  = ""
        oswald_data = ""
we initialize the strings in which we remember all the cases we have run (so that we can plot them below).

The "optimization" loop that actually does the AVL calculation starts in lines 47 through 52:

        for taper in [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0]:
            print("executing taper =", taper)

            # compute performance (getting output automagically runs AVL)
            myProblem.geometry.despmtr["wing:taper"].value = taper
            oswald = avl.output["e"].value
Note that the use of the AVL output valiable "e" in line 52 is what actually focees AVL to be executed.

Lines 55 and 56:

            taper_data  += str(taper)  + ";"
            oswald_data += str(oswald) + ";"
keep track of all the calculations so far, and lines 59 to 61:
            if (oswald > oswald_best):
                taper_best  = taper
                oswald_best = oswald
keep track of the "best" so far. The "sleep" in line 64 is not necessary, but is included here so that you can actually see when the AVL is executed.

The next major block of code is in lines 67 through 72:

        esp.TimLoad("plotter", esp.GetEsp("pyscript"), "")
        esp.TimMesg("plotter", "new|Taper optimization|taper ratio|oswald|")
        esp.TimMesg("plotter", "add|"+taper_data+"|"+oswald_data+"|k:+|")
        esp.TimMesg("plotter", "add|"+str(taper_best)+"|"+str(oswald_best)+"|ro|")
        esp.TimMesg("plotter", "show")
which loads the line plotter, stars a new plot with the title "Taper optimization", with the horizonal axis label "taper ratio" and vertical axis label "oswald". The first line in the plot is the remembered data (from above), drawn as a black ("k") dotted line (":") with plus symbols ("+"). The second line is simply the best, shown as a red ("r") circle ("o"). The resulting plot is:

and the plotter is closed.

The script finally reports the best results in the MessageWindow:

        print("taper_best =", taper_best )
        print("oswald_best=", oswald_best)
and puts the best results into the CAPS problem:
        print("re-setting optimal taper")
        myProblem.geometry.despmtr["wing:taper"].value = taper_best

        if ("oswald" in myProblem.parameter):
            myProblem.parameter["oswald"].value = oswald_best
            myProblem.parameter.create("oswald", oswald_best)
This script is execute by pressing Save and run. After some computations you will see the plot given above. Press the green Exit plotter button and the dispaly will change to the optimized tapered wing:

Note that the "optimal" geometry is shown since we forced a re-build in line 81. The last lines either update or create a new CapsValue in which the best oswald efficiency factor will be stored.

If you select Caps then List Phases and Caps then List Analyses you will see in the MessageWindow that we have three Phases (the first two of which use "model1" and the third uses "model2") and that we now have an Analysis Object named "avl", which was created in Phase "1.3". Note also the intent phrases associated with the three Phases.

Commit this Phase (that is, make it read-only) by pressing Caps and Commit Phase.

Third model (bent tapered wing)

You may notice that the wing is very thin, and so we expect that there is considerable flexibility that we must account for. To do this, we have further enhanced our model in "../data/tutorial6/model3.csm", which can be loaded by pressing File and then Open. This model looks very similar to the above, except there are more cross-sections and there is a new DesignParameter named "wing:ztip", which is the vertical tip deflection.

If you File and Edit model3, the major changes from the above are the addition of cross-sections at the quarter-semi-span and mid-semi-span locations, and the use of a BLEND instead of the RULE. Note that in order to make sure that we got the slope discontinuity at the root, we have added (in lines 80 and 81 ):

        RESTORE  .
        RESTORE  .
to make the two extra copies on the root Body, which is needed to make the continuity of the BLEND only C0 (value continuous). The values of "wing:area", "wing:aspect", and "wing:taper" are from the .csm file.

When we start the IDE by pressing Tool and Caps and entering "ostrich" (or "ostrich:1" or "ostrich:1.3"), with the intent phrase "account for wing flexibility", we get the latest versions of the wing variables, giving us:

Note the MessageWindow which says that CAPS over-rides the previous values.

We now are going to run a pyscript to deflect the wing. This is done by pressing Tool and Pyscript and entering "../data/tutorial6/". Lines 10 through 18 are the regular hook-up to CAPS. Line 21:

        Eyoung   = 77.5e6         # lb/ft2
sets the Youngs modulus for balsa wood, lines 24 to 26:
        sparrad  = 0.0104         # ft
        W        = 0.36           # lb
        b        = myProblem.geometry.outpmtr["wing:span"].value
sets (or looks up) other design variables.

The actual structural calculations are done in lines 29 and 30:

        Inertia  = math.pi / 4 * sparrad**4
        deflect  = (W/2) * (b/2)**3 / (3 * Eyoung * Inertia)
for a round cantilevered beam. Finally, in lines 33 to 36:
        print("deflect=", deflect)

        # put the result into the CAPS Problem
        myProblem.geometry.despmtr["wing:ztip"].value = deflect
the results are printed in the MessageWindow and returned to the IDE and the configuration is rebuilt in line 37:
Pressing Save and run and expanding the Caps Values and Design Parameters produces:

Instead of leaving CAPS mode by choosing one of the options in the Caps menu, we are simply going to close the browser. This is essentially the same as if we had chosen Suspend Phase.

To look at the status of our project, we can type (in the command or terminal window):

        phaseUtil ostrich
which produces:
         phaseUtil for ESP Rev 1.25

                          Phase Name:                    Parent Name:
                  Closed   1.1
                  Closed   1.2                            1.1
                  Closed   1.3                            1.2
                           1.4                            1.3
You can see that Phases "1.1", "1.2", and "1.3" are Closed and that Phase "1.4" is not Closed. This means that the next time we enter the IDE, we can continue Phase 1.4.

Reenter serveESP (without file name) and then press Tool and Caps with the project "ostrich". You can see that it picks up where we left off. The Message Window includes a message that says that Phase "1.4" is being continued. Let us now commit the Phase by pressing Caps and Commit Phase.

If we get out of serveESP by closing the browser and then type:

        phaseUtil ostrich
you can see that Phase 1.4 is now Closed too. Recall that a Closed Phase cannot be editted but can be used as a starting Phase for a new Phase.

Fourth model (inclusion of tail)

Re-start serveESP by typing:

        serveESP ../data/tutorial6/model4
which brings up a wing and tail, as in:

Note that this looks rather odd, since it is using the DesignParameters from "model4.csm" and that the DesignParameters for the wing are the originals whereas those for the tail are associated with the updated wing. (You can see this in the TreeWindow.) To make them consistent (that is, use the latest values for the wing), simply enter the IDE by pressing Tool and Caps and using project "ostrich" with the intent phrase "set up AVL and view Modl and AVL Bodys". You can see that the wing values from CAPS override that values in the .csm file and that the wing and tail are now consistent.

This image also includes a rendition of the location of the golf ball.

If we File and Edit model4, we can see in lines 17 to 22:

        DESPMTR   tail:len     2.00
        DESPMTR   tail:Vh      0.45
        DESPMTR   tail:Vv      0.025
        DESPMTR   tail:aspect  5.00
        DESPMTR   tail:thick   0.02
        DESPMTR   tail:camber  0.02
the DesignParameters associated with the tail, and in lines 25 and 26:
        DESPMTR   ball:xloc    0.00
        CFGPMTR   ball:radius  0.05
those DesignParameters associated with the golf ball(s).

The construction of the tail is given in lines 143 to 192:

        # horizontal tail local variables
        SET       htail:area      tail:Vh*(wing:croot+wing:ctip)/2*wing:area/tail:len
        SET       htail:span      sqrt(htail:area*tail:aspect)
        SET       htail:chord     htail:area/htail:span
        SET       tail:xloc       tail:len+wing:croot/4-htail:chord/4

        # construct horizontal tail
           UDPARG    naca         thickness tail:thick
           UDPARG    naca         camber    tail:camber
           UDPRIM    naca         sharpte   1
              ATTRIBUTE capsAIM           $avlAIM
              ATTRIBUTE capsIntent        $htail;tail
              ATTRIBUTE capsGroup         $htail
           ROTATEX   90
           SCALE     htail:chord
           TRANSLATE tail:xloc  -htail:span/2  0
           STORE     htail -1  1

           RESTORE   .
           TRANSLATE 0          htail:span    0
           STORE     htail -1  1
           ATTRIBUTE _name             $htail
           ATTRIBUTE capsGroup         $htail
        STORE     htailOML

        # vertical tail local variables (same chord as htail)
        SET       vtail:area      tail:Vv*wing:span*wing:area/tail:len
        SET       vtail:chord     htail:chord
        SET       vtail:span      vtail:area/vtail:chord

        # construct vertical tail
           UDPARG    naca         thickness tail:thick
           UDPRIM    naca         sharpte   1
              ATTRIBUTE capsAIM           $avlAIM
              ATTRIBUTE capsIntent        $vtail;tail
              ATTRIBUTE capsGroup         $vtail
           SCALE     vtail:chord
           TRANSLATE tail:xloc  0  0
           STORE     vtail -1  1

           RESTORE   .
           TRANSLATE 0         0  vtail:span
           STORE     vtail -1  1
           ATTRIBUTE _name             $vtail
           ATTRIBUTE capsGroup         $vtail
        STORE     vtailOML
Note in particular that the tail has a different "capsIntent" and "capsGroup" Attribute than the wing; this will be important momentarily.

The ball is created in lines 195 to 198:

        SPHERE    ball:xloc  0  0  ball:radius
           ATTRIBUTE _color $blue
           ATTRIBUTE _name  $ball
        STORE     ball

The only other change is in the view section, where everywhere we were previously RESTOREing the "wing", we now also need to RESTORE the "htail" and "vtail".

Special note: when editing a .csm file while in CAPS mode, you may NOT edit and Save; the only action you may take is to Quit, which you should do now.

We are now going to set up two analysis objects for subsequent calculations (which are beyond this tutorial). In particular, we are going to be setting up "avlWing" for wing-only analyses and "avlAll" to include the tails. We are then going to use the integrated viewer to see these.

Press Tool and Pyscript and enter "../data/tutorial6/" This pyscript starts with the usual preamble in lines 10 through 16. Line 19:

        esp.TimLoad("viewer", esp.GetEsp("pyscript"), "")
loads the integrated viewer. Lines 22 and 23:
        print("==> Viewing all Bodys on te stack")
        esp.TimMesg("viewer", "MODL")
will print a message in the MessageWindow and display all the Bodys in the Modl (that is, on the stack), which should look exactly the same as the display before the pyscript was executed.

Lines 27 to 30:

        if ("avlAIM" not in myProblem.analysis):
            myProblem.analysis.create(aim        = "avlAIM",
                                      capsIntent = "wing",
                                      name       = "avlWing")
create a new analysis object for the "avlAIM" AIM (if it does not already exist), using all the Bodys with a "capsAim" equal to "avlAIM" and with a "capsIntent" equal to "wing"; the new analysis object will have the name "avlWing". These Bodys can be viewed in line 33:
        esp.TimMesg("viewer", "AIM|avlWing|")
which shows all Bodys associated with "avlWing".

Lines 37 to 40:

        if ("avlAIM" not in myProblem.analysis):
            myProblem.analysis.create(aim        = "avlAIM",
                                      capsIntent = "",
                                      name       = "avlAll")
create another analysis object, named "avlAll", that contains all Bodys with "capsAIM" equal to "avlAIM", regardless of their "capsIntent". Line 42:
        esp.TimMesg("viewer", "AIM|avlAll|")
shows these Bodys associated with both the wing and tail.

Selecting Bodys by Attribute is a powerful capability in CAPS; now you can probably understand why we spent the time in "model4.csm" to put the Attributures on the Bodys that we did.

Finally in line 44:

we quit the viewer.

When we press Save and run, we will see the various displays shown above. Note that to go from one display to the next, we will have to press the green Exit viewer button.

Commit this Phase by pressing Caps and Commit Phase and exit ESP by closing the browser.

Fifth model (flowchart and data transfers)

The next model is quite a bit more complicated than before because it uses user-defined components (UDCs) from the standard library, from the same folder as the .csm file, and from the current working directory. To get the file we need in the current working directory, type (in the terminal or command window):

        cp ../data/tutorial6/model5a.udc_orig ./model5a.udc
or if on Windows
        copy ..\data\tutorial6\model5a.udc_orig .\model5a.udc

If we now type:

        phaseUtil ostrich
you can see that we have Phases 1.1 to 1.5 and that all the Phases are Closed (which means that they can no longer be editted).

Start serveESP by typing:

        serveESP ../data/tutorial6/model5
If you look in the MessageWindow, you can see that "model5" uses four UDCs. You can also see that there are two Bodys on the stack (although they look like only one because they are located at the same location).

Up until now, every time we started CAPS, we did so on the main Branch; that is, the Revisions were named "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", and "1.5". This time we are going to do something different. We are going to create a new Branch, starting at Revision "1.2". serveESP knows that we want a new Branch since the Revision after "1.2" would normally be "1.3", but "1.3" already exists. Therefore a new Branch will be created, with the name "2.1".

Press Tool and Caps and enter "ostrich:1.2" as the project name. Our intent will be "interpolate upper". Body 7 is (essentially) out original EXTRUDEd wing and Body 28 is a RULEd wing made from five cross-sections. Turn the visibility on and off (by pressing Viz) to see these Bodys.

Body 7 looks like:

and Body 28 looks like:

The reason we have to similar wings is that we want to test out the various schemes in CAPS for transferring data from one representation to another. This capability is essential if one is trying to perform a fluid/structures interaction, where one Body (say Body 7) is associated with the aerodynamic analysis and the other Body (Body 28) is associated with the structures analysis.

Instead of using a real aerodynamic or structure analysis, we are going to use a testing AIM, named "skeletonAIM", which has:

Press Tool and Pyscript and enter "../data/tutorial6/interpolateUpper". Lines 10 through 16 are the usual hook-up to the model currently in memory.

Lines 17 through 27:

        if ("skeletonAIM_1" not in myProblem.analysis):
            myProblem.analysis.create(aim        = "skeletonAIM",
                                      capsIntent = "Body_1",
                                      name       = "skeletonAIM_1")

        if ("skeletonAIM_2" not in myProblem.analysis):
            myProblem.analysis.create(aim        = "skeletonAIM",
                                     capsIntent = "Body_2",
                                     name       = "skeletonAIM_2")
create two analysis objects, "skeletonAIM_1" and "skeletonAIM_2", which are associated with the Body that has "capsIntent" equal to "Body_1" (ie, Body 7) and with the Body that has "capsIntent" equal to "Body_2" (ie, Body 28). Both of these analysis objects are created if they do not already exist.

Lines 30 to 33:

        if ("upperWing" not in myProblem.bound):
            boundUpper = myProblem.bound.create("upperWing")
            boundUpper = myProblem.bound["upperWing"]
create (or re-use) a Bound, or collection of Faces in the various Bodys, named "upperWing", with the handle "boundUpper".

Lines 35 and 36:

        vset1 = boundUpper.vertexSet.create(myProblem.analysis["skeletonAIM_1"])
        vset2 = boundUpper.vertexSet.create(myProblem.analysis["skeletonAIM_2"])
makes two vertex sets --- one associated with each of the AIMs.

Lines 38 to 40:

        dset1x = vset1.dataSet.create("x",   pyCAPS.fType.FieldOut)
        dset2x = vset2.dataSet.create("in1", pyCAPS.fType.FieldIn), "Interpolate")
create data sets that tie together "x" in "skeletonAIM_1" with "in1" in "skeletonAIM_2", and do the transfer via interpolation. Similar tansfers are done in lines 42 to 52 for the other variables. Finaly the Bound object is closed in line 54:

Lines 57 to 59:

        myProblem.analysis["skeletonAIM_1"].input.num = 16
        value = myProblem.analysis["skeletonAIM_1"].output.sqrtNum
        print("Computed sqrt =", value)
are needed to actually make the AIMs execute. Recall that AIMs only execute when explicitly told to do so; using the output "sqrtNum" in line 58 is such an example. Alternatively, we could have used a statement such as in the comment on line 60:
to force the execution.

After all this setup, this pyscript starts by showing a flowchart of the analysis objects (shown as rectangles) and Bounds (shown as arrows) in lines 63 to 65:

        esp.TimLoad("flowchart", esp.GetEsp("pyscript"), "")
        esp.TimMesg("flowchart", "show");

Moving the mouse over one of the AIMs or the Bound brings up a pop-up that shows associated information.

The flowchart is brought up in a separate browser tab, which you can either close or leave open. In either case, in the original tab you will need to press Exit flowchart to continue execution.

Then in line 68 we load the integrated viewer:

        esp.TimLoad("viewer", esp.GetEsp("pyscript"), "")
and in lines 71 and 72:
        print("==> Viewing x in skeletonAIM_1")
        esp.TimMesg("viewer", "BOUND|upperWing|skeletonAIM_1|x")
we show the "x" in "skeletonAIM_1"

and in lines 74 and 75:

        print("==> Viewing in1 in skeletonAIM_2 (interpolate)")
        esp.TimMesg("viewer", "BOUND|upperWing|skeletonAIM_2|in1")
we show the intepolated version of it (that is, "in1" in "skeletonAIM_2").

Notice how well the interpolation works. Remember to press Exit viewer to exit the viewer after each display.

The rest of the pyscript does the same thing for the other variables. It finally closes the viewer in line 95.

This Phase has been enlighting, but what we really want to do is to look at the effect of a conservative data transfer. Therefore we can Caps and Quit Phase to throw away everything we have done since starting this Phase. Since quitting a Phase removes the model from memory, we need to File and Open "../data/tutorial6/model5". Then start a new Phase by pressing Tool and Caps, again entering "ostrich:1.2", with the intent phrase "conserve upper". If you press Caps and List Analyses you will see that the analysis objects that we previously created are gone.

Next, press Tool and Pyscript and enter "../data/tutorial6/conserveUpper". If you look at this file, it is the same as "interpolateUpper", except the link statements in lines 42, 48, 52, and 56 say something like:, "Conserve")
instead of:, "Interpolate")

Press Save and run to see the effect of the conservative data transfer. (A conservative data transfer is one in which the integral of the scalar field in the source and target match. This kind of transfer is essential in order to make sure that the total aerodynamic load is transferred to the structural calculation.) The disadvantages of the conservative data transfer are that it is quite a bit slower than straight iterpolation and that the transferred data is not quite as smooth. For example, "in1" now looks like:

and "in4" looks like:

While this initially looks quite disturbing (since the input was the constant "pi"), if you look at the KeyWindow you will see that all the values vary between 3.14056 and 3.14159 --- so it is essentially constant. The differences stem from the fact that the discrete surface areas in the two models are slightly different.

If we now Caps and List Phases

you can see in the MessageWindow that the current Phase is "2.1" and that it predecessors are "1.1" and "1.2". Pressing Caps and List Analyses and Caps and List Bounds produces:

Note that we have two analyses and one Bound.

We can Caps and Commit Phase to complete this Phase. Then exit the browser.

Parametric variations

During the process of design, one often wants to do a what-if experiment, in which various alternatives are explored in an effort to justify or update earlier assumptions. You might remember from earlier in this tutorial that all of our analysis has been done for one ball. We are now going to look at the effect of two and three balls. Each of these what-ifs will be done in a separate Phase.

To begin, start by typing:

        phaseUtil ostrich
which shows that we have Phases "1.1" to "1.5", and Phase "2.1", and that all the Phases are Closed. We will start our exploration in a new Branch by typing:
and then pressing Tool and Caps and "ostrich:1.3". Recall that Phase 1.4 already exists, so this will create the first Revision on a new Branch ("3.1"). We will use the intent phrase "look at 2 balls". Recall that Phase 1.3 was the Phase in which we optimized the taper by running AVL.

In the TreeWindow, press on ExpandAll associated with the CaspsValues, press on nball and change the value to "2". Resize the wing by pressing Tool and Pyscript and "../data/tutorial6/sizeWing". (Do not forget to press Save and run to execute.) You can see the results of this operation both in the MessageWindow and in the displayed Body.

Then re-optimize the taper by pressing Tool, Pyscript, and "../data/tutorial6/optTaper". You can see in the MessageWindow each of the AVL cases as it runs (with the 2 second delay). Then, as before, this latter pyscript will produce a plot of "oswald" vs. "taper ratio". (Remember to press Exit plotter to continue.)

In order to show what happens when we suspend a Phase, press Caps and Suspend Phase and exit the browser. If you type:

        phaseUtil ostrich
you can see that Phase "3.1" is not Closed.

We can once again start by typing:

and enter the IDE by pressing Tool and Caps and entering "ostrich:3". This will either start on the last Revision in Phase "3" if it is not Closed, or will create a new Revision at the end of Branch "3" if the last Revision in this Branch is Closed. The former is the case, so we will be picking up where we left off. If you look in the MessageWindow, you will see messages such as:
        excuuting taper = 0.2
with no itermediate builds.

This is because in continuation mode, CAPS will reuse (or recycle) as many operations (in this case analyses) as possible. Also, at the end of this process, the plot will not be displayed since overlays (such as the "viewer", "plotter", and "flowchart") are not executed in continuation mode.

If you now press Caps and List Phases you should see

which shows that we are working on Phase "3.1", with predecessors "1.1", "1.2" and "1.3". We can Caps and List Analyses to see that we still have the "avl" analysis object. Now press Caps and List History to show the evolution of any value. We are going to look at the history of "CLcruise". You can see the values at the end of Phases 1.3 (for which "nball" was "1") and Phase 3.1 (for which "nball" was "2").

We can Caps, then Commit Phase, and then start a new Phase in which we set "nball" to "3". We can follow the same steps as above during this new Phase ("3.2"). While "optTaper" is running in this Phase, kill serveESP, resulting in a screen that says that the server has died.

Note that serveESP can die if you encounter an error (which you should report to the developers), or for a long-running job, or via an explicit kill, as was done here. This will leave the current phase not Closed, but more importantly will leave it "Locked". A Locked Phase means that it was not put into a safe state by some user. You can see the status of the various Phases by typing:

        phaseUtil ostrich
Note that Phase 3.2 is Locked.

If we re-start by typing:

and then Tool, Caps, and "ostrich:3", you will be told that the current Phase is Locked:

Since you know why it is Locked, you can safely "steal the lock" and continue on as usual. If you look in the MessageWindow, you will see that some of the analyses are recycled and others are executed; how many of each depends on when you killed serveESP. After the pyscript completes, you can look at the history of "wing:area" (a CapsValue) and "wing:span" (an OutputParameter) to see how they evolved over time.

Commit this Phase. (Hopefully by now you know how to do this.)

Working with Phases

Then restart the IDE (Tool and Caps) and give it the project "ostrich*". (Recall that the default Branch is "1" and the default Revision is the last in the given Branch, so this is exactly equivalent to typing "ostrich:1*" or "ostrich:1.5*".

What the "*" means is "do not use the model shown on the screen, but instead use the model from the given Phase". So for this case, it will use "model4". We can use the intent phrase "back to Branch 1".

Let us quit this Phase, and reload "../data/tutorial6/model4" (which is the wing and tail). Start a new Phase starting at "ostrich:2*". Recall that this means to start at the end of Branch "2", but do not use "model4" (which we just loaded), but instead use "model5" (from the parent Phase). Use the intent phrase "back to Branch 2". If you List Phases

you will see that we are in Phase "2.2", which uses "model5", and that its predecessors are "1.1", "1.2", and "2.1". If we now List Analyses and List Bounds

you can recall that "2.1" was the one where we were looking at the effect of conservative data transfers between the two "sekelton" AIMs.

Now we can Caps and Update intent to update the intent phrase to "back to Branch 2; remove analyses and bound"

Re-run "../data/tutorial6/" and comment out line 20 (by highlighting the line and pressing Comment) and uncomment lines 22 through 24 by highlighting them and pressing Comment; this will un-comment these lines since line 20 was a comment.

This pyscript will mark the analysis objects and bound for deletion; the deletion will occur when we Commit Phase. You can check this starting a new Phase and List Analyses and/or List Bounds

This rather-long tutorial has touched upon many aspects of the new Integrated Design Environment (IDE). Since it is so new, comments, suggestion, corrections, etc. are welcome by the developer at

Legacy Tutorials

If you are new to ESP and planning on following current best practices, you can skip the legacy tutorials. But if you want to see how to use ESP with the look-and-feel of a traditional CAD program, it might be worth your while to spend some time with the legacy tutorials. Note that these legacy tutorial HAVE NOT been updated for the latest version of ESP, meaning that you might be missing descriptions of some of the latest additions to ESP. Also, your screen might look a little different from the pictures, but the basic functionality should be the same.

2.7 First legacy tutorial: Basic usage

This tutorial will help you understand the use of serveESP and ESP for a variety of tasks. Details about the Command Line, cursor and keyboard options, and the Example .csm file are contained in sections that follow this tutorial.

The tutorial starts with a pre-made part that is defined by the file tutorial1.csm. (See Example .csm file below for a listing of this file.)

To start ESP there are two steps: (1) start the "server" and (2) start the "browser". This can be done in a variety of ways, but the two most common follow.

Technique 1: issue the two commands:

        setenv ESP_START "open -a /Applications/ ../ESP/ESP.html"
        serveESP ../data/legacy/tutorial1
if using a c-shell; make appropriate changes for your shell and/or operating system.

The first of these tells serveESP to open FireFox on the file ../ESP/ESP.html when serveESP has generated a graphical representation of the configuration. The second of these actually starts the serveESP server. As long as the browser stays connected to serveESP, serveESP will stay alive and handle requests sent to it from the browser. Once the last browser that is connected to serveESP exits, serveESP will shut down.

Technique 2: issue the command:

         serveESP ../data/legacy/tutorial1
Once the server starts, start a browser (for example, FireFox) and open the page ESP/ESP.html. As above, serveESP will stay alive as long as there is a browser attached to it.

Note that the default "port" used by serveESP is 7681. One can change the port in the call to serveESP with a command such as:

         serveESP ../data/legacy/tutorial1 -port 7788

Once the browser starts, you will be prompted for a "hostname:port" as in:

Most of the time, the "hostname" will be "Localhost" (meaning that serveESP and the browser are on the same computer). It is possible to attach to serveESP that is running on another computer by giving an appropriate "hostname".

As mentioned above, it is possible to change the "port" with a command line argument when starting serveESP; if that is done, then the alternative "port" must be included in ESP's prompt.

Once all the setup is done, the browser then presents the following 4 windows:

The window on the top left is called the "Tree" window. At the top of this window is a series of buttons. Below that is a scrollable tree-like listing of the Parameters and Branches in the Model. It also contains the controls for the "Graphics" window.

The window on the top right is called the "Graphics" window, which contains one of the following:

The window on the bottom left is the "Key" window. Like the "Graphics" window, its contents will be one of:

The window on the bottom right is called the "Messages" window. It contains the messages that ESP posts for the user.

The first thing to do is to play with the image in the "Graphics" window. This is done with the mouse in the following ways:

It is suggested that you use the left or middle mouse button for these operations, since in most browsers the right mouse button will post a popup menu.

When using the mouse, it is possible to enter "flying mode", in which the view continually changes until the mouse button is released. Flying mode is particularly useful when one needs to translate a long distance. Toggling flying mode is done by pressing the "!" key in the "Graphics" window.

At any time, a user might want to "save" a view for later use in the browser session. This is done by pressing the ">" key in the "Graphics" window; the "saved" view can be retrieved by pressing the "<" key.

You can also save a view into a file with the "<Ctrl-<>" or "," keys, which will prompt you for a filename. You can read a view file with the "<Ctrl->>" or "." keys, which will prompt you for the view filename. If the file does not exist, nothing will happen.

The default (home) view can be obtained by pressing either "<Home>", "<Ctrl-h>", "<Ctrl-f>", or the "H" button near the top of the "Tree" window. (The home view is one in which the x-coordinate increases from left to right and the y-coordinate increases from bottom to top.) One can also get the top view by pressing "<Ctrl-t>" or the "T" button, the bottom view by pressing "<Ctrl-b>" or the "B" button, the left side view by pressing "<Ctrl-l>" or the "L", or the right side view by pressing "<Ctrl-r>" or the "R" button.

The function of the arrow keys depends on whether "flying mode" is active or not. For example, if "flying mode" is not active (the default), pressing the "<Left>" key causes the object to rotate to the left by 30 degrees; if "flying mode" is active (because the "!" key was pressed), then pressing the "<Left>" key causes the object on the screen to translate to the left. If the "Shift" is held while the "<Left>" key is pressed, the increments are 5 degrees and the translations are also smaller.

The "<PgUp>" or "<Ctrl-i>" keys or the "+" button can be used to zoom in and the "<PgDn>" or "<Ctrl-o>" key or the "-" button can be used to zoom out. The behavior of these keys/buttons does not depend on the current "flying mode".

To re-center the image at a given point and simultaneously reset the point about which mouse rotations will occur, point to any location in the "Graphics" window and press "*" or "8"; the image will be recentered and a message will be posted in the "Messages" window.

To determine the identity of any object in the "Graphics" window, simply put your cursor on the object and press "^" or "6"; a summary of the identified object is shown in the "Messages" window. (Note that if the cursor is not exactly over any object, the message will only be posted once the mouse passes over a graphic object.)

To determine the approximate coordinates of any location in the "Graphics" window, simply put your cursor on the location and press "@" or "2"; the approximate coordinates of the location are shown in the "Messages" window.

To add an Attribute to any Face or Edge, simply put your cursor on the object in the "Graphics" window and press "A" (upper case A). You will then be asked for the name of the new Attribute as well of its value, which can either be a string (if is starts with a $) or a semi-colon separated list of expressions.

Lastly, to get help on the commands that are available in the "Graphics" window, press "?" and a short listing will be given in the "Messages" window.

The results of several of these commands is shown in:

Now it is time to understand the "Tree" window. When not in the Sketcher (the default), at the top of the "Tree" window is a series of buttons:

One can verify the view with the little axes at the bottom-left corner of the "Graphics" window. The red axis corresponds to "x", the green axis corresponds to "y", and the blue axis corresponds to "z".

Below the buttons is a tree-like representation of the "Design Parameters", "Local Variables", and "Branches" that describe the current Model. In all cases, pressing the "+" at the beginning of any line expands (opens up) that particular entry in the tree; pressing the "-" at the beginning of any line collapses (closes) that particular entry.

Start off by pressing the "+" to the left of the words "Design Parameters". When this is done, all the Design Parameters in the current Model are displayed as shown in:

Notice that the Design Parameter names are shown in green type; this indicates that the Parameter can be "edited" by the user; the Local Variable names are listed in black type and cannot be edited.

Now there are two ways to proceed. The following paragraphs describe the legacy method, using the ESP user interface. This method is similar to other CAD systems, but experienced users find that using the integrated .csm editor to be much faster and easier to debug; it is described at the end of this tutorial.

Press on the label "Lbar" to edit the Parameter named "Lbar". When this is done, the user is provided with an editing form that asks for the new value; the current value is pre-loaded in this window, as in:

For now change the value from "6" to "9" and press the "OK" button or press the "Enter" key. Note that the Parameter name is now listed in red (to indicate that it has been changed) and that the button at the top of the "Tree" window has changed to a green button that says "Press to Re-build". This tells the user that changes have been made (to either a design Parameter or Feature Tree), but that the configuration shown in the "Graphics" window has not been updated. (The reason this is done is that a user might want to make several changes to the "Model" before spending the CPU time necessary to re-build.)

Press the "Press to Re-build" button and notice that it first turns yellow while the configuration is being rebuilt. Then (after a few seconds) the image in the "Graphics" window will be updated and the "Design Parameters" will no longer be red.

We will now change the value of "Lbar" back to "6". (Do not re-build yet.)

Collapse the Parameters by pressing the "-" to the left of the word "Design Parameters" and expand the Branches by pressing the "+" to the left of the word "Branches". This will result in a screen that looks like:

There is an "Undo" button near the top of the "Tree" window. This button un-does your last change; an example of using this is shown later in this tutorial; for now, try not to use this button.

We are going to want to add a SPHERE to this configuration. Do this by pressing "Branches", giving you:

The different types of Branches that can be added are listed in groups. The groups at the top, which are labeled, generally construct or modify Bodys. The Branches listed at the bottom are utilities, which generally effect the order in which the Branches are executed. Those Branches marked with a star (*) are deprecated, meaning that they may be removed in future versions of ESP.

We will choose a SPHERE and press the "OK" button (or press the "Enter" key), giving us:

Now fill in the entries with "xcent" set to "1", "ycent" set to "0", "zcent" set to "0", and "radius" set to "2". An easy way to cycle through the various entries is to press the "Tab" key. Press the "OK" button (or "Enter" key) and then "Press to Re-build" and you should see:

Now let's look at the "Display" part of the "Tree" window. By default "Display" is expanded and you can see that you have two bodies named "Body 10" and "Body 9". Expand the listing for Body 9 by pressing the "+" to the left of "Body 9" and you will see entries for Faces, Edges, Nodes, and Csystems. To the right of "Faces" (below "Body 9") you will see three items:

Try each of these and see what happens. (Notice that Body 9 is the original solid and Body 10 is the new sphere.) In addition, you can also change the display characteristics with key-presses in the Graphic window. Hover over an entity and press:

Notice also that there is a "+" to the left of "Faces", which indicates that you can interact with the object on a Face-by-Face basis. The basic rules here are:

When you have a configuration with lots of Bodys, it is sometimes useful to turn the visibility of all Faces, Edges, or Nodes (in all Bodys) on or off. This can be done by pressing on the word "Display" in the Key Window.

Now let's combine the sphere and the original solid by adding a UNION Branch. (Press "Branches" and add a UNION). This operation wants to know if the operation should be applied to the top two Bodys on the stack (tomark=0) or to all the Bodys on the stack since the last mark (tomark=1). For now, we want to use the default (tomark=0). Also, we want an untrimmed union (the default), and so set (trimList=0). Lastly, we do not want to modify the tolerances associated with this operation, so use the default (maxtol=0). Re-build the configuration and you should get the solid shown in:

Note that we now only have one body. (Body 11)

After some thought you realize that you really didn't want the union (or fusion) of these two volumes, but instead you wanted the solid that is common to them (that is, their intersection). First, remove the UNION; this can easily be done by clicking on "Brch_00012" and then choosing "Delete this Branch". (Alternatively you could press the "Undo" button at the top of the "Tree" window; but if you use "Undo" the Branch numbering will be slightly different, making it slightly more difficult to follow the directions in this tutorial.)

Now add the intersection by pressing "Branches" and then choosing INTERSECT. This operation wants to know what happens if more than one solid is produced by the operation. Specifically, the "$order" argument describes how the bodies that are produced should be ordered: for example in order of volume, surface area, ... The "index" argument tells which body in the list should be selected. Since we are only expecting one body to be produced, we can leave the defaults. Also, for now we do not want to modify the tolerances, so leave the default (maxtol=0) and then "Press to Re-build", producing:

You notice that the "head" is too thin, and so you change the "radius" of the SPHERE to "2.3". (Press "Brch_000011" and change the "radius".) While you are at it, change the Parameter "Rbar" to "0.4" (you will need to expand the Design Parameters) and rebuild, producing:

Now we want to drill a hole through the center of the shaft; this is done by subtracting a cylinder from the solid. Create a cylinder by selecting "Branches" and CYLINDER. We want the hole to go the entire length of the configuration (which is centered and whose length is 2*L), and so we enter "-1.2*L" for "xbeg" and "+1.2*L" for "xend"; the "1.2" simply ensures that the cylinder extends beyond the end of the configuration. Since it is on the centerline, set "ybeg", "zbeg", "ybeg", and "yend" all to "0", and finally the "radius" to "0.2".

Note that any argument can either be entered as a numeric constant or as an expression (using Matlab-like syntax), possibly using the name of a Design Parameter (such as "L") or a Local Variable.

To add the SUBTRACT Branch, we will click on "Branches" and then choose SUBTRACT, use the defaults and rebuild, producing:

You can now proceed to the common part of the tutorial or take a detour to explore the new integrated .csm editor (which is next).

Now we want to create a series (pattern) of small holes that are drilled across the shaft. Start by creating a new Parameter (by clicking on "Design Parameters") and name it "Rhole". The rules for names is that they must start with a letter and contain up to 32 letters, digits, colons, and underscores. By default the new "Design Parameter" contains only one value (that is, it is a scalar). (Aside: If one wants a row vector, a column vector, or a 2D matrix, press the "Add row" or "Add column" button before entering values in the table.)

Since we only want a scalar, just use the standard form, such as:

Set the (only) value to "0.08". You can either press the "OK" button or press the "Enter" key to save this value.

Now we are going to add a pattern of holes. Do this by adding a new PATBEG Branch; the "$pmtrName" will be "i" and the "ncopy" will be 7 (since we want 7 holes). (The "$" at the beginning of "$pmtrName" says that this is the name of the Parameter that will be created rather than the value of the Parameter "i"). This will produce a warning in the Messages window that informs us that we do not yet have a matching PATEND statement yet.

Also add a CYLINDER with "xbeg" and "xend" set to "i/3", "ybeg" and "yend" set to "0", "zbeg" set to "-1", "zend" set to "+1", and "radius" set to "Rhole". Press "OK" or "Enter". Again you will get the warning telling you that you still do not have a matching PATEND.

We would now like to name this Branch. To do this, edit the Branch (by pressing "Brch_000017") and change its "Name" to "small_holes". (Notice that we could not name it when we created it since the names are originally auto-created to ensure that we do not get an illegal name.)

Next add another SUBTRACT Branch (with the default arguments) and finally a PATEND Branch and then re-build (which will take several seconds), giving:

Now we want to change the hole in the center of the shaft into a hole that starts at "xbeg" equal to "0". Make the change to "Brch_000014" and re-build. To see if you were successful, change the visibility of the faces and ensure that you have the correct hole, as in:

Now change the cylindrical hole into a conical hole. To do this, we must delete the cylinder hole (which is Brch_000014). Click on "Brch_000014" and choose "Delete this Branch". Notice that doing this warns you that the Branches are not properly nested. To fix the error, add a conical hole after "Brch_000013" by clicking "Brch_000013" and choosing "Add new Branch after this Branch", as in:

Re-build and notice that the vertex of the cone is near the head; you will have to change the visibility of the Faces to see this. We had meant to do it the other way, so change "xvrtx" to "0" and "xbase" to "1.2*L" and re-build, producing (after manipulating the display):

A new ESP feature is to visually step through the build process. This is particularly useful when you want to understand the build process that was used in a .csm file that you acquired from another source. To do this press the "StepThru" button and you should see:

This is the result of executing the first Branch that created a Body. You can now press "NextStep" four times and you should see:

You can either continue pressing the "NextStep" button (or press the "n" key in the Graphics window (for next)) until you get to the end of the build, you can press the "p" key for previous, or you can press "Cancel StepThru" in the Tree Window to return to the normal viewing mode.

By now you probably have noticed that the Branches with a pattern (that is, between the PATBEG and PATEND) are hidden; to see these, press the + to the left of Brch_000016. Now let's rotate the small holes, so after the "small_holes" Branch, add a ROTATEX with arguments "-15*(i-1)", "0", and "0", and rebuild, producing:

Now we will experiment with the "activity" of the Branches. A Branch that is "suppressed" is skipped during the re-build process. So click on "Brch_000021" (you will need to expand the listing of the pattern first) and change the "Activity" from "Active" to "Suppressed", and select "OK" or press "Enter". When you rebuild, you should see:

Re-activate "Brch_000021" and re-build.

Another feature is ESP allows a user to only build part of the configuration. This is done by clicking on a Branch (for example, "Brch_000010") and choosing "Build to this Branch", giving:

To rebuild the whole configuration, either re-build to the last Branch by clicking it and choosing "Build to this Branch" or press the "Up to date" button (which will ask if you are sure before regenerating the configuration).

The next part of the ESP tutorial involves Attributes. Each Branch can have zero or more Attributes associated with it that are carried throughout the build process. Open the "Brch_000009" Branch for editing and press "Show Attributes/Csystems". You will see that this Branch has an Attribute ("clipper") that has the value "1". Change the Attribute to "10", and press OK.

We can add an Attribute to "Brch_000009" by editing it, pressing "Show Attributes/Csystems", and then "Add Attribute/Csystem". The first choice is whether we want to add an Attribute or a Csystem; we want to enter "1"; we will use the name "test" and the value "ESP". After some thought, you realize that "ESP" is not defined (that is, does not have a value), so you can "undo" this change by pressing the "Undo" button at the top of the "Tree" window. Re-build.

Now point to the face that represents the corner of the head (as shown with its grid here) and press the "^" or "6" key, producing:

(Depending on the version of OpenCASCADE that you are using, the face number that is returned may be different.)

Note that the "Messages" window contains a description of the face including the Attribute that we edited ("clipper" is "10") as well as a "_body" and "_brch" Attribute. The latter tells which Branch ("Brch_000009") was responsible for generating that face.

You can also add Attributes graphically. Point to the same Face and press the "A" key. When prompted for an Attribute name, enter "partID", and when prompted for the Attribute value, enter the semicolon-separated list "1;2;sqrt(3)". (Alternatively, you could have entered "$1;2;sqrt(3)" to add that string value, as signified by the leading dollar sign ($)). Rebuild. Then press the "^" key to verify that the Face has your new Attribute.

A unique feature of ESP is that it allows a user to compute the geometric sensitivity of the configuration with respect to any perturbation in the specified Parameters. Most often this is done by clicking on a the name of one of the Design Parameters and selecting "Compute Sensitivity".

For the current case, expand the Parameters list (in the Tree window) and click on "Rbar" and select "Compute Sensitivity". ESP notes this by putting a caret before the "Rbar" and then will automatically compute the sensitivity and display, in the Graphics window, an updated configuration that is colored based upon the change in the local surface normal; positive sensitivity indicates that the surface will tend to move in the direction of the outward normal. The Key window will show the meanings of the various colors and will be titled "d(norm)/d(Rbar)", as in:

To change the limits of the color spectrum, left click in the Key window and you will be prompted for the minimum value (associated with blue) and the maximum value (associated with red). Try clicking on the Key window and set the limits to "-0.5" and "+0.5" and see how the display changes.

Now ask for the sensitivity with respect to "D" (click on "D" and select "Compute Sensitivity") and again the display will automatically update.

Occasionally one wants to know the change in the configuration based upon the perturbation of more than one Parameter (at the same time). To do this, first click on "Rbar" and clear all the Design Velocities by clicking on "Clear Design Velocities", and then "Set Design Velocity" to 1; then click on "Rhole" and "Set Design Velocity" to 1.5. Now manually re-build the configuration (since you may want to set the Design Velocity for multiple Parameters before rebuilding). Note that the legend in the Key window will now be "d(norm)/d(***)", indicating that there was either more than one Design Parameter for which the Design Velocity was set (see that Rbar and Rhole both are pre-pended with a caret to indicate this), or there is one Parameter whose Design Velocity is not unity (and hence the color does not show sensitivity but rather a scaled sensitivity.)

Save your work by pressing the "File" button, then the "ExportFeatureTree" button, and finally entering "tutorial1_new.csm" as the name of the new file.

Now explore the .csm editor. Choose "File" button, then the "Edit" button. The version of your file will be displayed. The buttons across the top perform various editing tasks.

The integrated editor has a row of buttons at the top:

Note that the text in the file is colored:

Start by highlighting lines 12 and 13 and then press the "Copy" button. You can then move your cursor to the beginning of line 14 and press "Paste", which will insert the copied text. Highlight lines 14 and 15 and press "Cut" to remove the text you just added.

Place your cursor on somewhere on line 1 and press the "Search" button. At the top, enter "Rbar" and press Enter. You can press "Next" and "Prev" to go to the next and previous occurrences. You can replace text using the "Replace" button.

You can provide block-comments. Highlight lines 42 through 44 and press the "Comment" button to add a block-comment. If you now highlight line 43 and press "Comment" again, you will see that line 43 was uncommented (since the first highlighted line contains a block-comment). Remove the whole block-comment by highlighting lines 42 through 44 and pressing "Comment" again.

The "Hint" button gives you a hint on the current command. For example, pressing the button with the cursor somewhere on line 29 show the hint for the CYLINDER command at the top of the editor window.

Finally exit the browser and you should see that serveESP also shuts down.

If we now rename the file journal file (which was automatically generated while you were running ESP) with:

        mv port7681.jrnl tutorial1.jrnl
we can replay our session by the command:
        serveESP ../data/legacy/tutorial1 -jrnl tutorial1.jrnl
This replays all your operations, so it may take a while to execute.

Alternatively, we can start with the new tutorial1_new.csm file (which we just created above) with the command:

        serveESP tutorial1_new
This will run more quickly since it simply executes the final Feature Tree (of Branches).

This tutorial covered most of ESP's user interface. Further details are contained in the sections that follow.

Now we will learn how to develop a configuration using the integrated editor. Make a copy of the original .csm file and restart serveESP.

       cp       ../data/legacy/tutorial1.csm ../data/legacy/tutorial1_temp.csm
       serveESP ../data/legacy/tutorial1_temp
       copy     ..\data\legacy\tutorial1.csm ..\data\legacy\tutorial1_temp.csm
       serveESP ..\data\legacy\tutorial1_temp

Start by pressing the "File" button and then "Edit: ../data/legacy/tutorial1_temp.csm". This will display the contents of the (original) tutorial file in code form. Notice at the top you have Design Parameters with their given values which are followed by the Branches and their arguments.

Start by finding the Design Parameter "Lbar", shown in the line "despmtr Lbar 6.00" on your screen. You can edit this parameter by simply changing the number. Do this now, change the "6.00" to "9.00" and then press "Save". This will change the length of the bar and automatically rebuild the model.

Return to "Edit" and change the value of “Lbar” back to “6.00”, but do not save yet. We will now add a SPHERE branch to the model. To do this, add a line under the "intersect" corresponding to "clip weights with outer cylinder" that reads "SPHERE". This branch needs four arguments, which are "xcent", "ycent", "zcent" and "radius". If you would like to see for yourself, put your cursor somewhere in the word "SPHERE" and then press the "Hint" button at the top of the screen. This button will tell you the required arguments for any branch you add. Now set these arguments as "xcent" set to "1", "ycent" set to "0", "zcent" set to "0", and "radius" set to "2"; in other words, add the line "SPHERE 1 0 0 2" and press "Save".

Now try to combine the sphere and the original solid by adding a "UNION" Branch under the line that starts with "SPHERE". Re-build by saving the edits. Notice that this is not the shape we wanted. To fix this replace the "UNION" Branch with an "INTERSECT" Branch and save again.

Now you can see that the head of our shape is too thin, so increase the radius of the sphere from "2" to "2.3", and while you are at it change the design parameter "Rbar" to "0.4".

The next step is to create a hole through the center of the shaft. To do this we will create a CYLINDER and then SUBTRACT it from the solid. Create a new "CYLINDER" Branch with the arguments "-1.2*L" and "+1.2*L" for "xbeg" and "xend" respectively, as well as "0" for "ybeg", "zbeg", "yend", and "zend". Finally, set "radius" to "0.2". Remove the material in this new cylinder from the existing solid by adding a "SUBTRACT" Branch under the new "CYLINDER" line. In other words, add the lines

       CYLINDER  -1.2*L  0.0  0.0  +1.2*L  0.0  0.0  0.2
and "Save".

As you can see, the ideas are the same as using the ESP Tree Window, but experienced users find it much faster using the integrated editor.

2.8 Second legacy tutorial: Sketcher

For the second tutorial, we will start serveESP without a .csm file and investigate the use of the Sketcher.

Start ESP by issuing the command:


If you have not set the ESP_START environment variable, you will have to open a browser on a file named ../ESP/ESP.html and select the default hostname and port (Localhost:7681). A blank ESP should open up for you.

We are going to start with an empty sketch. To do this we will first add a SKBEG Branch by pressing "Branches", selecting a SKBEG, and making the "x", "y", and "z" all zero. The final argument, relative, is set to 1 to indicate that all coordinates in the sketch are relative to the coordinates that were contained in the SKBEG statement.

When a SKBEG Branch is added, ESP now automatically adds the matching SKEND Branch and automatically enters the Sketcher.

There are several changes between normal 3D mode and the Sketcher. The first difference are the buttons on the top of the "Tree" window. A second button has now appeared that is labeled "Sketch", which will pop up a menu with the entries:

The legend on another button has now changed to "Drawing...", which describes the status of the Sketcher.

Also, the "Key" window now lists the Sketcher's status, in terms of the number of degrees of freedom (ndof) and the number of constraints (ncon). This is followed by a listing of the available commands in the Sketcher.

Within the Sketcher (which is displayed in the "Graphics" window), there is a point at the center that has the legend "XY" and a blue line between that point and the current cursor location. As you move the cursor around in the Sketcher, you will notice that the blue line follows the cursor. You will also notice that if the line is approximately horizontal or vertical, it will change from blue to orange; this is an indication that if the current cursor location is chosen (see below), an implicit "horizontal" or "vertical" constraint will be created.

As you can see in the "Key" window, you have 6 choices:

If you just press the mouse button, the "l" option will be chosen for you. So now, draw the sketch shown in:

in a counter-clockwise direction, starting at the point with the label "XY". Make sure that when you have completed the closed sketch, the last point should be the same as the first point. You can ensure this by noting that a circle is placed around the first point if the last point is "close enough".

Notice that several of the line segments have either the letter "H" or "V" associated with them. These "horizontal" or "vertical" constraints were automatically added for you since you pressed "l" or the mouse button when the line was orange. Also notice that since you "closed" the sketch, it got filled in with grey. (If you had left it open by pressing the "o" key, there would be no filling.)

Your completed sketch should now have 16 degrees of freedom (since there are 8 points and no arcs) and 10 constraints. To see what the meaning of the various constraint letters are, notice that the "Key" window has now changed to explain the meaning of the constraints. In summary, at the first point, both the "x" and "y" coordinates are fixed. The other constraints are that certain line segments are either constrained to be horizontal (H) or vertical(V).

Since the number of constraints is fewer than the number of degrees of freedom, we will have to add more constraints.

If you do not know what constraint(s) to add, press the "Constraining..." button and several choices will be presented to you (in green), as in:

We will choose the following:

Since the number of constraints matches the number of degrees of freedom, the grey fill has changed to a light green fill and the first button has turned green with the legend "Press to Solve". Press that button and (hopefully) your sketch will solve. (If it does not, you can always remove constraints by moving the cursor over the constraint and pressing "<", which deletes selected constraints at that point or on that segment.) To center the image, either press or press the "H" button. You screen should look like:

We are now finished with the Sketcher (for now), so press "Sketch" and then "Save" to return to the normal 3D view. You can now press "Press to Re-build" to rebuild the 3D object, giving a screen that looks like:

You will notice that we hard-coded dimensions into our sketch. To make the sketch more useful, it would be convenient to drive it with Design Parameters. To do this, we first have to create them. This is done (as in tutorial 1) by pressing "Design Parameters" in the "Tree" window, entering "length" as the Parameter name and setting its value to "4".

In a similar way, create a "height" Design Parameter whose value is "3" and a "thick" Design Parameter whose value is "0.5".

Now, let's use these Design Parameters in the sketch. To do this, choose one of the statements between the SKBEG and SKEND. I suggest choosing "Branch_00003", which is the SKVAR statement (which shows the default locations of each of the sketch points). Select "Enter Sketcher".

We are now going to change the various "L" constraints, by moving the mouse over the "L", pressing "L" and entering the new value. Specifically, you should change the "L" constrains as follows:

"Press to Solve", giving:

"Sketch" and "Save" (to exit the Sketcher) and "Press to Re-build" to use the latest changes.

Think about what we have done. We have made a U-shaped channel whose overall length and height were given, and whose channel walls were all set to "thick". Suppose instead that the "design intent" of the channel was to create a channel of a given slot width. In this case, we would want to constrain the sketch differently.

Start by creating a Design Parameter named "slot" whose single value was "1". Now select "Branch_000002" and "Enter Sketcher". We are going to have to remove the "L" constraints from the top two horizontal segments, so go to each and press "<". Since there are two constraints here, you are asked which constraint to remove. Simply enter "L" at the prompt and the length constraint will be removed by the horizontal constraint will remain. If you want to remove all constraints, press "<" multiple times.

Now move the mouse over the horizontal segment at the bottom of the slot and press "L" and set the length to "slot". You will notice that the sketch is under-constrained (is grey). We need to add a constraint that the slot is centered. To do this, we are going to make the lengths of the two small horizontal segments near the top on each side of the U equal to each other. The first step here is to identify one of the segments. This is done with the "?" command. So, move the cursor over the top-left horizontal segment and press "?". You will notice in the "Messages" window that this is segment 7. Now move over the top-right horizontal segment and enter the length "::L[7]", which tells it to use the same length as segment 7. "Press to Solve" to give:

"Sketch" and "Save" and "Press to Re-build".

Now open the list of Design Parameters (using the "+" to the left of "Design Parameters") and change the value of "slot" to "2". "Press to Re-build" to see the effect of this change.

We will now experiment with some of the other constraints. Specifically we will be removing some of our "H" and "V" constraints and instead add constraints at some of the points. Re-enter the Sketcher and move the cursor over the right-hand segment, press "<" to remove the vertical constraint. Similarly remove the horizontal constraint from the top-right horizontal segment.

The sketch is under-constrained (is grey). We are going to add a perpendicularity constraint at the point at the lower-right corner by moving the mouse over the point and pressing "P". Just to be different, at the top-right point we are going to add an "angle" constraint by pressing "A" and adding a value of "90".

"Press to Solve" and "Sketch" and "Save".

We are now going to extrude the sketch into a solid. This is done by first creating a Design Parameter named "depth" and giving it a default value of "3". Then add an EXTRUDE Branch, whose arguments are "dx"="0", "dy"="0", and "dz"="depth". This will extrude the sketch in the "z" direction (out of the screen). "Press to Re-build", yielding:

As with most programs, it makes sense to periodically save your work, so press "File", "Export FeatureTree", and save the current model in a file named "../data/legacy/tutorial2". (Note that the ".csm" suffix will automatically be added for you.)

To see the .csm file associated with the current model, press the "File" and "Edit" buttons. At the top of the file, all the Design Parameters are defined (along with their current values). This is followed by the Branches in the Feature Tree. Note that the sketch starts with a SKBEG statement. This is followed by a SKVAR statement that specifies the initial locations of the various points in the sketch. (These positions were automatically set up for you when you drew the sketch). Following that , there is a series of SKCON statements that define the various constraints in the Sketcher. The first argument of each SKCON statement is the constraint type (which corresponds with the letters in the Sketcher), followed by the point (or segment) number and the value; again these were automatically set up for you when you drew the sketch and constrained it. This is then followed by a series of LINSEG Branches, which say that our current sketch is made up of a series of line segments. Again the number of the points to use in the LINSEG Branches was set up automatically for you.

Press "Cancel" to exit the editor and return to the normal view.

We are now going to create another sketch, which will be used to cut a hole in the bracket's left upright. This cut will be parameterized with a Design Parameter named "rad" whose sole value is "0.5". (You can create that now.)

Now we want to create a new sketch. We do this by adding a SKBEG Branch (with all "0" arguments).

The sketch that we are going to create consists of a race-track-shape curve, as shown in:

This is done with the following actions. Draw a horizontal segment off to the right (make sure the line from the last point is drawn in orange) and press "L" (or click the mouse) to create the first horizontal segment. Then move the mouse up and press the "C" key to create a circular arc segment. When you have done that, the segment that you just created turns red and follows the cursor; move the cursor and see how it changes. Once it is located at approximately the correct location, press the mouse button. Then sketch the horizontal line segment to the left, a circular arc on the left end, and finally a line segment back to the original point.

You might be wondering why the bottom of the racetrack was created with two LINSEGs. The reason is that we are ultimately going to want to center the sketch on the left-leg of the bracket, so having a point at the "center" of the sketch will be convenient.

We are now going to constrain the sketch as follows:

"Press to Solve", zoom in (using the "+" button) and center the sketch in the window (using the "H") button, yielding:

"Sketch" and "Save" and "Press to Re-build". If you turn the configuration around, you will see the sketch at the back left bottom corner, as in:

We want to rotate this to be parallel with the y-z plane by adding a ROTATEY Branch (with arguments "90", "0", "0"), move it to its proper location by adding a TRANSLATE Branch (with arguments "0", "height-3*rad", and "depth/2"). If you "Press to Re-build" you will see that the sketch is now properly positioned. We can then add an EXTRUDE Branch (with arguments "length/2", "0", and "0") and finally subtract that new volume by adding a SUBTRACT Branch (with the default arguments). If you "Press to Re-build", you should get:

Now we will add a chamfer at the edges of the cut-out that the just made. Add a Design Parameter named "filrad" whose sole value is "0.1" and a new CHAMFER Branch whose arguments are "filrad" and "0" (meaning all Edges). "Press to Re-build", yielding:

We are now going to make another cut-out for the right leg of the bracket. As usual, make a SKBEG Branch (with all zero arguments). The figure that we want to sketch looks like:

To make this, start by drawing a horizontal line segment to the right (by pressing the "L" key). We are now going to set the control points for a Bezier curve. Do this by moving the cursor above the original point and pressing "B". We then continue to add one "B" to the left, one below it (to the left of the original point) and one halfway back to the original point. Finally move the cursor over the original point (the one labeled "XY") and press "L".

You can put the cursor over any of the points and "drag" it to a new location. This movement will effect the display, but will likely be over-written when the sketch is ultimately solved.

Constrain the sketch as follows:

"Press to Solve", "Sketch", "Save", and "Press to Re-build". You should see:

Again, we want to rotate and translate the sketch, extrude it, and subtract it, by adding the Branches:

"Press to Re-build", giving:

Finally, we want to modify the original bracket to put fillets along the bottom of the slot. To do this, we have to go back and add a FILLET Branch immediately after the EXTRUDE that created the bracket. If we look back through the Feature Tree, we see the first EXTRUDE is at "Branch_000103". (To verify this, select "Branch_000103" and "Build to this Branch"). We are going to want to add a FILLET statement after this Branch, but first we must determine the identity of the Edges that we want filleted. To do this, press the "+" to the left of the Body (near the bottom of the "Tree" window), turn the visibility of the Faces off (press "Viz" to the right of Faces), and query the two Edges shown in:

Identifying them is done by pressing "^" over the two Edges. (In the picture above, these Edges were identified for you by turning their "Grd" on before capturing the screen; these Edges will likely not be highlighted on your screen.) You will notice in the "Messages" window that the Branches have an "edgeID" set to "11 6 11 7 1" and "11 7 11 8 1". This means (for example) that the first Edge was created at the intersection of Faces 6 and 7 of Body 11.

We can now create the FILLET Branch (edit "Branch_000103" and press "Add new Branch after this Branch"), with arguments "filrad" (which was set above for the CHAMFER) and "6;7;7;8;" (which selects the Edges between Faces 6 and 7 and between 7 and 8. "Press to Re-build".

Finally, we might want to see the geometric sensitivity of this configuration with respect to some of the Design Parameters. This is done exactly as in the first tutorial (by selecting a Design Parameter and pressing "Compute sensitivity").

We can now save our .csm file by choosing "File->Export FeatureTree" with the filename "../data/legacy/tutorial2". Close the browser and serveESP should close automatically.

2.9 Third legacy tutorial: Aircraft example

For the third tutorial, we will start serveESP with the file data/legacy/tutorial3.csm, which represents a fighter-like aircraft using blends and ruled surfaces.

Start serveESP with commands such as

        serveESP ../data/legacy/tutorial3 -dumpEgads
After a few minutes, the following will appear:

The -dumpEgade tells serveESP to dump a file with the name Body_xxxxxx.egads whenever a new Body is created; here, xxxxxx is replaced with the current Body number. This is a very useful option to use if you have a long build and want to "see" the current process (in another invocation of serveESP (which uses a different port number). It is also useful in conjunction with the -loadEgads option described below.

We are going to modify this case by using the "File->Edit" button. Pressing it gives:

Listed in the "Graphics" window is a listing of the tutorial3.csm file. We will dissect this file in a few minutes. But first, edit the file by adding the following after line 2:

        # this is an added line

If you now press the "Cancel" button, the change you made will not be saved and the original aircraft picture will appear. To see this, press the "File->Edit" button again and you will see that we have the original tutorial3.csm file. Now edit the file by adding the following after line 2:

        # this is another added line
Press the "ExportFeatureTree" button and the file will be updated and the configuration will rebuild with the updated file. (This happens now even though the changes were inconsequential because all we did is added a comment.)

Now add a new Design Parameter called "xyz" that has 1 row and 3 columns, with the values "11", "22", and "33". (Recall that this done by clicking on "Design Parameters" in the "Tree" window.)

If we try to "File->Edit" the file again, ESP will inform you that you made changes interactively and that you must save those changes first (or else lose them). "Cancel" out of this and then press the "File->Export FeatureTree" button and give the new file the name "foo".

If you now press "File->Edit", you will see that the new current file is foo.csm. You will also see that this file is formatted differently from your original tutorial3.csm file. For example, the arguments in foo.csm are not nicely spaced as they were in the original tutorial3.csm file. As a result, you will probably find it easier to only make changes via the user interface (as you did in tutorial 1) or to edit the file directly using the "File->Edit" button. You can now "Cancel" out of the editor, bringing back the picture of the airplane.

In addition to understanding how to "Edit" .csm files, this tutorial also describes best practices when writing a .csm file. So let's now dissect the original tutorial3.csm file.

As a good practice, it is suggested that you add comments to the top of the file, such as:

# tutorial3
# written by John Dannenhoffer

This is then followed by the Design Parameters. Those that describe the fuselage are given by:

# design parameters associated with fuselage
#                      x      y    zmin   zmax
dimension fuse      15  4  1
despmtr   fuse     " 1.00; -0.40; -0.20;  0.25;\
                     2.00; -0.60; -0.30;  0.50;\
                     3.00; -0.60; -0.30;  0.80;\
                     4.00; -0.60; -0.30;  1.20;\
                     5.00; -0.60; -0.20;  1.20;\
                     6.00; -0.60; -0.10;  1.00;\
                     7.00; -0.60;  0.00;  0.80;\
                     8.00; -0.50;  0.00;  0.70;\
                     9.00; -0.40;  0.00;  0.60;\
                    10.00; -0.30;  0.00;  0.60;\
                    11.00; -0.30;  0.00;  0.60;\
                    12.00; -0.30;  0.00;  0.60;\
                    13.00; -0.30;  0.00;  0.60;\
                    13.90; -0.30;  0.00;  0.60;\
                    14.00; -0.30;  0.00;  0.60;"

dimension  noseList 2  4  1
despmtr    noseList "0.10; 0; 1; 0;\
                     0.05; 0; 0; 1"
Here, fuse is a 15 row, 4 column, Design Parameter with the given values. The values are listed across rows, with semi-colons between the various entries. Since spaces are used to enhance readability, the entire list of values is placed between quotation marks. Also, since the inputs are split across multiple lines, the backslash character is used to denote that the next line should be concatenated with the current line before processing; all characters starting at the backslash are ignored. The noseList Design Parameter has 2 rows and 4 columns. (More on the use of these Design Parameters below.)

The Design Parameters that describe the wing, horizontal and vertical tails are given by:

# design parameters associated with wing
despmtr   series_w  4409

dimension  wing     3  5  1

#                     x       y      z   chord  angle
despmtr    wing    " 4.00;  0.00;  0.20;  6.00;  0.00;\
                     7.00;  1.00;  0.20;  3.00;  0.00;\
                     9.00;  4.60;  0.10;  1.00; 20.00;"

# design parameters associated with htail
despmtr   series_h  0406
despmtr   xroot_h  12.10
despmtr   zroot_h   0.20
despmtr   aroot_h   0.00
despmtr   area_h    7.28
despmtr   taper_h   0.55
despmtr   aspect_h  3.70
despmtr   sweep_h  25.00
despmtr   dihed_h   3.00
despmtr   twist_h   2.00

set       cbar_h    sqrt(area_h/aspect_h)
set       span_h    cbar_h*aspect_h
set       croot_h   (2*cbar_h)/(taper_h+1)
set       ctip_h    taper_h*croot_h
set       xtip_h    xroot_h+(span_h/2)*tand(sweep_h)
set       ytip_h    span_h/2
set       ztip_h    zroot_h+(span_h/2)*tand(dihed_h)
set       atip_h    aroot_h+twist_h

# design parameters associated with vtail
despmtr   series_v  0404
despmtr   xroot_v  11.20
despmtr   zroot_v   0.50
despmtr   area_v    9.60
despmtr   taper_v   0.30
despmtr   aspect_v  3.00
despmtr   sweep_v  45.00

set       cbar_v    sqrt(area_v/aspect_v)
set       span_v    cbar_v*aspect_v
set       croot_v   (2*cbar_v)/(taper_v+1)
set       ctip_v    taper_v*croot_v
set       xtip_v    xroot_v+(span_v/2)*tand(sweep_v)
set       ztip_v    zroot_v+span_v/2

Notice the SET statements that compute Local Variables in terms of the Design Variables. For example, the mean-chord of the horizontal tail (cbar_h) is computed as the square-root of the ratio of the tail area and the tail aspect ratio.

Now we are going to build the fuselage. This will be done using by blending data from various cross-sections. The sections that will ultimately be blended are those created after the previous MARK. Creating the mark is done with the code:

# build the fuselage

We want to begin the fuselage at a point. This is accomplished by using a POINT statement:

   point     0  0  0
This creates a point at the origin.

Then we need to generate the remaining 15 cross-sections. This is done with a "pattern" (similar to a "for" loop in other programming languages):

   patbeg    i  fuse.nrow
      udprim ellipse   ry  abs(fuse[i,2])  rz  (fuse[i,4]-fuse[i,3])/2
      translate        fuse[i,1]  0            (fuse[i,4]+fuse[i,3])/2
Within the pattern we create an ellipse (using the "ellipse" user-defined primitive) with its Parameters taken from the second, third, and fourth columns of the fuse Design Parameter. Each cross-section is then translated into its final position using the TRANSLATE statement. The patend statement closes the pattern. (Although not used here, it is possible to enclose patterns within patterns.)

Finally we will generate the fuselage by blending the point and 15 sections (everything since the mark) using:

blend     noseList

At this point it is worth looking into the noseList. The first four entries (the first row) contain the nose radius in the direction specified (in this case, "0,1,0", which is a vector in the "y"-direction). The next four entries contain the nose radius in the "0,0,1" direction (which is the "z"-direction). Similar coding would be used at the tail if a tailList had been specified as the second argument in the BLEND command.

The wing is built in a similar manner using a ruled surface. The code here is:

# build the wing
   udprim    naca      Series    series_w
   rotatez   -wing[3,5]   0   0
   rotatex   90           0   0
   scale     wing[3,4]
   translate wing[3,1]    -wing[3,2]   wing[3,3]

   udprim    naca      Series    series_w
   rotatez   -wing[2,5]   0   0
   rotatex   90           0   0
   scale     wing[2,4]
   translate wing[2,1]    -wing[2,2]   wing[2,3]

   udprim    naca      Series    series_w
   rotatez   -wing[1,5]   0   0
   rotatex   90           0   0
   scale     wing[1,4]
   translate wing[1,1]    wing[1,2]   wing[1,3]

   udprim    naca      Series    series_w
   rotatez   -wing[2,5]   0   0
   rotatex   90           0   0
   scale     wing[2,4]
   translate wing[2,1]    +wing[2,2]   wing[2,3]

   udprim    naca      Series    series_w
   rotatez   -wing[3,5]   0   0
   rotatex   90           0   0
   scale     wing[3,4]
   translate wing[3,1]    +wing[3,2]   wing[3,3]
Notice here that instead of using a pattern, the five sections were explicitly created; this was done to ensure that the left and right wings were the same. Also note that the naca user-defined primitive was used to generate the cross-sections.

The next statement:

union   # with fuselage
combines the fuselage and wing into a single Body.

The code for the tails is:

# build the horizontal tail
   udprim    naca      Series    series_h
   rotatez   -atip_h   0         0
   rotatex   90        0         0
   scale     ctip_h
   translate xtip_h   -ytip_h    ztip_h

   udprim    naca      Series    series_h
   rotatez   -aroot_h  0         0
   rotatex   90        0         0
   scale     croot_h
   translate xroot_h   0         zroot_h

   udprim    naca      Series    series_h
   rotatez   -atip_h   0         0
   rotatex   90        0         0
   scale     ctip_h
   translate xtip_h    ytip_h    ztip_h
union   # with wing/fuselage

# build  the vertical tail
   udprim    naca      Series    series_v
   scale     croot_v
   translate xroot_v   0         zroot_v

   udprim    naca      Series    series_v
   scale     ctip_v
   translate xtip_v    0         ztip_v
union   # with wing/fuselage

The tutorial3.csm file completes with the statement:

Although such a statement is not required, it is good practice to use it.

Feel free to experiment by modifying this file.

Finally we are going to run serveESP with the -loadEgads option, as in:

serveESP ../data/legacy/tutorial3 -loadEgads

This will rerun the tutorial3 case, but will read Bodys from the Body_xxxxxx.egads files instead of generating, generally making it much faster. Checks are made to ensure that the Body_xxxxxx.egads files match the expected Branch type and arguments.

Back to Table of Contents

3.0: Command Line

To start serveESP, one uses the command:

        serveESP [casename[.csm]] [options...]
           where [options...] = -addVerify
                                -despmtrs despname
                                -dict dictname
                                -dxdd despmtr
                                -egg eggname
                                -help  -or-  -h
                                -histDist dist
                                -jrnl jrnlname
                                -outLevel X
                                -plot plotfile
                                -plotBDF BDFname
                                -plugs npass
                                -port X
                                -ptrb ptrbname
                                -tess tessfile
                                -version  -or-  -v  -or-  --version

The -addVerify option tells to write a .csm_verify file that contains information about the Bodys on the stack. This information can be used in a subsequent call (using the -verify flag) to verify that the results are "close enough" to a previous run.

The -allVels option displays Node and Edge velocities (in addition to Face velocities).

If the -batch option is given, serveESP is started without any graphical user interface. This option is useful for regenerating configurations as part of a bigger process, such as for testing or within an MDAO environment.

The -despmtrs option causes the specified file to be read to override any DESPMTR and CFGPMTR values in the .csm file.

The -dict option tells serveESP to read the dictname file to define constant Parameters that should be defined before the configuration is built. The format of the dictname file is a series of lines, where each line contains a constant name and a value, separated by white space; these Parameters are defined after the .csm is read but before it is executed.

The -dumpEgads option tells serveESP to write an EGADS file named "Body_xxxxxx.egads" to the current working directory every time a new Body is built. This option is useful if one wants to see the progress so far during a long build or in conjunction with the -loadEgads option.

The -dxdd despmtr option generates a sensitivity file named despmtr.sens that contains the geometric sensitivities at every point in the last Body generated. It automatically runs in -batch mode.

The -egg option tells serveESP to use the eggname external grid generator instead of the built-in EGADS tessellator.

The -help option produces a listing of the command line options.

the -histDist option produces a histogram of the distances of all point in a plotfile (specified with the -plot option) from the current configuration.

The -jrnl option is useful for replaying a previous session. This journal file is an ASCII file that can be created with any text-editor. But more typically, a user modifies the portX.jrnl file that is automatically produced every time serveESP is started. (Note: be sure to copy and/or rename this file before using it as an input to serveESP, since the next serveESP will overwrite this file.)

The-loadEgads option tells serveESP to try to read file named "Body_xxxxxx.egads" during the build process, thereby bypassing possibly long operations. There are safeguards to ensure that the Branch type and arguments match before the file is loaded.

The -onormal option tells serveESP to move the user's eye away from the configuration, making the display almost orthonormal (instead of perspective).

The -outLevel option sets the level of output (0 to 3) that the server should produce during its execution. Higher numbers are useful for debugging and should seldom be used by most users.

The -plot option provides a plotfile file that contains X,Y,Z triplets of points to be plotted in ESP with the label plotdata. See Section 5.12 for details.

The -plotBDF option plots the GRIDs, CRODs, and CQUAD4s in the associated .bdf file (which can be written by the createBEM UDP).

The -plotCP option plots the control polygons associated with all Bspline Faces.

The -plugs option starts Plugs, which is a tool for modifying the DESPMTRs in a configuration so that the distances from the points in a plotfile (specified via the -plot option) to the configuration is minimized in a least-squares sense. This option is still experimental and should be used with caution.

The -port option tells serveESP with which port to connect. If a port other than the default is used, be certain to use that same port number in ESP's initial prompt.

The -printStack option tells OpenCSM to print out the contents of the stack after every command is executed.

The -ptrb option causes a perturbed configration (defined by the specified file) to be generated and the maximum distance between it and the base case to be printed.

The -skipBuild flag tells serveESP to skip the initial build. This is useful when the user knows that some DESPMTRs will be changed before the build.

The -skipTess option is used when you want to run OpenCSM in -batch mode and you do not want it to create the tessellation of all the Bodys on the stack.

The -tess option reads the specified file and overwrites the tessellation on the last Body on the stack.

The -verify is typically used during testing to verify that the Bodys that are produced "match" those that were produced when the -addVerify flag was used. It does this by actually checking the ASSERT Branches whose verify option is set to 1.

The -version (or -v or --version) flag is used to print version information for the user.

OpenCSM ignores the -- flag.

The options -checkMass, -checkPara, and -ptrb are basically used during development, and users should generally not need to use them.

Back to Table of Contents

4.0: Interactive Options

The first Tutorial (above) gives an overview of nearly all the interactive commands that are available in ESP. Future versions of this document will add more details here.

Back to Table of Contents

5.0: Format of the .csm and .udc Files

5.1: Format of the .csm file

The .csm file contains a series of statements.

If a line contains a hash (#), all characters starting at the hash are ignored.

If a line contains a backslash, all characters starting at the backslash are ignored and the next line is appended; spaces at the beginning of the next line are treated normally.

All statements begin with a keyword (described below) and must contain at least the indicated number of arguments.

The keywords may either be all lowercase or all UPPERCASE.

Any CSM statement can be used except the INTERFACE statement.

Blocks of statements must be properly nested. The Blocks are bounded by PATBEG/PATEND, IFTHEN/ELSEIF/ELSE/ENDIF, SOLBEG/SOLEND, and CATBEG/CATEND.

Extra arguments in a statement are discarded. If one wants to add a comment, it is recommended to begin it with a hash (#) in case optional arguments are added in future releases.

Any statements after an END statement are ignored.

All arguments must not contain any spaces or must be enclosed in a pair of double quotes (for example, "a + b").

Parameters are evaluated in the order that they appear in the file, using MATLAB-like syntax (see 'Expression rules' below).

During the build process, OpenCSM maintains a LIFO 'Stack' that can contain Bodies and Sketches.

The csm statements are executed in a stack-like way, taking their inputs from the Stack and depositing their results onto the Stack.

The default name for each Branch is 'Brch_xxxxxx', where xxxxxx is a unique sequence number.

5.2: Format of the .udc file

A .udc file follows the rules of a .csm file, EXCEPT:

Zero or more INTERFACE statements must preceed any other non-comment statement.

Any CSM statement can be used except the DIMENSION, CONPMTR, DESPMTR, LBOUND, and UBOUND statements.

SET statements define parameters that are visible only within the .udc file (that is, parameters have local scope).

Parameters defined outside the .udc file are not available, except those passed in via INTERFACE statements.

.udc files can be nested to a depth of 10 levels.

.udc files are executed via a UDPRIM statement.

5.3: Special characters

   #          introduces comment
   "          ignore spaces until following "
   \          ignore this and following characters and concatenate next line
       separates arguments in .csm file (except between " and ")

   0-9        digits used in numbers and in names
   A-Z a-z    letters used in names
   _ : @      characters used in names (see rule for names)
   ? % =      characters used in strings
   .          decimal separator (used in numbers), introduces dot-suffixes
                 (in names)
   ,          separates function arguments and row/column in subscripts
   ;          multi-value item separator
   ( )        groups expressions and function arguments
   [ ]        specifies subscripts in form [row,column] or [index]
   { } < > ~  characters used in strings
   + - * / ^  arithmetic operators
   $          as first character, introduces a string that is terminated
                 by end-of-line or un-escaped plus, comma, or
   @          as first character, introduces @-parameters (see below)
   '          used to escape comma, plus, or close-parenthesis within
   !          if first character of implicit string, ignore $! and treat
                 as an expression

   |          cannot be used (reserved for OpenCSM internals)
   &          cannot be used (reserved for OpenCSM internals)

5.4: Valid CSM statements

The current CSM statements are listed here, grouped by type. A full alphabetical description of any command can be obtained by clicking on the command name.

For a convenient Quick Reference, see $ESP_ROOT/doc/ESP_QuickReference.pdf, which is a two-page summary of the various .csm commands, built-in functions, dot-suffixes, the ESP character set, and a brief summary of the meanings of the various keypresses in ESP.

In the descriptions below, the conventions used are:

Clicking on the icon below the command listing shows one or more examples of the use of the command.

point xloc yloc zloc
box xbase ybase zbase dx dy dz
sphere xcent ycent zcent radius
cone xvrtx yvrtx zvrtx xbase ybase zbase radius
cylinder xbeg ybeg zbeg xend yend zend radius
torus xcent ycent zcent dxaxis dyaxis dzaxis majorRad minorRad
import $filename bodynumber=1
restore $name index=0
udprim $primtype $argName1 argValue1 $argName2 argValue2 $argName3 argValue3 $argName4 argValue4
extrude dx dy dz
rule reorder=0 periodic=0 copyAttr=0
blend begList=0 endList=0 reorder=0 oneFace=0 periodic=0 copyAttr=0
revolve xorig yorig zorig dxaxis dyaxis dzaxis angDeg
fillet radius edgeList=0 listStyle=0
chamfer radius edgeList=0 listStyle=0
hollow thick faceList=0 listStyle=0
intersect $order=none index=1 maxtol=0
subtract $order=none index=1 maxtol=0 scribeAll=0
union toMark=0 trimList=0 maxtol=0
join toler=0 toMark=0
connect faceList1 faceList2 edgeList1=0 edgeList2=0 toler=0
extract entList
elevate toler=0
translate dx dy dz
rotatex angDeg yaxis=0 zaxis=0
rotatey angDeg zaxis=0 xaxis=0
rotatez angDeg xaxis=0 yaxis=0
scale fact xcent=0 ycent=0 zcent=0
mirror nx ny nz dist=0
applycsys $csysName ibody=0
reorder ishift iflip=0
skbeg x y z relative=0
skvar $type valList
skcon $type index1 index2=-1 $value=0
linseg x y z
cirarc xon yon zon xend yend zend
arc xend yend zend dist $plane=xy
spline x y z
sslope dx dy dz
bezier x y z
skend wireonly=0
solbeg $varList
solcon $expr
set $pmtrName exprs
assert arg1 arg2 toler=0 verify=0
udparg $primtype $argName1 argValue1 $argName2 argValue2 $argName3 argValue3 $argName4 argValue4
group nbody=0
patbeg $pmtrName ncopy
patbreak expr
evaluate $type arg1 ...
ifthen val1 $op1 val2 $op2=and val3=0 $op3=eq val4=0
elseif val1 $op1 val2 $op2=and val3=0 $op3=eq val4=0
store $name index=0 keep=0
dump $filename remove=0 toMark=0 withTess=0
select $type ...
getattr $pmtrName attrID global=0
project x y z dx dy dz useEdges=0
throw sigCode
catbeg sigCode
message $text $schar=_
cfgpmtr $pmtrName value
conpmtr $pmtrName value
despmtr $pmtrName values
outpmtr $pmtrName
lbound $pmtrName bounds
ubound $pmtrName bounds
dimension $pmtrName nrow ncol
name $branchName
attribute $attrName attrList
csystem $csysName csysList
interface $argName $argType default
loft smooth
macbeg imacro
recall imacro

The following is taken from the OpenCSM.h file:


APPLYCSYS $csysName ibody=0
          use:    transforms Group on top of stack so that their
                      origins/orientations coincide with given csys
          pops:   any
          pushes: any
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if ibody>0, use csys associated with that Body
                  if ibody==0, then search for csys backward from
                     next-to-last Body on stack
                  if ibody==-1, transform Body on top of stack so
                     that its csys is moved to the origin
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


ARC       xend yend zend dist $plane=xy
          use:    create a new circular arc to the new point, with a
                     specified distance between the mid-chord and mid-arc
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch must be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  $plane must be xy, yz, or zx
                  if dist>0, sweep is counterclockwise
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. xend, yend, zend, dist
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


ASSERT    arg1 arg2 toler=0 verify=0
          use:    return error if arg1 and arg2 differ
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  if toler==0, set toler=1e-6
                  if toler<0, set toler=abs(arg1*toler)
                  if (abs(arg1-arg2) > toler) return an error
                  only executed if verify<=MODL->verify
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


ATTRIBUTE $attrName attrValue
          use:    sets an Attribute for the Group on top of Stack
          pops:   any
          pushes: any
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  if first char of attrValue is '$', then string Attribute
                  elseif attrValue is a Parameter name, all its elements
                     are stored in Attribute
                  otherwise attrValue is a semicolon-separated list of
                     scalar numbers/expressions
                  does not create a Branch
                  if before first Branch that creates a Body,
                     the Attribute is a string-valued global Attribute
                  if after BLEND, BOX, CHAMFER, CONE, CONNECT, CYLINDER,
                        RESTORE, REVOLVE, RULE, SPHERE, SWEEP, TORUS,
                        or UDPRIM
                     the Attribute is added to the Body and its Faces
                     the Attribute is only added to the Body
                  is applied to selected Nodes, Edges, or Faces if after a
                     SELECT statement


BEZIER    x y z
          use:    add a Bezier control point
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch must be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. x, y, z
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


BLEND     begList=0 endList=0 reorder=0 oneFace=0 periodic=0 copyAttr=0
          use:    create a Body by blending through Xsects since Mark
          pops:   Xsect1 ... Mark
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  all Xsects must have the same number of Edges
                  if all Xsects are NodeBodys
                     a WireBody is created
                  elseif all Xsects are WireBodys (or a NodeBody at one end)
                     a SheetBody is created
                     a SolidBody is created
                  Xsects cannot be non-manifold WireBody
                  if the first Xsect is a point
                      if begList is 0
                          pointed end is created
                      elseif begList contains 8 values
                          begList contains rad1;dx1;dy1;dz1;rad2;dx2;dy2;dz2
                          rounded end is created
                  elseif first Xsect is a WireBody
                      created SheetBody is open at the beginning
                  elseif first Xsect is a SheetBody
                      if begList is 0
                          created Body included SheetBody at its beginning
                      elseif begList contains 2 values and first is -1
                          begList contains -1;aspect
                          rounded end with approximately given aspect ratio
                  if first Xsect is a WireBody or SheetBody
                      if begList contains 3 values
                          begList describes inward tangency at beginning
                  if the last Xsect is a point
                      if endList is 0
                          pointed end is created
                      elseif endList contains 8 values
                          endList contains rad1;dx1;dy1;dz1;rad2;dx2;dy2;dz2
                          rounded end is created
                  elseif last Xsect is a WireBody
                      created SheetBody is open at the end
                  elseif last Xsect is a SheetBody
                      if endList is 0
                          created Body included SheetBody at its end
                      elseif endList contains 2 values and first is -1
                          endList contains -1;aspect
                          rounded end with approximately given aspect ratio
                  if last Xsect is a WireBody or SheetBody
                      if endList contains 3 values
                          endList describes inward tangency at end
                  if begList!=0 and endList!=0, there must be at least
                     three interior Xsects
                  blend is by default C2 at Xsects, except:
                     Xsects repeated once yields C1 continuity
                        if     either Xsects has attribute .C1side=fwd
                           the slopes at the C1 comes from the next Xsect
                        elseif either Xsects has attribute .C1side=rev
                           the slopes at the C1 comes from the prior Xsect
                        elseif there is only one Xsect before the repeat
                           the slopes at the C1 comes from the prior Xsect
                        elseif there is only one Xsect after the repeat
                           the slopes at the C1 comes from the next Xsect
                           the slopes at the C1 comes from the prior Xsect
                       note: the .C1side at the repeated Xsects cannot differ
                     Xsects repeated twice yield C0 continuity
                  if reorder!=0 then Xsects are reordered to minimize Edge
                     lengths in the direction between Xsects
                  first Xsect is unaltered if reorder>0
                  last  Xsect is unaltered if reorder<0
                  if oneFace==1 then do not split at C0 (multiplicity=3)
                  if periodic=1 then connect the first and last Xsects
                  if copyAttr=1 then user Attributes are copied
                     from Xsects to new Edges
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. begList, endList
                  sets up @-parameters
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  Attributes on Xsects are maintained
                  face-order is: (base), (end), feat1:part1,
                     feat1:part2, ... feat2:part1, ...
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


BOX       xbase ybase zbase dx dy dz
          use:    create a box SolidBody or planar SheetBody
          pops:   -
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if one of dx, dy, or dz is zero, a SheetBody is created
                  if two of dx, dy, or dz is zero, a WireBody  is created
                  if dx, dy, dz      are all zero, a NodeBody  is creates
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. xbase, ybase, zbase, dx, dy, dz
                  computes Face, Edge, and Node sensitivities analytically
                  sets up @-parameters
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  face-order is: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


CATBEG    sigCode
          use:    execute Block of Branches if current signal matches
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  sigCode can be an integer or one of:
                  if sigCode does not match current signal, skip to matching
                  Block contains all Branches up to matching CATEND
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


          use:    designates the end of a CATBEG Block
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  inner-most Block must be a CATBEG Block
                  closes CATBEG Block
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


CFGPMTR   $pmtrName value
          use:    define a configuration Parameter
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  statement may not be used in a .udc file
                  pmtrName must be in form 'name'
                  pmtrName must not start with '@'
                  pmtrName must not refer to an LOCALVAR/OUTPMTR/CONPMTR
                  pmtrName will be marked as CFGPMTR
                  pmtrName is used directly (without evaluation)
                  if value already exists, it is not overwritten
                  does not create a Branch
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


CHAMFER   radius edgeList=0
          use:    apply a chamfer to a Body
          pops:   Body
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if listStyle==0
                     if previous operation is boolean, apply to all new Edges
                     edgeList=0 is the same as edgeList=[0;0]
                     edgeList is a multi-value Parameter or a semicolon-separated
                     pairs of edgeList entries are processed in order
                     pairs of edgeList entries are interpreted as follows:
                        col1  col2   meaning
                         =0    =0    add all Edges
                         >0    >0    add    Edges between iford=+icol1
                                                      and iford=+icol2
                         <0    <0    remove Edges between iford=-icol1
                                                      and iford=-icol2
                         >0    =0    add    Edges adjacent to iford=+icol1
                         <0    =0    remove Edges adjacent to iford=-icol1
                     edgeList contains Edge number(s)
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. radius
                  sets up @-parameters
                  new Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  face-order is based upon order that is returned from EGADS
                  causes finite difference sensitivities
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


CIRARC    xon yon zon xend yend zend
          use:    create a new circular arc, using the previous point
                     as well as the two points specified
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch must be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. xon, yon, zon, xend, yend, zend
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


COMBINE   toler=0
          use:    this command was not designed well and has been replaced
          notes:  the equivalent capability can be obtained by replacing with:
                     JOIN   toler  1


CONE      xvrtx yvrtx zvrtx xbase ybase zbase radius
          use:    create a cone Body
          pops:   -
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. xvrtx, yvrtx, zvrtz, xbase, ybase,
                     zbase, radius
                  computes Face, Edge, and Node sensitivities analytically
                  sets up @-parameters
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  face-order is: (empty), base, umin, umax
                     if x-aligned: umin=ymin, umax=ymax
                     if y-aligned: umin=xmax, umax=xmin
                     if z-aligned: umin=ymax, umax=ymin
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


CONNECT   faceList1 faceList2 edgeList1=0 edgeList2=0 toler=0
          use:    connects two Bodys with bridging Faces
          pops:   Body1 Body2
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  faceList1 and faceList2 must have the same length
                  edgeList1 and edgeList2 must have the same length
                  edgeList1[i] corresponds to edgeList2[i]
                  faceList1[i] corresponds to faceList2[i]
                  if Body1 is a Mark, left and rite Bodys are the same
                  if edgeLists are given
                      Body1 is either WireBody, SheetBody, or SolidBody
                      Body2 is same type as Body1
                      Body  is same type as Body1
                      Face in faceLists are removed
                      bridging Faces are made between edgeList pairs
                      a zero in an edgelist creates a degenerate Face
                      Body1 and Body2 must both be SolidBodys
                      Faces within each faceList must be contiguous
                      bridging Faces between exposed Edges are created
                  new Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  sets up @-parameters
                  if edgeLists are given
                      face-order is same as edgeList
                      face-order is arbitrary
                  causes finite difference sensitivities
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


CONPMTR   $pmtrName values
          use:    define a constant Parameter
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  statement may not be used in a .udc file
                  pmtrName must be in form 'name'
                  pmtrName must not start with '@'
                  pmtrName must not refer to an LOCALVAR/OUTPMTR/DESPMTR
                  pmtrName will be marked as CONPMTR
                  pmtrName is used directly (without evaluation)
                  pmtrName is available within .csm and .udc files
                  value(s) must be numbers
                  does not create a Branch
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


CSYSTEM   $csysName csysList
          use:    attach a Csystem to Body on top of stack
          pops:   any
          pushes: any
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  if     csysList contains 9 entries:
                     {x0, y0, z0, dx1, dy1, dz1, dx2, dy2, dz2}
                     origin is at (x0,y0,z0)
                     dirn1  is in (dx1,dy1,dz1) direction
                     dirn2  is part of (dx2,dy2,dz2) that is orthog. to dirn1
                  elseif csysList contains 5 entries and first is positive
                     {+iface, ubar0, vbar0, du2, dv2}
                     origin is at normalized (ubar0,vbar0) in iface
                     dirn1  is normal to Face
                     dirn2  is in (du2,dv2) direction
                  elseif csyList contains 5 entries and first is negative
                     {-iedge, tbar, dx2, dy2, dz2}
                     origin is at normalized (tbar) in iedge
                     dirn1  is tangent to Edge
                     dirn2  is part of (dx2,dy2,dz2) that is orthog. to dirn1
                  elseif csysList contains 7 entries
                     {inode, dx1, dy1, dz1, dx2, dy2, dz2}
                     origin is at Node inode
                     dirn1  is in (dx1,dy1,dz1) direction
                     dirn2  is part of (dx2,dy2,dz2) that is orthog. to dirn1
                  semicolon-sep lists can instead refer to
                     multi-valued Parameter
                  dirn3 is formed by (dirn1)-cross-(dirn2)
                  does not create a Branch


CYLINDER  xbeg ybeg zbeg xend yend zend radius
          use:    create a cylinder Body
          pops:   -
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. xbeg, ybeg, zbeg, xend, yend,
                     zend, radius
                  computes Face, Edge, and Node sensitivities analytically
                  sets up @-parameters
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  face-order is: beg, end, umin, umax
                     if x-aligned: umin=ymin, umax=ymax
                     if y-aligned: umin=xmax, umax=xmin
                     if z-aligned: umin=ymax, umax=ymin
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


DESPMTR   $pmtrName values
          use:    define a design Parameter
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  statement may not be used in a function-type .udc file
                  pmtrName can be in form 'name' or 'name[irow,icol]'
                  pmtrName must not start with '@'
                  pmtrName must not refer to an LOCALVAR/OUTPMTR/CONPMTR
                  pmtrName will be marked as DESPMTR
                  pmtrName is used directly (without evaluation)
                  irow and icol cannot contain a comma or open bracket
                  if irow is a colon (:), then all rows    are input
                  if icol is a colon (:), then all columns are input
                  pmtrName[:,:] is equivalent to pmtrName
                  values cannot refer to any other Parameter
                  if value already exists, it is not overwritten
                  values are defined across rows, then across columns
                  if values has more entries than needed, extra values
                     are lost
                  if values has fewer entries than needed, last value
                     is repeated
                  does not create a Branch
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


DIMENSION $pmtrName nrow ncol
          use:    set up or redimensions an array Parameter
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  nrow >= 1
                  ncol >= 1
                  pmtrName must not start with '@'
                  if applied to a DESPMTR or CFGPMTR, must be in either
                      .csm file or top-level include-style .udc file
                  a legacy fourth argument (despmtr) is no longer used
                  old values are not overwritten
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


DUMP      $filename remove=0 toMark=0 withTess=0 $grpName=.
          use:    write a file that contains the Body
          pops:   Body1 (if remove=1)
          pushes: -
          notes:  Solver may not be open
                  if file exists, it is overwritten
                  filename is used directly (without evaluation)
                  if filename starts with '$/', it is prepended with path of
                     the .csm file
                  if remove=1, then Body1 is removed after dumping
                  if toMark=1, all Bodys back to the Mark (or all if no Mark)
                     are combined into a single model
                  if toMark=1, the remove flag is ignored
                  if withTess!=0, add tessellations to .egads file
                  for .ugrid files, toMark must be 0
                  valid filetypes are:
                     .brep   .BREP   --> OpenCASCADE output
                     .bstl   .BSTL   --> binary stl  output
                     .egads  .EGADS  --> EGADS       output
                     .egg    .EGG    --> EGG restart output
                     .iges   .IGES   --> IGES        output
                     .igs    .IGS    --> IGES        output
                     .obj            --> WaveFront   output
                     .plot   .PLOT   --> ASCII plot  output
                     .sens   .SENS   --> ASCII sens  output
                     .step   .STEP   --> STEP        output
                     .stl    .STL    --> ASCII stl   output
                     .stp    .STP    --> STEP        output
                     .tess   .TESS   --> ASCII tess  output
                     .ugrid  .UGRID  --> ASCII AFRL3 output
                  if .bstl, use _stlColor from Face, Body, or 0 for color
                  if .egads, set _despmtr_* and _outpmtr_ Attributes on Model
                  if .obj, Faces are grouped based upon grpName attribute
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


ELEVATE   toler=0
          use:    elevate Body into next higher type
          pops:   Body1
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  Mark must be set
                  if Body1 is closed SheetBody
                     create a SolidBody from closed Shell
                  elseif Body1 is a planar manifold WireBody that is closed
                     create SheetBody from Loop
                  elseif Body1 is a planar manifold WireBody that is open
                     close Loop and then create SheetBody
                  if maxtol>0, then tolerance can be relaxed until successful
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


          use:    execute or skip a Block of Branches
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  inner-most Block must be an Ifthen Block
                  must follow an IFTHEN or ELSEIF statment
                  if preceeding (matching) IFTHEN or ELSEIF evaluated true,
                     then skip Branches up to the matching ENDIF
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


ELSEIF    val1 $op1 val2 $op2=and val3=0 $op3=eq val4=0
          use:    execute or skip a sequence of Branches
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  inner-most Block must be an Ifthen Block
                  must follow an IFTHEN or ELSEIF statement
                  if preceeding (matching) IFTHEN or ELSEIF evaluated true,
                     then skip Branches up to matching ENDIF
                  op1 must be one of: lt LT le LE eq EQ ge GE gt GT ne NE
                  op2 must be one of: or OR and AND xor XOR
                  op3 must be one of: lt LT le LE eq EQ ge GE gt GT ne NE
                  if expression evaluates false, skip Branches up to next
                     ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


          use:    signifies end of .csm or .udc file
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  Bodys on Stack are returned last-in-first-out
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


          use:    terminates an Ifthen Block of Branches
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  inner-most Block must be an Ifthen Block
                  must follow an IFTHEN, ELSEIF, or ELSE
                  closes Ifthen Block
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


EVALUATE  $type arg1 ...
          use:    evaluate coordinates of NODE, EDGE, or FACE
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  if     arguments are: "node ibody inode"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     inode is Node number (1:nnode)
                     return in @edata:
                        x, y, z
                  elseif arguments are: "edge ibody iedge t"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iedge is Edge number (1:nedge)
                     evaluate Edge at given t
                     return in @edata:
                        t (clipped),
                        x,      y,      z,
                        dxdt,   dydt,   dzdt,
                        d2xdt2, d2ydt2, d2zdt2
                  elseif arguments are: "edge ibody iedge $beg"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iedge is Edge number (1:nedge)
                     evaluate Edge at beginning
                     return in @edata:
                        t (clipped),
                        x,      y,      z,
                        dxdt,   dydt,   dzdt,
                        d2xdt2, d2ydt2, d2zdt2
                  elseif arguments are: "edge ibody iedge $end"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iedge is Edge number (1:nedge)
                     evaluate Edge at end
                     return in @edata:
                        t (clipped),
                        x,      y,      z,
                        dxdt,   dydt,   dzdt,
                        d2xdt2, d2ydt2, d2zdt2
                  elseif arguments are: "edgerng ibody iedge"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iedge is Edge number (1:nedge)
                     return in @edata:
                        tmin, tmax
                  elseif arguments are: "edgeinv ibody iedge x y z"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iedge is Edge number (1:nedge)
                     inverse evaluate Edge at given (x,y,z)
                     return in @edata:
                        xclose,  yclose,  zclose
                  elseif arguments are: "edgekt ibody iedge"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iedge is Edge number (1:nedge)
                     return in @edata:
                        knot1, knot2, ...
                  elseif arguments are: "edgecp ibody iedge"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iedge is Edge number (1:nedge)
                     return in @edata:
                        xcp1 ycp1 zcp1 xcp2 ycp2 ...
                  elseif arguments are: "face ibody iface u v"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iface is Face number (1:nface)
                     evaluate Face at given (u,v)
                     return in @edata:
                        u (clipped), v (clipped),
                        x,       y,       z,
                        dxdu,    dydu,    dzdu,
                        dxdv,    dydv,    dzdv,
                        d2xdu2,  d2ydu2,  d2zdu2,
                        d2xdudv, d2ydudv, d2zdudv,
                        d2xdv2,  d2ydv2,  d2zdv2,
                        normx,   normy,   normz
                  elseif arguments are: "facerng ibody iface"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iface is Face number (1:nface)
                     return in @edata:
                        umin, umax, vmin, vmax
                  elseif arguments are: "faceinv ibody iface x y z"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iface is Face number (1:nface)
                     inverse evaluate Face at given (x,y,z)
                     return in @edata:
                        u,       v,
                        xclose,  yclose,  zclose
                  elseif arguments are: "faceukt ibody iface"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iface is Face number (1:nface)
                     return in @edata:
                        uknot1, uknot2, ...
                  elseif arguments are: "facevkt ibody iface"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iface is Face number (1:nface)
                     return in @edata:
                        vknot1, vknot2,...
                  elseif arguments are: "facecp ibody iface"
                     ibody is Body number (1:nbody)
                     iface is Face number (1:nface)
                     return in @edata:
                        xcp1, ycp1, zcp1, xcp2, ycp2, ...
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM
                  causes finite difference sensitivities
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


EXTRACT   entList
          use:    extract Face(s) or Edge(s) from a Body
          pops:   Body1
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  all members of entList must have the same sign
                  Body1 must be a SolidBody or a SheetBody
                  if     entList entries are all positive
                     create SheetBody from entList Face(s) of Body1
                  elseif entList entries are all negative
                     create WireBody from -entList Edge(0) of Body1
                  elseif Body1=SolidBody and entList=0
                     create SheetBody from outer Shell of Body1
                  elseif Body1=SheetBody and entList=0
                     create WireBody from outer Loop of Body1
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


EXTRUDE   dx dy dz
          use:    create a Body by extruding an Xsect
          pops:   Xsect
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if Xsect is a SheetBody, then a SolidBody is created
                  if Xsect is a WireBody, then a SheetBody is created
                  if Xsect is a NodeBody, then a WireBody is created
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. dx, dy, dz
                  computes Face sensitivities analytically
                  sets up @-parameters
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  Attributes on Xsect Face are placed on both beg and end Faces
                  Attributes on Xsect Edges that do not start with
                     . or _ are placed on the associated Faces
                  Attributes on Xsect Edges are not placed on Edges
                  face-order is: (base), (end), feat1, ...
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


FILLET    radius edgeList=0 listStyle=0
          use:    apply a fillet to a Body
          pops:   Body
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if listStyle==0
                     if previous operation is boolean, apply to all new Edges
                     edgeList=0 is the same as edgeList=[0;0]
                     edgeList is a multi-value Parameter or a semicolon-separated
                     pairs of edgeList entries are processed in order
                     pairs of edgeList entries are interpreted as follows:
                        col1  col2   meaning
                         =0    =0    add all Edges
                         >0    >0    add    Edges between iford=+icol1
                                                      and iford=+icol2
                         <0    <0    remove Edges between iford=-icol1
                                                      and iford=-icol2
                         >0    =0    add    Edges adjacent to iford=+icol1
                         <0    =0    remove Edges adjacent to iford=-icol1
                     edgeList contains Edge number(s)
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. radius
                  sets up @-parameters
                  new Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  face-order is based upon order that is returned from EGADS
                  causes finite difference sensitivities
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


GETATTR   $pmtrName attrID global=0
          use:    store an Attribute value(s) in a LOCALVAR
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          Notes:  pmtrName must be in form 'name', without subscripts
                  pmtrName must not start with '@'
                  pmtrName must not refer to an DESPMTR/CONPMTR Parameter
                  pmtrName will be marked as LOCALVAR (or OUTPMTR)
                  pmtrName is used directly (without evaluation)
                  the type of pmtrName is changed to match the result
                  if global==0, then
                     applies to Attributes on the selected Body
                     applies to global Attributes
                  if attrID is $_nattr_ then number of Attributes
                     will be retrieved into a scalar or indexed entry
                  if attrID is an integer (i), then the name of the
                     i'th (bias-1) Attribute will be retreived into a
                     string Parameter
                  Attributes are retrieved from last Body or from a Body,
                     Face, or Edge if it follows a SELECT statement
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:
                     $illegal_pmtr_index, $illegal_attribute


GROUP     nbody=0
          use:    create a Group of Bodys since Mark for subsequent
          pops:   Body1 ... Mark  -or-  Body1 ...
          pushes: Body1 ...
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if nbody>0,   then nbody Bodys on stack are in Group
                  if nbody<0,   then Bodys are ungrouped
                  if no Mark on stack, all Bodys on stack are in Group
                  the Mark is removed from the stack
                  Attributes are set on all Bodys in Group
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


HOLLOW    thick=0 entList=0 listStyle=0
          use:    hollow out a SolidBody or SheetBody
          pops:   Body
          pushes: Body
          notes:  results can be unpredictable due to OpenCASCADE issues
                  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if SolidBody (radius is ignored)
                     if thick=0 and entList==0         (case A)
                         convert to SheetBody
                     if thick=0 and entList!=0         (case B)
                        convert to SheetBody without Faces in entList (if connected)
                     if thick>0 and entList==0         (case C)
                        larger offset Body is created
                     if thick<0 and entList==0         (case D)
                        smaller offset Body is created
                     if thick>0 and entList!=0         (case E)
                        hollow (removing entList) with new Faces inside  original Body
                     if thick<0 and entList!=0         (case F)
                        hollow (removing entList) with new Faces outside original Body
                  if a SheetBody with only one Face
                     if thick=0 and entList==0         (case G)
                        convert to WireBody (if connected)
                     if thick=0 and entList!=0         (case H)
                        convert to WireBody without Edges in entList (if connected)
                     if thick>0 and entList==0         (case I)
                        hollow with new Edges inside  original Body
                     if thick<0 and entList==0         (case J)
                        hollow with new Edges outside original Body
                     if thick>0 and entList!=0         (case K)
                        hollow (removing entList) with new Edges inside  original Body
                     if thick<0 and entList!=0         (case L)
                        hollow (removing entList) with new Edges outside original Body
                  if a SheetBody with multiple Faces
                     if thick=0 and entList!=0         (case M)
                        remove Faces in entList (if connected)
                     if thick>0 and entList==0         (case N)
                        hollow all Faces with new Edges inside original Faces
                     if thick>0 and entList!=0         (case P)
                        hollow Faces in entList with new Edges inside original Faces
                  entList is multi-valued Parameter, or a semicolon-separated list
                  if listStyle==0 and a SolidBody
                     pairs of entList entries are processed in order
                        the first  entry in a pair indicates the Body when
                           Face was generated (see first number in _body Attribute)
                        the second entry in a pair indicates the face-order (see
                           second number in _body Attribute)
                     entries in entList are Edge or Face numbers
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. thick
                  sets up @-parameters
                  new Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  face-order is based upon order that is returned from EGADS
                  causes finite difference sensitivities
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


IFTHEN    val1 $op1 val2 $op2=and val3=0 $op3=eq val4=0
          use:    execute or skip a Block of Branches
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  works in combination with ELSEIF, ELSE, and ENDIF statements
                  op1 must be one of: lt LT le LE eq EQ ge GE gt GT ne NE
                  op2 must be one of: or OR and AND xor XOR
                  op3 must be one of: lt LT le LE eq EQ ge GE gt GT ne NE
                  if expression evaluates false, skip Block of Branches up
                     to next (matching) ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF are skipped
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


IMPORT    $filename bodynumber=1
          use:    import from filename
          pops:   -
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  filename is used directly (without evaluation)
                  if filename starts with '$$/', use path relative to .csm file
                  if bodynumber=-1, then all Bodys are returned in one Group
                  sets up @-parameters
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  face-order is based upon order in file
                  causes finite difference sensitivities
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:
                     udp-specific code


INTERFACE $argName $argType default=0
          use:    defines an argument for a .udc file
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  only allowed in a .udc file
                  must be placed before any executable statement
                  argType must be "in", "out", "dim", or "all"
                  argType="dim" is obsolete, use DIMENSION instead
                  if argType=="all", a new scope is not created (and
                                     $argName is ignored)
                  a string variable can be passed into UDC if default
                     is a string
                  a string varaible can be passed out of UDC
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


INTERSECT $order=none index=1 maxtol=0
          use:    perform Boolean intersection (Body2 & Body1)
          pops:   Body1 Body2
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if     Body1=SolidBody and Body2=SolidBody
                     create SolidBody that is common part of Body1 and Body2
                     if index=-1, then all Bodys are returned
                  elseif Body1=SolidBody and Body2=SheetBody
                     create SheetBody that is the part of Body2 that is
                        inside Body1
                     if index=-1, then all Bodys are returned
                  elseif Body1=SolidBody and Body2=WireBody
                     create WireBody that is the part of Body2 that is
                        inside Body1
                     if index=-1, then all Bodys are returned
                  elseif Body1=SheetBody and Body2=SolidBody
                     create SheetBody that is the part of Body1 that is
                        inside Body2
                     if index=-1, then all Bodys are returned
                  elseif Body1=SheetBody and Body2=SheetBody and Bodys are
                     create SheetBody that is common part of Body1 and Body2
                     CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED
                  elseif Body1=SheetBody and Body2=SheetBody and Bodys are not
                     create WireBody at the intersection of Body1 and Body2
                     CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED
                  elseif Body1=SheetBody and Body2=WireBody
                     create WireBody that is the part of Body2 that is
                        inside Body1
                     CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED
                  elseif Body1=WireBody and Body2=SolidBody
                     create WireBody that is the part of Body1 that is
                        inside Body2
                     if index=-1, then all Bodys are returned
                  elseif Body1=WireBody and Body2=SheetBody
                     create WireBody that is the part of Body1 that is
                        inside Body2
                     CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED
                  if intersection does not produce at least index Bodys, an
                     error is returned
                  order may be one of:
                     none    same order as returned from geometry engine
                     xmin    minimum xmin   is first
                     xmax    maximum xmax   is first
                     ymin    minimum ymin   is first
                     ymax    maximum ymax   is first
                     zmin    minimum zmin   is first
                     zmax    maximum zmax   is first
                     amin    minimum area   is first
                     amax    maximum area   is first
                     vmin    minimum volume is first
                     vmax    maximum volume is first
                  order is used directly (without evaluation)
                  if maxtol>0, then tolerance can be relaxed until successful
                  if maxtol<0, then use -maxtol as only tolerance to use
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


JOIN      toler=0 toMark=0
          use:    join two Bodys at a common Edge or Face
          pops:   Body1 Body2
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if toMark!=0 use all Bodys since Mark
                  if Body1=SolidBody and Body2=SolidBody
                     create SolidBody formed by joining Body1 and Body2 at
                        common Faces
                  elseif Body1=SheetBody and Body2=SheetBody
                     create SheetBody formed by joining Body1 and Body2 at
                        common Edges
                  elseif Body1=WireBody and Body2=WireBody
                     create (possibly non-manifold) WireBody by joining
                        Body1 and Body2 at common Nodes
                  change in v1.19: if common Edges are not found, return
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


LBOUND    $pmtrName bounds
          use:    defines a lower bound for a DESPMTR or CFGPMTR
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  statement may not be used in a function-type .udc file
                  if value of Parameter is smaller than bounds, a warning is
                  pmtrName must have been defined previously by DESPMTR
                  pmtrName can be in form 'name' or 'name[irow,icol]'
                  pmtrName must not start with '@'
                  pmtrName is used directly (without evaluation)
                  irow and icol cannot contain a comma or open bracket
                  if irow is a colon (:), then all rows    are input
                  if icol is a colon (:), then all columns are input
                  pmtrName[:,:] is equivalent to pmtrName
                  bounds cannot refer to any other Parameter
                  bounds are defined across rows, then across columns
                  if bounds has more entries than needed, extra bounds
                     are lost
                  if bounds has fewer entries than needed, last bound
                     is repeated
                  any previous bounds are overwritten
                  does not create a Branch
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


LINSEG    x y z
          use:    create a new line segment, connecting the previous
                     and specified points
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch must be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. x, y, z
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


LOFT      smooth
          use:    create a Body by lofting through Xsects since Mark
          pops:   Xsect1 ... Mark
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  all Xsects must have the same number of Segments
                  if Xsect is a SheetBody, then a SolidBody is created
                  if Xsect is a WireBody, then a SheetBody is created
                  Xsects cannot be non-manifold WireBody
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  Attributes on Xsects are not maintained
                  face-order is: (base), (end), feat1, ...
                  if NINT(smooth)=1, then sections are smoothed
                  the first and/or last Xsect can be a point

                  LOFT (through OpenCASCADE) is not very robust
                  use BLEND or RULE if possible
                  sets up @-parameters
                  causes finite difference sensitivities
                  MAY BE DEPRECATED (use RULE or BLEND)
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


MACBEG    imacro
          use:    marks the start of a macro
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  imacro must be between 1 and 100
                  cannot overwrite a previous macro
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM
                  MAY BE DEPRECATED (use UDPRIM)


          use:    ends a macro
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM
                  MAY BE DEPRECATED (use UDPRIM)


          use:    used to identify groups such as in RULE, BLEND, or GROUP
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


MESSAGE   $text $schar=_ $fileName=. $openType=a
          use:    generate a message to be displayed
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  schar must contain a single character
                  any character in text that matches schar will
                     be converted to a space
                  if fileName is not . the text is written to fileName
                  openType should be n (new file) or a (append)
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


MIRROR    nx ny nz dist=0
          use:    mirrors Group on top of Stack
          pops:   any
          pushes: any
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  normal of the mirror plane is given by nx,ny,nz
                  mirror plane is dist from origin
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. nx, ny, nz, dist
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


NAME      $branchName
          use:    names the entry on top of Stack
          pops:   any
          pushes: any
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  does not create a Branch


OUTPMTR   $pmtrName
          use:    define an OUTPMTR
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  statement may not be used in a .udc file
                  pmtrName must be in form 'name'
                  pmtrName must not start with '@'
                  pmtrName will be marked as OUTPMTR
                  pmtrName is used directly (without evaluation)
                  does not create a Branch
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


PATBEG    $pmtrName ncopy
          use:    execute a Block of Branches ncopy times
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Solver may not be open
                  Block contains all Branches up to matching PATEND
                  pmtrName must not start with '@'
                  pmtrName takes values from 1 to ncopy (see below)
                  pmtrName is used directly (without evaluation)
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


          use:    break out of inner-most Patbeg Block if expr>0
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Solver may not be open
                  must be in a Patbeg Block
                  skip to Branch after matching PATEND if expr>0
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


          use:    designates the end of a Patbeg Block
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Solver may not be open
                  inner-most Block must be a Patbeg Block
                  closes Patbeg Block
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


POINT     xloc yloc zloc
          use:    create a single point Body
          pops:   -
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. xloc, yloc, zloc
                  computes Node sensitivity analytically
                  sets up @-parameters


PROJECT   x y z dx dy dz useEdges=0
          use:    find the first projection from given point in given
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if useEdges!=1
                      look for intersections with Faces and overwrite @iface
                      look for intersections with Edges and overwrite @iedge
                  over-writes the following @-parameters: @xcg, @ycg, and @zcg
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


RECALL    imacro
          use:    recalls copy of macro from a storage location imacro
          pops:   -
          pushes: any
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  storage location imacro must have been previously filled by
                     a MACBEG statement
                  MAY BE DEPRECATED (use UDPRIM)


REORDER   ishift iflip=0
          use:    change the order of Edges in a Body
          pops:   Body1
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  it is generally better to use reorder argument in
                     RULE and BLEND than this command
                  Body1 must be either WireBody or SheetBody Body
                  Body1 must contain 1 Loop
                  if the Loop is open, ishift must be 0
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


RESTORE   $name index=0
          use:    restores Body(s) that was/were previously stored
          pops:   -
          pushes: any
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  $name is used directly (without evaluation)
                  if $name is . (dot), then duplicate Body on stack
                  if $name is .. then duplicate Bodys to Mark (incl Mark)
                  if $name is ... then duplicate whole stack
                  if index<0, get all Bodys that match $name
                  sets up @-parameters
                  error results if nothing has been stored in name
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


REVOLVE   xorig yorig zorig dxaxis dyaxis dzaxis angDeg
          use:    create a Body by revolving an Xsect around an axis
          pops:   Xsect
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if Xsect is a SheetBody, then a SolidBody is created
                  if Xsect is a WireBody, then a SheetBody is created
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. xorig, yorig, zorig, dxaxis,
                     dyaxis, dzaxis, andDeg
                  sets up @-parameters
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  Attributes on Xsect Face are placed on both beg and end Faces
                  Attributes on Xsect Edges that do not start with
                     . or _ are placed on the associated Faces
                  Attributes on Xsect Edges are not placed on Edges
                  face-order is: (base), (end), feat1, ...
                  causes finite difference sensitivities
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


ROTATEX   angDeg yaxis=0 zaxis=0
          use:    rotates Group on top of Stack around an axis that
                  passes through (0, yaxis, zaxis) and is parallel
                  to the x-axis
          pops:   any
          pushes: any
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. angDeg, yaxis, zaxis
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


ROTATEY   angDeg zaxis=0 xaxis=0
          use:    rotates Group on top of Stack around an axis that
                  passes through (xaxis, 0, zaxis) and is parallel
                  to the y-axis
          pops:   any
          pushes: any
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. angDeg, zaxis, xaxis
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


ROTATEZ   angDeg xaxis=0 yaxis=0
          use:    rotates Group on top of Stack around an axis that
                  passes through (xaxis, yaxis, 0) and is parallel
                  to the z-axis
          pops:   any
          pushes: any
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. angDeg, xaxis, yaxis
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


RULE      reorder=0 periodic=0 copyAttr=0
          use:    create a Body by creating ruled surfaces thru Xsects
                     since Mark
          pops:   Xsect1 ... Mark
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if reorder!=0 then Xsects are reordered to minimize Edge
                  first Xsect is unaltered if reorder>0
                  last  Xsect is unaltered if reorder<0
                  if no Nodes in the Xsects have Attribute .multiNode,
                      all Xsects must have the same number of Edges
                  if a Node in a Xsect has Attribute .multiNode, the
                      integer value of the Attribute tells the multiplicity-1
                  if the first Node has Attribute .multiNode, then a second
                      integer value tells which replicate (bias-0) should be
                      considered the beginning of the Xsect
                  Xsects cannot be non-manifold WireBody
                  if all Xsects are NodeBodys
                     a WireBody is created
                  elseif all Xsects are WireBodys (or a NodeBody at one end)
                     a SheetBody is created
                     a SolidBody is created
                  the first and/or last Xsect can be a NodeBody
                  if periodic=1 then connect the first and last Xsects
                  if copyAttr=1 then user Attributes are copied
                     from Xsects to new Edges
                  computes Face sensitivities analytically
                  sets up @-parameters
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  Attributes on Xsects are maintained
                  face-order is: (base), (end), feat1:part1,
                     feat1:part2, ... feat2:part1, ...
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


SCALE     fact xcent=0 ycent=0 zcent=0
          use:    scales Group on top of Stack around given point
          pops:   any
          pushes: any
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  (xcent,ycent,zcent are not yet implemented)
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. fact
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


SELECT    $type arg1 ...
          use:    selects entity for which @-parameters are evaluated
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  if     arguments are: "body"
                     sets @seltype to -1
                     sets @selbody to @nbody
                     sets @sellist to -1
                  elseif arguments are: "body ibody"
                     sets @seltype to -1
                     sets @selbody to ibody
                     sets @sellist to -1
                  elseif arguments are: "body -n"
                     sets @seltype to -1
                     sets @selbody to the nth from the top of the stack
                     sets @sellist to -1
                  elseif arguments are: "body attrName1    attrValue1
                                              attrName2=$* attrValue2=$*
                                              attrName3=$* attrValue3=$*"
                     sets @seltype to -1
                     uses @selbody to Body that match all Attributes
                     sets @sellist to -1
                  elseif arguments are: "face"
                     sets @seltype to 2
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to all Faces
                  elseif arguments are: "face iface"
                     sets @seltype to 2
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to iface
                  elseif arguments are: "face ibody1 iford1 iseq=1"
                     sets @seltype to 2
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist with Face in @selbody that matches ibody1/iford1
                     (note that 0 can be used as a wildcard in any numeric field)
                     (note that if any fields are 0, the default iseq=0)
                  elseif arguments are: "face xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax"
                     sets @seltype to 2
                     uses @selbody
                     if xmin=xmax and ymin=ymax and zmin=zmax
                        sets @sellist to Face whose center is closest to xmin,ymin,zmin
                        sets @sellist to Faces whose bboxs are completely in given range
                  elseif arguments are: "face -1 ibody1"
                     sets @seltype to 2
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to Faces that are in common with a Face in ibody1
                  elseif arguments are: "face -2 ibody1"
                     sets @seltype to 2
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to Faces that are within SolidBody ibody1
                  elseif arguments are: "face attrName1    attrValue1
                                              attrName2=$* attrValue2=$*
                                              attrName3=$* attrValue3=$*"
                     sets @seltype to 2
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to Faces in @selbody that match all Attributes
                  elseif arguments are: "edge"
                     sets @seltype to 1
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to all Edges
                  elseif arguments are: "edge iedge"
                     sets @seltype to 1
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to iedge
                  elseif arguments are: "edge ibody1 iford1 ibody2 iford2 iseq=1"
                     sets @seltype to 1
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to Edge in @selbody that adjoins Faces
                        ibody1/iford1 and ibody2/iford2
                     (note that 0 can be used as a wildcard in any numeric field)
                     (note that if any fields are 0, the default iseq=0)
                  elseif arguments are: "edge -1 ibody1"
                     sets @seltype to 1
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to Edges that are in common with an Edge in ibody1
                  elseif arguments are: "edge -2 ibody1"
                     sets @seltype to 1
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to Edges that are within SolidBody ibody1
                  elseif arguments are: "edge xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax"
                     sets @seltype to 1
                     uses @selbody
                     if xmin=xmax and ymin=ymax and zmin=zmax
                        sets @sellist to Edge whose center is closest to xmin,ymin,zmin
                        sets @sellist to Edges whose bboxs are completely in given range
                  elseif arguments are: "edge attrName1    attrValue1
                                              attrName2=$* attrValue2=$*
                                              attrName3=$* attrValue3=$*"
                     sets @seltype to 1
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to Edges in @selbody that match all Attributes
                  elseif arguments are: "edge x y z"
                     sets @seltype to 1
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to Edge whose center is closest to (x,y,z)
                  elseif arguments are: "loop iface iloop"
                     sets @seltype to 1
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to Edges in order in the Loop
                  elseif arguments are: "node"
                     sets @seltype to 0
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to all Nodes
                  elseif arguments are: "node inode"
                     sets @seltype to 0
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to inode
                  elseif arguments are: "node -1 ibody1"
                     sets @seltype to 0
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to Nodes that are in common with a Node in ibody1
                  elseif arguments are: "node -2 ibody1"
                     sets @seltype to 0
                     uses @selbody
                     sets @sellist to Nodes that are within SolidBody ibody1
                  elseif arguments are: "node x y z"
                     sets @seltype to 0
                     uses @selbodt
                     sets @sellist to Node closest to (x,y,z)
                  elseif arguments are: "node xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax"
                     sets @seltype to 0
                     uses @selbody
                     if xmin=xmax and ymin=ymax and zmin=zmax
                        sets @sellist to Node that is closest to xmin,ymin,zmin
                        sets @sellist to Nodes that are in given range
                  elseif arguments are: "node attrName1    attrValue1
                                              attrName2=$* attrValue2=$*
                                              attrName3=$* attrValue3=$*"
                     sets @seltype to 0
                     uses @selbody
                     sets sellist to Nodes in @selbody that match all Attributes
                  elseif arguments are: "add attrName1    attrValue1
                                             attrName2=$* attrValue2=$*
                                             attrName3=$* attrValue3=$*"
                     uses @seltype
                     uses @selbody
                     appends to @selList the Nodes/Edges/Faces that match all Attributes
                  elseif arguments are: "add ibody1 iford1 iseq=1" and @seltype is 2
                     uses @selbody
                     appends to @sellist the Face in @selbody that matches ibody1/iford1
                     (a 0 matches ibody1=0 amd/or iford1=0)
                  elseif arguments are: "add ibody1 iford1 ibody2 iford2 iseq=1" and @seltype is 1
                     uses @selbody
                     appends to @sellist the Edge in @selbody that adjoins Faces
                     (a 0 matches ibody1=0, iford1=0, ibody2=0, and/or iford2=0)
                  elseif arguments are: "add iface" and @seltype is 2
                     uses @selbody
                     appends to @sellist Face iface in @selbody
                     (wildcarding is not allowed)
                  elseif arguments are: "add iedge" and @seltype is 1
                     uses @selbody
                     appends to @sellist Edge iedge in @selbody
                     (wildcarding is not allowed)
                  elseif arguments are: "add inode" and @seltype is 0
                     uses @selbody
                     appends to @sellist Node inode in @selbody
                     (wildcarding is not allowed)
                  elseif arguments are: "sub attrName1    attrValue1
                                             attrName2=$* attrValue2=$*
                                             attrName3=$* attrValue3=$*"
                     uses @seltype
                     uses @selbody
                     removes from @sellist the Nodes/Edges/Faces that match all Attributes
                  elseif arguments are: "sub ibody1 iford1 iseq=1" and @seltype is 2
                     uses @selbody
                     removes from @sellist the Face in @selbody that matches ibody1/iford1
                     (a 0 matches ibody1=0 amd/or iford1=0)
                  elseif arguments are: "sub ibody1 iford1 ibody2 iford2 iseq=1" and @seltype is 1
                     uses @selbody
                     removes from @sellist the Edge in @selbody that adjoins Faces
                     (a 0 matches ibody1=0, iford1=0, ibody2=0, and/or iford2=0)
                  elseif arguments are: "sub ient" and ient is in @sellist
                     removes from @sellist ient
                     (wildcarding is not allowed)
                  elseif arguments are: "not" and @seltype==2
                     make @sellist contain all Faces not in previous @sellist
                  elseif arguments are: "not" and @seltype==1
                     make @sellist contain all Edges not in previous @sellist
                  elseif arguments are: "not" and @seltype==0
                     make @sellist contain all Nodes not in previous @sellist
                  elseif arguments are: "flip"
                     the order of entities in @sellist are flipped
                  elseif arguments are: "sort $key"
                     sorts @sellist based upon $key which can be: $xmin, $ymin, $zmin,
                        $xmax, $ymax, $zmax, $xcg, $ycg, $zcg, $area, or $length

                  Face specifications are stored in _faceID Attribute
                  Edge specifications are stored in _edgeID Attribute
                  iseq selects from amongst multiple Faces/Edges/Nodes that
                     match the ibody/iford specifications
                  attrNames and attrValues can be wild-carded with $*
                  avoid using forms "SELECT face iface" and "SELECT edge iedge"
                     since iface and iedge are not guaranteed to be the same during
                     rebuilds or on different OpenCASCADE versions or computers
                  sets up @-parameters
                  cannot be followed by CSYSTEM
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


SET       $pmtrName exprs
          use:    define or update a (redefinable) local or output variable
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Solver may not be open
                  pmtrName can be in form 'name', 'name[irow]', or 'name[irow,icol]'
                  pmtrName must not start with '@'
                  pmtrName must not refer to an DESPMTR/CONPMTR Parameter
                  pmtrName will be marked as LOCALVAR (or OUTPMTR)
                  pmtrName is used directly (without evaluation)
                  irow and icol cannot contain a comma or open bracket
                  if exprs has multiple values (separated by ;), then
                     any subscripts in pmtrName are ignored
                  if exprs starts with $ (or evaluates to a string), then any
                     subscripts in pmtrName are ignored and a string value is defined
                  if exprs is the name of a multi-valued parameter, it is
                      treated as if its values were listed as a semi-colon-
                      separated list
                  if pmtrName is in the form 'name' or 'name[0]' or 'name[0,0]'
                     if exprs is longer than Parameter size, extra exprs are lost
                     if exprs is shorter than Parameter size, last expr is repeated
                  if pmtrName is in the form 'name[irow]' or 'name[irow,0]', then
                     the irow'th element is defined (where elements are counted
                     across rows)
                  if pmtrName is in the form 'name[irow,icol]' and irow is between
                     1 and nrow and icol is between 1 and ncol, then the
                     [irow,icol]th element is set
                  if no Bodys have been created yet
                     associated ATTRIBUTEs are global Attributes
                     cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE
                  cannot be folowed by CSYSTEM


SKBEG     x y z relative=0
          use:    start a new Sketch with the given point
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  opens Sketch
                  Solver may not be open
                  if relative=1, then all values in sketch are relative to x,y,z
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. x, y, z
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


SKCON     $type index1 index2=-1 $value=0
          use:    creates a Sketch constraint
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch must be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  may only follow SKVAR or another SKCON statement
                     X  ::x[index1]=value
                     Y  ::y[index1]=value
                     Z  ::z[index1]=value
                     P  segments adjacent to point index1 are perpendicular
                     T  segments adjacent to point index1 are tangent
                     A  segments adjacent to point index1 have
                                                           angle=$value (deg)
                     W  width:  ::x[index2]-::x[index1]=value  if plane==xy
                                ::y[index2]-::y[index1]=value  if plane==yz
                                ::z[index2]-::z[index1]=value  if plane==zx
                     D  depth:  ::y[index2]-::y[index1]=value  if plane==xy
                                ::z[index2]-::z[index1]=value  if plane==zx
                                ::x[index2]-::x[index1]=value  if plane==zx
                     H  segment from index1 and index2 is horizontal
                     V  segment from index1 and index2 is vertical
                     I  segment from index1 and index2 has
                                                     inclination=$value (deg)
                     L  segment from index1 and index2 has length=$value
                     R  cirarc  from index1 and index2 has radius=$value
                     S  cirarc  from index1 and index2 has sweep=$value (deg)
                  index=1 refers to point in SKBEG statement
                  $value can include the following variables
                     ::x[i]  X-coordinate of point i
                     ::y[i]  Y-coordinate of point i
                     ::z[i]  Z-coordinate of point i
                     ::d[i]  dip associated with segment starting at point i
                  $value can include the following shorthands
                     ::L[i]  length      of segment starting at point i
                     ::I[i]  inclination of segment starting at point i  (degrees)
                     ::R[i]  radius of arc          starting at point i
                     ::S[i]  sweep  of rc           starting at point i  (degrees)
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


SKEND     wireonly=0
          use:    completes a Sketch
          pops:   -
          pushes: Sketch
          notes:  Sketch must be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if Sketch contains SKVAR/SKCON, then Sketch variables are
                     updated first
                  if wireonly=0, all LINSEGs and CIRARCs must be x-, y-, or
                  if Sketch is     closed and wireonly=0,
                     then a SheetBody is created
                  if Sketch is     closed and wireonly=1,
                     then a WireBody  is created
                  if Sketch is not closed,
                     then a WireBody  is created
                  if SKEND immediately follows SKBEG, then a NODE is created
                     (which can be used at either end of a LOFT or BLEND)
                  closes Sketch
                  new Face receives the Branch's Attributes
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


SKVAR     $type valList
          use:    create multi-valued Sketch variables and their initial
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch must be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  may only follow SKBEG statement
                     xy valList contains ::x[1]; ::y[1]; ::d[1]; ::x[2]; ...
                     yz valList contains ::y[1]; ::z[1]; ::d[1]; ::y[2]; ...
                     zx valList contains ::z[1]; ::x[1]; ::d[1]; ::z[2]; ...
                  valList is a semicolon-separated list
                  valList must end with a semicolon
                  the number of entries in valList is taken from number of
                  the number of entries in valList must be evenly divisible by 3
                  enter :d[i] as zero for LINSEGs
                  values of ::x[1], ::y[1], and ::z[1] are overwritten by
                     values in SKBEG
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


SOLBEG    $varList
          use:    starts a Solver Block
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Solver must not be open
                  opens the Solver
                  varList is a list of semicolon-separated LOCALVARs
                  varList must end with a semicolon
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


SOLCON    $expr
          use:    constraint used to set Solver parameters
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch must not be open
                  Solver must be open
                  SOLEND will drive expr to zero
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


          use:    designates the end of a Solver Block
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch must not be open
                  inner-most Block must be a Solver Block
                  adjust parameters to drive constraints to zero
                  closes Solver Block
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


SPHERE    xcent ycent zcent radius
          use:    create a sphere Body
          pops:   -
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. xcent, ycent, zcent, radius
                  computes Face, Edge, and Node sensitivities analytically
                  sets up @-parameters
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  face-order is: ymin, ymax
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


SPLINE    x y z
          use:    add a point to a spline
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch must be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. x, y, z
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


SSLOPE    dx dy dz
          use:    define the slope at the beginning or end of a SPLINE
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch must be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  for defining slope at beginning:
                      must not follow a SPLINE statement
                      must    precede a SPLINE statement
                  for definiing slope at end:
                      must      follow a SPLINE statement
                      must not precede a SPLINE statement
                  if dx=dy=dz=0 and splne is closed
                      generate periodic spline
                      dx, dy, and dz must not all be zero
                  causes finite difference sensitivities
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


STORE     $name index=0 keep=0
          use:    stores Group on top of Stack
          pops:   any
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  $name is used directly (without evaluation)
                  if index<0, use first available index
                  previous Group in name/index is overwritten
                  if $name=.   then Body is popped off stack
                                    but not actually stored
                  if $name=..  then pop Bodys off stack back
                                    to the Mark
                  if $name=... then the stack is cleared
                  if keep==1, the Group is not popped off stack
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


SUBTRACT  $order=none index=1 maxtol=0 scribeAll=0
          use:    perform Boolean subtraction (Body2 - Body1)
          pops:   Body1 Body2
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if     Body1=SolidBody and Body2=SolidBody
                     create SolidBody that is the part of Body1 that is
                        outside Body2
                     if index=-1, then all Bodys are returned
                  elseif Body1=SolidBody and Body2=SheetBody
                     create SolidBody that is Body1 scribed with Edges at
                        intersection with Body2
                     if scribeAll=1, then even coincident Edges are scribed
                     if scribeAll=2, then all concident Edges are scribed
                                     if original scribing failed
                  elseif Body1=SheetBody and Body2=SolidBody
                     create SheetBody that is part of Body1 that is
                        outside Body2
                     if index=-1, then all Bodys are returned
                  elseif Body1=SheetBody and Body2=SheetBody (see special rule below)
                     create SheetBody that is Body1 scribed with Edges at
                         intersection with Body2
                     if scribeAll=1, then even coincident Edges are scribed
                     if scribeAll=2, then all concident Edges are scribed
                                     if original scribing failed
                  elseif Body1=WireBody and Body2=SolidBody
                     create WireBody that is part of Body1 that is outside Body2
                     CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED
                  elseif Body1=WireBody and Body2=SheetBody
                     create WireBody that is Body1 scribed with Nodes at
                        intersection with Body2
                     CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED
                  elseif Body2=NodeBody
                     split Edges in Body1 at Body2
                  special rule for SUBTRACTing two SheetBodys:
                     if     Body1 and Body2 both contain one Face
                     and if Body1 and Body2 are co-planar
                     and if Body2 has only one Loop
                     then a new SheetBody is created that is Body1 with an
                         extra hole as prescribed by the Loop of Body2
                     NOTE that the Loop from Body2 can now intersect one
                         or more of the Loops in Body1
                  if subtraction does not produce at least index Bodys,
                     an error is returned
                  order may be one of:
                     none    same order as returned from geometry engine
                     xmin    minimum xmin   is first
                     xmax    maximum xmax   is first
                     ymin    minimum ymin   is first
                     ymax    maximum ymax   is first
                     zmin    minimum zmin   is first
                     zmax    maximum zmax   is first
                     amin    minimum area   is first
                     amax    maximum area   is first
                     vmin    minimum volume is first
                     vmax    maximum volume is first
                  if maxtol>0, then tolerance can be relaxed until successful
                  if maxtol<0, then use -maxtol as only tolerance to use
                  sets up @-parameters
                  order is used directly (without evaluation)
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


          use:    create a Body by sweeping an Xsect along an Xsect
          pops:   Xsect1 Xsect2
          pushes: Body
          notes:  results can be unpredictable due to OpenCASCADE issues
                  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  Xsect1 must be either a SheetBody or non-manifold WireBody
                  Xsect2 must be a WireBody
                  if Xsect2 is not slope-continuous, result may not be
                     as expected
                  sets up @-parameters
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  Attributes on Xsect are maintained
                  face-order is: (base), (end), feat1a, feat1b, ...
                  causes finite difference sensitivities
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


THROW     sigCode
          use:    set current signal to sigCode
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  skip statements until a matching CATBEG Branch is found
                  sigCode>0 are usually user-generated signals
                  sigCode<0 are usually system-generated signals
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


TORUS     xcent ycent zcent dxaxis dyaxis dzaxis majorRad minorRad
          use:    create a torus Body
          pops:   -
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. xcent, ycent, zcent, dxaxis,
                     dyaxis, dzaxis, majorRad, minorRad
                  sets up @-parameters
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  face-order is: xmin/ymin, xmin/ymax, xmax/ymin, xmax/ymax
                  causes finite difference sensitivities
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


TRANSLATE dx dy dz
          use:    translates Group on top of Stack
          pops:   any
          pushes: any
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. dx, dy, dz
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:


UBOUND    $pmtrName bounds
          use:    defines an upper bound for a DESPMTR or CFGPMTR
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  statement may not be used in a function-type .udc file
                  if value of Parameter is larger than bounds, a warning is
                  pmtrName must have been defined previously by DESPMTR
                  pmtrName can be in form 'name' or 'name[irow,icol]'
                  pmtrName must not start with '@'
                  pmtrName is used directly (without evaluation)
                  irow and icol cannot contain a comma or open bracket
                  if irow is a colon (:), then all rows    are input
                  if icol is a colon (:), then all columns are input
                  pmtrName[:,:] is equivalent to pmtrName
                  bounds cannot refer to any other Parameter
                  bounds are defined across rows, then across columns
                  if bounds has more entries than needed, extra bounds
                     are lost
                  if bounds has fewer entries than needed, last bound
                     is repeated
                  any previous bounds are overwritten
                  does not create a Branch
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


UDPARG    $primtype $argName1 argValue1 $argName2 argValue2 ...
                    $argName3 argValue3 $argName4 argValue4
          use:    pre-set arguments for next UDPRIM statement
          pops:   -
          pushes: -
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  there can be no statements except other UDPARGs before the
                     next matching UDPRIM
                  primtype determines the type of primitive
                  primtype must match primtype of next UDPRIM statement
                  primtype is used directly (without evaluation)
                  arguments are specified in name/value pairs and are
                      not positional
                  argName#  is used directly (without evaluation)
                  argValue# is used directly if it starts with '$', otherwise it
                     is evaluated
                  if argValue starts with '$$/', use path relative to .csm file
                  arguments for following UDPRIM statement are evaluated
                     in the order they are encountered (UDPARG first)
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. argValue1, argValue2, argValue3,
                  cannot be followed by ATTRIBUTE or CSYSTEM


UDPRIM    $primtype $argName1 argValue1 $argName2 argValue2 ...
                    $argName3 argValue3 $argName4 argValue4
          use:    create a Body by executing a UDP, UDC, or UDF
          pops:   -
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  primtype  determines the type of primitive and the number of
                     argName/argValue pairs
                  if primtype begins with a letter (a-z or A-Z)
                     then a compiled udp whose name is is used
                     *  name -> path($root)/lib/
                  if primtype starts with /
                     then a .udc file in the current directory will be used
                     *  /path/name -> path($pwd)/path/name.udc
                  if primtype starts with //
                     then a .udc file from the file system root will be used
                     *  //path/name -> /path/name.udc
                  if primtype starts with /~/
                     then a .udc file relative to $HOME will be used
                     *  /~/path/name -> $HOME/path/name.udc
                  if primtype starts with $/
                     then a .udc file in the parent directory will be used
                     *  $/path/name -> path($csm)/path/name.udc
                  if primtype starts with $$/
                     then a .udc file in $ESP_ROOT/udc will be used
                     *  $$/name -> path($root)/udc/name.udc
                  primtype  is used directly (without evaluation)
                  path may be omitted
                  arguments are specified in name/value pairs and are
                      not positional
                  argName#  is used directly (without evaluation)
                  argValue# is used directly if it starts with '$', otherwise it
                     is evaluated
                  if argValue# is <<, use data to matching >> as inline file
                  if argValue# starts with '$$/', use path relative to .csm file
                  extra arguments can be set with UDPARG statement
                  when called to execute a .udc file:
                     the level is incremented
                     LOCALVARs are created for all INTERFACE stmts
                        for "in"  the value is set to its default
                        for "out" the value is set to its default
                        for "dim" an array is created (of size=value) with
                     the associated UDPARG and UDPRIM statements are processed
                        in order
                        if argName matches a Parameter created by an INTERFACE
                           if argValueX matches the name of a Parameter at
                              the values are copied into the new Parameter
                              argValueX is evaluated and stored in the new
                           an error is returned
                     the statements in the .udc are executed until an END
                        a SET statement either creates a new Parameter or
                           overwrites a value
                     during the execution of the END statement
                        for values associated with an INTERFACE "out" statement
                           the value is copied to the appropriate @@-parameter
                              (at level-1)
                        all Parameters at the current level are destroyed
                        the level is decremented
                  sensitivity computed w.r.t. argValue1, argValue2, argValue3,
                  computes Face and Edge sensitivities analytically (if supplied
                     by the udp)
                  sets up @-parameters
                  the Faces all receive the Branch's Attributes
                  face-order is based upon order returned from UDPRIM
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:
                     udp-specific code
                  see udp documentation for full information


UNION     toMark=0 trimList=0 maxtol=0
          use:    perform Boolean union
          pops:   Body1 Body2  -or-  Body1 ... Mark
          pushes: Body
          notes:  Sketch may not be open
                  Solver may not be open
                  if     toMark=1
                     create SolidBody that is combination of SolidBodys
                        since Mark
                  elseif Body1=SolidBody and Body2=SolidBody
                     if trimList=0
                        create SolidBody that us combination of Body1 and Body2
                        create SolidBody that is trimmed combination of Body1
                           and Body2
                        trimList contains x;y;z;dx;dy;dz where
                           (x,y,z) is inside the Body to be trimmed
                           (dx,dy,dz) is step toward the trimming Body
                  elseif Body1=SheetBody and Body2=SheetBody
                     create SheetBody that is the combination of Bodys with
                        possible new Edges
                  if maxtol>0, then tolerance can be relaxed until successful
                  if maxtol<0, then use -maxtol as only tolerance to use
                  sets up @-parameters
                  signals that may be thrown/caught:

5.5: User-Defined Primitives/Functions shipped with OpenCSM


bezier (udp)

UDPRIM bezier
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           $filename  name of bezier file
           debug      =0 for no debug, =1 for debug   [default 0]
       output arguments:
           imax       number of points in i direction
           jmax       number of points in j direction
           read imax, jmax
           for (j=0; j < jmax; j++)
               for (i=0; i < imax; i++)
                   read x(i,j), y(i,j), z(i,j)

           if (jmax==1)
               generate WireBody
           elseif (surface is open)
               generate SheetBody
               generate SolidBody
           vsp files can be converted to this format by vsp2csm

biconvex (udp)

UDPRIM biconvex
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           thick      maximum thickness      [default 0]
           camber     maximum camber         [default 0]
       output arguments:
           thick  must be positive
           leading edge at (0,0,0)
           trailing edge at (1,0,0)
           airfoil generated in x-y plane

box (udp)

       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           dx         width in x-direction   [default 0]
           dy         width in y-direction   [default 0]
           dz         width in z-direction   [default 0]
           rad        corner radius          [default 0]
       output arguments:
           area       overall surface area
           volume     enclosed volume
           if     (dx>0 && dy>0 && dz>0)
               if (2*rad>dx && 2*rad>dy && 2*rad>dz)
               elseif (rad>0)
                   generate SolidBody with rounded edges
                   generate SolidBody
           elseif (dx==0 && dy>0 && dz>0)
               if (2*rad>dy && 2*rad>dz)
                   generate SheetBody in yz-plane with rounded corners
                   generate SheetBody iy yz-plane
           elseif (dx>0 && dy==0 && dz>0)
               if (2*rad>dx && 2*rad>dz)
                   generate SheetBody in xz-plane with rounded corners
                   generate SheetBody iy xz-plane
           elseif (dx>0 && dy>0 && dz==0)
               if (2*rad>dx && 2*rad>dy)
                   generate SheetBody in xy-plane with rounded corners
                   generate SheetBody in xy-plane
           elseif (dx==0 && dy==0 && dz>0)
               generate WireBody along z-axis
           elseif (dx>0 && dy==0 && dz==0)
               generate WireBody along x-axis
           elseif (dx==0 && dy>0 && dz==0)
               generate WireBody along y-axis
           all Bodys are centered at origin

bspline (udp)

UDPRIM bspline
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
          bitflag     sum of:
                        2 if rational
                        4 if U-periodic
                        8 if V-periodic (only if vknots are given)
          uknots      vector of knots in U direction
          vknots      vector of knots in V direction
          cps         vector of control points
          weights     vector of weights (only if rational)
          udegree     degree in U direction    [default 3]
          vdegree     degree in V direction    [default 3]
       output arguments:
          if vknots is given
             generates a FaceBody with the given Bspline surface
             generates a WireBody with the given Bspline curve

catmull (udf)

UDPRIM catmull Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
          nsubdiv     number of subdivisions  [default 1]
          progress    level of output prints  [default 0]
       output arguments:
          area        surface area
          volume      volume
          performs Catmull-Clark subdivisions on Body on top of stack
          if a Face has a limitFace attribute
             the motion of points are limited in X, Y, and/or Z

compare (udf)

UDPRIM compare Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
          $tessfile   .tess file with points to match
          $histfile   optional output file containing a histogram
          $plotfile   optional output file containing points that
          toler       matching tolerance      [default 1e-6]
       output arguments:
          finds the distance of the points in tessfile from the body
          if histfile is given, a histogram file is generated
          if plotfile is given, a poltfile of points that exceed
             toler is produced

createBEM (udf)

UDPRIM createBEM Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
          $filename   name of output file
          space       nominal spacing         [default 0]
          imin        minimum points on Edge  [default 3]
          imax        maximum points on Edge  [default 5]
          nocrod      =1 to not produce crods [default 0]
       output arguments:
          creates a NASTRAN-style BEM file from Body on stack
             CQUAD4 created for all quadrilaterals
             CTRIA3 created for all triangles
             CROD   created for all Edges (if nocrod=0)
          a Face can be skipped if it has an attribute
          an Edge can be skipped if it has an attribute
             ignoreEdge=true and it is not used by an
             active Face
          a Node can be skipped if it has an attribute
             ignoreNode=true and it is not used by an
             active Face or Edge

createPoly (udf)

UDPRIM createPoly Body1 Body2
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           $filename  name of output file
           hole       coordinates of "hole"   [default 0;0;0]
       output arguments:
           writes a AFLR .poly file between the two Bodys
           pushes the inner Body back onto the stack

csm (udp)

       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           $filename  name of .csm file
           $pmtrname  semi-colon-separated list of Design
                         Parameters in filename
           pmtrvalue  multi-value list of Design Parameter
       output arguments:
           volume     volume of Body created
           runs filename in a sub-process and returns
              last Body on the stack

deform (udf)

UDPRIM deform Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
          iface      array of Face indices   [default    0]
          iu         array of u-indices      [default    0]
          iv         array of v-indices      [default    0]
          dist       array of norm distances [default    0]
          toler      sewing tolerance        [default    0]
       output arguments:
          deforms Faces on a Body
          Edges can be deformed if both Faces are deformed
          Nodes can be deformed if all  Faces are deformed

droop (udf)

UDPRIM droop Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
          xle        percent x at LE         [default -100]
          thetale    LE droop angle (deg)    [default    0]
          powle      power of LE droop       [default    1]
          xte        percent x at TE         [default  100]
          thetate    TE droop angle (deg)    [default    0]
          powte      power of TE droop       [default    1]
       output arguments:
           droops airfoil on stack forward of xle and rearward of xte

dumpPmtrs (udf)

UDPRIM dumpPmtrs Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
          $filename  name of file to write
       output arguments:
           writes file contains all current Parameters

editAttr (udf)

UDPRIM editAttr Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
          $attrname   name of Attribute to edit
          $input      string containing D B N E F characters
          $output     string containing   B N E F characters
          overwrite   overwrite flag          [default 0]
                      0 do not overwrite
                      1        overwrite
                      2 use smaller value (or first alphabetical)
                      3 use larger  value (or last  alphabetical)
                      4 use sum                (or concatenation)
          $filename   alternative file-based specification
                          (see wingAttrTest for an example)
          verbose     =1 to watch progress
       output arguments:
          nchange     number of changes made
          attrname can use * as wildcard for zero or more chars
          attrname can use + as wildcard for one  or more chars
          attrname can use ? as wildcard for exactly one  char
          input and output must be same length or single character
          pops Body from stack
          loop through each character in input and output
              if (input[i]=D)
                 delete attribute from output[i]
              elseif (input[i]=B)
                 propagate Body attribute to output[i]
              elseif (input[i]=N)
                 propagate Node attribute to output[i]
              elseif (input[i]=E)
                 propagate Edge attribute to output[i]
              elseif (input[i]=F)
                 propagate Face attribute to output[i]
          pushes Attributed Body onto stack
          Attributes on Nodes and/or Edges may get lost during
             subsequent regeneration

ellipse (udp)

UDPRIM ellipse
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           rx         radius in x-direction   [default 0]
           ry         radius in y-direction   [default 0]
           rz         radius in z-direction   [default 0]
           nedge      number of Edges         [default 2]
           thbeg      theta for first Node    [default 0]
           theta      optional array of thetas[default 0]
           theta[]    array of thetas
       output arguments:
           if     (rx==0 && ry>0 && rz>0)
               generate an elliptical SheetBody in yz-plane
           elseif (rx>0 && ry==0 && rz>0)
               generate an elliptical SheetBody in xz-plane
           elseif (rx>0 && ry>0 && rz==0)
               generate an elliptical SheetBody in xy-plane
           all Bodys are centered at origin

eqn2body (udp)

UDPRIM eqn2body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           $xeqn      string containing function of u and v
           $yeqn      string containing function of u and v
           $zeqn      string containing function of u and v
           urange[2]  range of u
           vrange[2]  range of v (or blank to create WireBody)
           toler      fitting tolerance       [default 1e-5]
           npnt       number of points infit  [default 101]
       output arguments:
           if vrange is specified
              generates a SheetBody by evaluating (xeqn,yeqn,zeqn)
              for urange[1]<=u<=urange[2]
              and vrange[1]<=v<=vrange[2]
              generates a WireBody by evaluating (xeqn,yeqn,zeqn)
              for urange[1]<=u<=urange[2]

fitcurve (udp)

UDPRIM fitcurve
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           $filename  name of file
           ncp        number of control points    [default 0]
           ordered    =0 means points not ordered [default 1]
           periodic   =1 means periodicity at ends[default 0]
           split      point indices (bias-1) to
                      split into multiple Edges   [default 0]
           xform      3*4 transformation matrix   [default 0]
       output arguments:
           npnt       number of point in file
           rms        rms of distances from points to curve
           read points (X, Y, Z) from filename (one point per line)
           repeated points designate Node locations (which
              separate Edges)
           the Bspline is defined to be C2-continuous everywhere
           if (first and last points are the same)
              if (there are no repeated points)
                  ERROR (need at least two Edges)
              elseif (the points are planar)
                  a SheetBody is created
                  ERROR (do not know how to "fill in" for Face)
              a WireBody is created

flend (udf)

UDPRIM flend Body1 Body2
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           slopea     slopea factor for Body A          [default 1]
           slopeb     slopea factor for Body B          [default 1]
           toler      matching tolerance during sew     [default 1e-6]
           equis      spacing method (see below)        [default 0]
           npnt       number of sample points           [default 33]
           plot       =1 to write flend.plot            [default 0]
           method     =1 for old method, =2 for new     [default 1]
       output arguments:
           pops up to 2 Bodys back to mark from stack
           pushes FLENDed Body back onto stack
           if equis=0, equal t-spacing on both A and B
           if equis=1, equal arc-length spacing on both Bodys
           if equis=2, equal t-spacing on A; B matches arc-length
           if equis=3, equal t-spacing on B; A matches arc-length

freeform (udp)

UDPRIM freeform
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           $filename  name of file
           imax       number of points in i-direction   [default 1]
           jmax       number of points in j-direction   [default 1]
           kmax       number of points in k-direction   [default 1]
           xyz        coordinates
       output arguments:
           if (filename exists)
               read imax, jmax, kmax
               if (kmax <= 1)
                   for (k=0; k < kmax; k++)
                       for (j=0; j < jmax; j++)
                           for (i=0; i < imax; i++)
                               if (i==0 || i==imax-1 ||
                                   j==0 || j==jmax-1 ||
                                   k==0 || k==kmax-1   )
                                   read x(i,j,k), y(i,j,k), z(i,j,k)
                   for (j=0; j < jmax; j++)
                       for (i=0; i < imax; i++)
                           read x(i,j,0), y(i,j,0), z(i,j,0)
               for (k=0; k < kmax; k++)
                   for (j=0; j < jmax; j++)
                       for (i=0; i < imax; i++)
                           x(i,j,k) = xyz[3*(i+imax*(j+jmax*k)  ]
                           y(i,j,k) = xyz[3*(i+imax*(j+jmax*k)+1]
                           z(i,j,k) = xyz[3*(i+imax*(j+jmax*k)+2]

           if     (jmax <= 1)
               generate WireBody
           elseif (kmax <= 1)
               generate SheetBody
               generate SolidBody from outer planes of data

ganged (udf)

UDPRIM ganged Mark, Body1, ...
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           $op        SUBTRACT, UNION, or SPLITTER
           toler      tolerance                 [default 0]
       output arguments:
           area       surface area
           volume     volume of Body created
           pops Bodys back to Mark
           uses first Body as a common Body for SUBTRACT, UNION, or SPLITTER
           if SPLITTER and first Body is a SheetBody, a scribed SheetBody results

guide (udf)

UDPRIM guide Body1 Body2
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           nxsect     number of xsections to create [default 5]
           origin     x;y;z in Body1 for beginning of guide curve
           $axis      translation type (see below)
       output arguments:
           Body1 is profile
           Body2 is guide curve
           if     axis=x;y;z;1;0;0
           elseif axis=x;y;z;0;1;0
           elseif axis=x;y;z;0;0;1

hex (udp)

       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           corners    coordinate values at corners (24 values)
                         x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, ...

                               ^ V
                              /:         /|
                             / :        / |
                            /  :       /  |
                           6----------7   |
                           |   0------|---1  --> U
                           |  '       |  /
                           | '        | /
                           |'         |/

           uknots     optional list of knots in U direction
           vknots     optional list of knots in V directtion
           wknots     optional list of knots in W directtion
       output arguments:
           area       surface area
           volume     volume of Body created
           generates a hexahedron
           there are no check for duplicate vertices
           sensitvities not computed

import (udp)

UDPRIM import
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           filename   name of file1 (prepended with '$' or '$$/')
           bodynumber number of body within filename (bias-1)   [default 1]
                  if bodynumber=-1, then all Bodys are returned in one Group
       output arguments:
           numbodies  number of bodys in file
           read the .egads or .stp file
           extract the bodynumber'th Body

kulfan (udp)

UDPRIM kulfan
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           class      class function at leading and trailing edge (2 values)
           ztail      height of upper and lower trailing edge (2 values)
           aupper     vector of control points for upper surface
           alower     vector of control points fpr lower surface
           numpts     number of points used to define spline [default 101]
       output arguments:
            always generates airfoil with 3 edges (upper, lower, TE)
            leading edge is at (0,0,0)
            airfoil generated in x-y plane

linalg (udf)

UDPRIM linalg Body1
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs);
           oper       $add   for @@ans = M1 + M2
                      $sub   for @@ans = M1 - M2
                      $mult  for @@ans = M1 * M2
                      $div   for M1 * @@ans = M2
                      $solve for M1 * @@ans = M2
                      $trans for @@ans = (M1)transpose
           M1         input matrix 1
           M2         input matrix 2
       output arguments:
           ans        output matrix
           perform indicated matrix operation
           Body1 is left on stack

matchBodys (udf)

UDPRIM matchBodys Body1 Body2
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           toler      matching tolerance scale             [default 0]
           $attr      attribute to copy from Body1 to Body2
       output arguments:
           nnodes     number of matching Nodes
           nedges     number of matching Edges
           nfaces     number of matching Faces

mechanism (udf)

UDPRIM mechanism Mark Body1 ...
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           fixed      semi-colon-separated string of Csystems
                          whose locations are fixed
       output arguments:
           copies of all the Bodys on the stack since the Mark
              are placed on the stack, possibly rotated and/or
              translated so that their Csystem are aligned
           motion is only made in the X-Y plane

naca (udp)

       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           series     NACA 4-digit designator             [default 0012]
           camber     maximum camber    (percent chord)   [default 0.0]
           maxloc     location of max camber  (% chord)   [default 0.4]
           thickness  maximum thickness (percent chord)   [default 0.0]
           offset     create offset (>0 for larger)       [default 0.0]
           sharpte    =1 to change thickness for sharp TE [default 0  ]
       output arguments:
           if (camber == 0 && maxloc == 0.4 && thickness <= 0)
               extract camber, maxloc, and thickness from series
           if (thickness==0)
               generate WireBody of camber line in xy-plane
               generate SheetBody in xy-plane
           leading  edge is at (0,0,0)
           trailing edge is at (1,0,0)
           airfoil generated in x-y plane
           if sharpte=1, the x^4 coefficient in thickness eqn is changed

naca456 (udp)

UDPRIM naca456
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           thkcode    thickness code: $4, $4M, $63, $63A, $64, $64A, $65, $65A,
                         $66, or $67
           toc        thickness/chord ratio
           xmaxt      chordwise location of maximum thickness (only for $4M)
           leindex    leading edge raius parameter (only for $4M)
           camcode    camber code: $0, $2, $3, $3R, $6 or $6M
           cmax       maximum camber/chord
           xmaxc      chordwise location of maximum camber (only for $2)
           cl         design lift coefficient (only for $3, $3R, $6x, and $6xA)
           a          extent of constant loading (only for $6x and $6xA)
       output arguments:
           NACA 00tt    -> thkcode=$4,   toc=tt/100,
           NACA mptt    -> thkcode=$4,   toc=tt/100,
                           camcode=$2,   cmax=m/100, xmaxc=p/10
           NACA mptt-lx -> thkcode=$4M,  toc=tt/100, leindex=l, xmaxt=x,
                           camcode=$2,   cmax=m/100, xmaxc=p/10
           NACA mp0tt   -> thkcode=$4,   toc=tt/100,
                           camcode=$3,   cl=m*.15,   xmaxc=p/20
           NACA mp1tt   -> thkcode=$4,   toc=tt/100,
                           camcode=$3R,  cl=m*.15,   xmaxc=p/20
           NACA 63-mtt  -> thkcode=$63,  toc=tt/100,
                           camcode=$6,   cl=m/10,    a=??
           NACA 63Amtt  -> thkcode=$63A, toc=tt/100,
                           camcode=$6M,  cl=m/10,    a=0.8
           NACA 64-mtt  -> thkcode=$64,  toc=tt/100,
                           camcode=$6,   cl=m/10,    a=??
           NACA 64Amtt  -> thkcode=$64A, toc=tt/100,
                           camcode=$6M,  cl=m/10,    a=0.8
           NACA 65-mtt  -> thkcode=$65,  toc=tt/100,
                           camcode=$6,   cl=m/10,    a=??
           NACA 65Amtt  -> thkcode=$65A, toc=tt/100,
                           camcode=$6M,  cl=m/10,    a=0.8
           NACA 66-mtt  -> thkcode=$66,  toc=tt/100,
                           camcode=$6,   cl=m/10,    a=??
           NACA 67-mtt  -> thkcode=$67,  toc=tt/100,
                           camcode=$6,   cl=m/10,    a=??
           NACA 5-series are described above as mp0tt and mp1tt
           leading  edge is at (0,0,0)
           trailing edge is at (1,0,0)
           airfoil generated in x-y plane

naca6mc (udf)

UDPRIM naca6mc Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           clt[]      design lift coefficients
           a[]        extent of constant loadings
       output arguments:
           camber line shape is sum of NACA65-series camberlines that
               are described by clt and a
           if Body has only one Node
               generate a WireBody
               generate a SheetBody by using the first Edge of Body as
                   a thickness distribution
           if generating a SheetBody, the first Edge must be of unit

nacelle (udf)

UDPRIM nacelle Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           f_rad[4]   front super-ellipse radii
           a_rad[4]   aft   super-ellipse radii
           f_pow[4]   front super-ellipse powers       [default 2]
           a_pow[4]   aft   super-ellipse powers       [default 2]
           length     length of nacells
           deltah     difference in height between front
                          and aft super-ellipses       [default 0]
           rankang    front rake angle (deg)           [default 0]
       output arguments:
           the inlet Body is automatically scaled 0<=x<=1

nurbbody (udp)

UDPRIM nurbbody
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           $filename  name of file
       output arguments:
           build a SolidBody with untrimmed specified in filename
           for each Nurb, file contains 7-integer head followed
              by the real data as specified in egads.pdf file

nuscale (udf)

UDPRIM nuscale Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           xscale     scale factor in X-direction       [default 1]
           yscale     scale factor in Y-direction       [default 1]
           zscale     scale factor in Z-direction       [default 1]
           xcent      center of scaling in X-direction  [default 0]
           ycent      center of scaling in Y-direction  [default 0]
           zcent      center of scaling in Z-direction  [default 0]
           mincp      minimum control points            [default 1]
           showsize   =1 to show size of all BSPLINEs   [default 0]
       output arguments:
           converts Body on stack to BSplines
           pushes modified Body onto stack

offset (udf)

UDPRIM offset Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           nodelist   (optional) list of Nodes at which dist is specified
           nodedist   (optional) list of distances
           edgelist   list of Edges that scribed are generate away from
           facelist   list of Faces that are scribed
           dist       offset distance
       output arguments:
           if Body is a planar WireBody or SheetBody
               make a WireBody of SheetBody that is dist
                   away from Body
               scribe Edges on facelist that are dist
                   away from edgelist
           nodelist and nodedist must have the same number of entries
           if nodelist and nodedist are specified, override
               the offset distance at nodelist[i] with nodedist[i]

parabaloid (udp)

UDPRIM parabaloid
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           xlength    length along axis in X direction
           yradius    radius in Y-direction
           zradius    radius in Z-direction
       output arguments:
           if yadius>0 and zradius>0
               build a parabaloid (SolidBody)
           elseif yradius>0
               build a parabola (SheetBody) in x-z plane
           elseif zradius>0
               build a parabola (SheetBody) in x-y plane

parsec (udp)

UDPRIM parsec
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           yte        trailing edge height   [default 0]
           param      Sobiesky's parameters  [no defaults]
                      [1] = rle
                      [2] = xtop
                      [3] = ytop
                      [4] = d2x/dy2 at top
                      [5] = top theta at trailing edge (degrees)
                      [6] = xbot
                      [7] = ybot
                      [8] = d2x/dy2 at bot
                      [9] = bot theta at trailing edge (degrees)
           poly       polynomial coefficient [no defaults]
                      [  1 to  n] for top polynomial
                      [n+1 to 2n] for bot polynomial
           ztail      height of upper and lower trailing edge (2 values)
       output arguments:
           either param or poly (but not both) must be specified
           leading  edge is at (0,0,0)
           trailing edge is at (1,yte,0)
           airfoil generated in x-y plane

pod (udp)

       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           length     length of pod          [default 0]
           fineness   fineness ratio         [default 0]
       output arguments:
           volume     enclosed volume
           creates VSP-style pod
           leading  edge is at (0,0,0)
           trailing edge is at (1,length,0)

poly (udp)

       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           points     array of points (x,y,z,x,...)
       output arguments:
           generate general polyhedron
           npoints=1   point
           npoints=2   line
           npoints=3   triangle
           npoints=4   quadrilateral
           npoints=5   pyramid
           npoints=6   wedge
           npoints=8   hexahedron
           duplicate points allowed

printBbox (udf)

UDPRIM printBbox Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
       output arguments:
           prints bounding box info for Body on top of stack

printBrep (udf)

UDPRIM printBrep Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
       output arguments:
           prints BREP info for Body on top of stack

printEgo (udf)

UDPRIM printEgo Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
       output arguments:
           prints Ego info for Body on top of stack

prop (udp)

       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           nblade     number of blades       [default 2]
           cpower     power coefficient
           lambda     advance ratio
           reyr       reynolds number based on
                         tip radius and freestream
           rtip       tip radius
           rhub       hub radius
           clift      design section lift coefficient
           cdrag      design section drag coefficient
           alfa       design angle of attack (deg)
           shdiam     shaft diameter (or 0)  [default 0]
           shxmin     minimum x of shaft
           shxmax     maximum x of shaft
           spdiam     spinner diameter (or 0)[default 0]
           spxmin     minimum x of spinner
        output arguments:
           cthrust    thrust coefficient
           eff        efficiency
           generates a propeller
           if shdiam is positive, a shaft is generated too
           if spdiam is positive, a spinner is generated too
           uses design technique by Adkins and Liebeck

radwaf (udp)

UDPRIM radwaf
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           ysize      y-extent of frames
           zsize      z-extent of frames
           nspoke     number of radial spokes
           xframe     array of frame locations
       output arguments:
           generates a series of frames and spokes
           Faces in frames are attributed with:
              frame[0]   frame number   (bias-1)
              frame[1]   segment number (bias-1)
           Faces in spokes are attributed with:
              spoke[0]   spoke number   (bias-1)
              spoke[1]   segment number (bias-1)

sample (udp)

UDPRIM sample
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           dx         size in X direction    [default 0]
           dy         size in Y direction    [default 0]
           dz         size in Z direction    [default 0]
           center[]   center of Body         [default 0;0;0]
       output arguments:
           area       surface area
           volume     enclosed volume
           if center is prescribed, it must contain 3 values
           if all dx, dy, dz are positive
              make SolidBody centered at center
           elseif two of dx, dy, dz are positive
              make SheetBody centered at center
           elseif one of dx, dy, dz is positive
              make WireBody centered at center

sew (udp)

       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           $filename  name of file
           toler      tolerance
       output arguments:
           read the .egads or .stp file
           combines the various bodies into a single SHEET or SolidBody
           if specified toler is smaller than Face tolers, use Face tolers

shadow (udf)

UDPRIM shadow Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           numpts     number of GraphPaper points  [default 1001]
       output arguments:
           area       projected area
           xcent      x-centroid of projected area
           ycent      y-centroid of projected area
           ixx        moment  of inertia
           ixy        product of inertia
           iyy        moment  of inertia
           projects Body onto x-y plane and computes mass
               properties of projection

slices (udf)

UDPRIM slices Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           nslice     number of slices
           $dirn      direction x, X, y, Y, z, or, Z
       output arguments:
           pops one Body off stack
           pushes many Bodys onto stack

stag (udp)

       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           rad1       leading edge radius
           beta1      leading edge camber angle
           gama1      part of leading edge circle that is exposed
           rad2       trailing edge radius
           beta2      trailing edge camber angle
           gama2      part of trailing edge circle that is exposed
           alfa       stagger angle (between LE and TE)
           xfrnt      location of forward  control point
           xrear      location of rearward control point
       output arguments:
           generate a simple turbomachinery airfoil

stiffener (udf)

UDPRIM stiffener Body
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           beg         either 2 values (u;v) or 3 values (x;y;z) at beg
           end         either 2 values (u;v) or 3 values (x;y;z) at end
           depth       depth in direction of midpoint local    [default 0]
           angle       cut-back angles (deg) at end            [default 0]
       output arguments:
           create a stiffener for the SheetBody on the stack

supell (udp)

UDPRIM supell
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           rx        width  in X-direction                     [default 0]
           rx_w      width  on left   (west)  side             [default 0]
           rx_e      width  on right  (east)  side             [default 0]
           ry        height in Y-direction                     [default 0]
           ry_s      height on bottom (south) side             [default 0]
           ry_n      height on top    (north) side             [default 0]
           n         superellipse power                        [default 2]
           n_w       superellipse power on left   (west ) side [default 2]
           n_e       superellipse power on right  (east ) side [default 2]
           n_s       superellipse power on bottom (south) side [default 2]
           n_n       superellipse power on top    (north) side [default 2]
           n_sw      superellipse power in southwest quadrant  [default 2]
           n_se      superellipse power in southeast quadrant  [default 2]
           n_nw      superellipse power in northwest quadrant  [default 2]
           n_ne      superellipse power in northeast quadrant  [default 2]
           offset    create offset (>0 for larger)             [default 0]
           nquad     =1 ne wire, =2 ne/nw wire, =4 sheet       [default 4]
           numpnts   number of points in each quadrant         [default 11]
           slpfact   distance at ends to specify slope         [default 0]
       output arguments:
           superellipse is generated separately in each quadrant, using:
               edge 1:
                   rx_e  is latest rx or rx_e
                   ry_n  is latest ry or ry_n
                   n_ne  is latest n, n_n, n_e, or n_ne
               edge 2:
                   rx_w  is latest rx or rx_w
                   ry_n  is latest ry or ry_n
                   n_nw  is latest n, n_n, n_w, or n_nw
               edge 3:
                   rx_w  is latest rx or rx_w
                   ry_s  is latest ry or ry_s
                   n_sw  is latest n, n_s, n_w, or n_sw
               edge 4:
                   rx_e  is latest rx or rx_e
                   ry_s  is latest ry or ry_s
                   n_se  is latest n, n_s, n_e, or n_se
           to get a simple ellipse, only need to specify rx and ry
           nquad=1 and nquad=2 create WireBodys, nquad=4 creates SheetBody
           negative slpfac prescribes correct slopes at junctions
           super-ellipse centered at (0,0,0)
           super-ellipse generated in x-y plane

tblade (udp)

UDPRIM tblade
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           $filename      Tblade input file
           $auxname       name of either spancontrolinputs or
                             controlinputs file (depending on input file)
           ncp             number of control points in fit
           chord           override values
           thk_c           override values
           inci            override values
           devn            override values
           cur2            override values
           cur3            override values
           cur4            override values
           cur5            override values
           cur6            override values
           cur7            override values
           in_beta         override values
           out_beta        override values
           u2              override values
           u3              override values
           u4              override values
           u5              override values
           u6              override values
           span_in_beta    override values
           span_out_beta   override values
           span_curv_ctrl  override values
       output arguments:
           filename is read into Tblade
           values specified in other arguments (such as chord)
              overwrite the values from the file
           Tblade is executed
           airfoils produced in Tblade are fit with ncp control points
           hub and tip are generated from bodies of revolution
           airfoils are blended into a volume

waffle (udp)

UDPRIM waffle
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           depth      depth in z-direction   [default 1]
           segments   array of segments
           $filename  name of file
           progress   turn on progress print [default 0]
           layout     generate WireBodys instead of waffle [default 0]
           rebuild    list of variables that will cause rebuild
       output arguments:
           if (segments are set)
               if (length(segments)%4 != 0)
                   for (i=0; i < length(segments)/4; i++)
                       xbeg=segments[4*i  ]
                       generate SheetBody from (xbeg,ybeg,0) to (xend,yend,depth)
           elseif (filename is set)
               notes:  keywords can either be lowercase or UPPERCASE (not mixedCase)
               keywords are shown here in UPPERCASE to distinguish them from variables

               POINT  pointname AT xloc           yloc             creates point at xloc,yloc
                                AT x@pointname+dx y@pointname+dy   creates point  from named point
                                AT xloc           y@pointname      creates point at same y as named point and at given xloc
                                AT x@pointname    yloc             creates point at same x as named point and at given yloc
                                ON linename FRAC  fractDist        creates point on line at given fractional distance
                                ON linename PERP  pointname        creates point on line that is closest to point
                                ON linename XLOC  xloc             creates point on line at given xloc
                                ON linename YLOC  yloc             creates point on line at given yloc
                                ON linename SAMEX pointname        creates point on line with same x as point
                                ON linename SAMEY pointname        creates point on line with same y as point
                                ON linename XSECT linename         creates point at intersection of two lines
                       Note: POINTs exist in final waffle

               CPOINT --------- same as POINT ------------------   creates construction point ...
                       Note: CPOINTs do not exist in final waffle

               LINE   linename  pointname pointname [attrName1=attrValue1 [...]]
                                                                   creates line between points with given attributes
                       Note: LINEs exist in final waffle (possibly in multiple segments)
               CLINE  ---------  same as LINE ------------------   creates constrction line ...
                       Note: CLINEs do not exist in final waffle

               SET    varname expression                           sets varname to expression
                       Note: varname must not already be currently defined

               PATBEG    varname ncopy                             loops ncopy times with varname=1,...,ncopy
                       Note: varname must not already be currently defined
               PATBREAK  expression1 op expression2                break out of pattern if true
                                                                      op is one of: LT LE EQ GE GT or NE

               IFTHEN    expression1 op expression2                executes until ENDIF if true
                                                                      op is one of: LT LE EQ GE GT or NE

           Faces are attributed with:
              segment    arbitrary seq number  (bias-1)
              waffleseg[0]  segment number     (bias-1)
              waffleseg[1]  subpart in segment (bias-1)

vsp3 (udp)

       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           filename   name of vsp3 file
           keeptemps  keep temporary files   [default 0]
       output arguments:
           builds the openVsp models as a series of Bodys flying in formation

warp (udp)

       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           egadsfile  name oof EGADS file
           iface      Face index             [default 0]
           dist       array of nrom distances[default 0]
           toler      sewing tolerance       [default 0]
       output arguments:
           warp one Face of a Body via control point movement
           dist must have (nucp-2)*(nvcp-2) entries
               where nucp and nvcp are the number of control points
           dist is specified only for interior control points

5.6: User-Defined Components shipped with OpenCSM

These UDCs are shipped in the $ESP_ROOT/udc directory and should be accessed using the $$/ prefix.


applyTparams (udc)

UDPRIM $$/applyTparams
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           factor    tessellation scale factor    [default 1]
       output arguments:
           modifies .tParams[1] and .tParams[2] by factor

biconvex (udc)

UDPRIM $$/biconvex
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           thick      maximum thickness           [default 0]
       output arguments:
           generate unit chord biconvex airfoil
           thick must be positive
           airfoil is generated counterclockwise from TE

boxudc (udc)

UDPRIM $$/boxudc
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           dx         size in x direction         [default 0]
           dy         size in y direction         [default 0]
           dz         size in z direction         [default 0]
       output arguments:
           vol        volume
           generate box centered at origin
           dx, dy, and dz must all be positive
           this UDC was written as a demonstration

combine (udc)

UDPRIM $$/combine Body1 Body1
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
       output arguments:
           used for backward compatability (because the COMBINE
               command was removed)

contains (udc)

UDPRIM $$/contains
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
       output arguments:
           contains    =0 if Body1 is fully     within Body2
                       =1 if Body1 is not fully within Body2
                       =2 if Body1 is partially within Body2
                       -3 if Body1 is          outside Body2
           checks the containment of Body1 w.r.t. Body2
           leaves the stack unchanged

diamond (udc)

UDPRIM $$/diamond
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           thick      maximum thickness           [default 0]
       output arguments:
           generate unit chord diamond airfoil
           thick must be positive
           airfoil is generated counterclockwise from TE

flapz (udc)

UDPRIM $$/flapz
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           xflap      outline of flap (4 doubles)
           yflap      outline of flap (4 doubles)
           theta      flap defleection            [default 15]
           gap        gap betwen flap and wing    [default 0.01]
           openEnd    =1 to leave gaps at ends    [default 0]
       output arguments:
           define (xflap,yflap) counterclockwise
           hinge is between 2nd and 3rd point of (xflap,yflap)
           points 1 and 4 should be downstream of trailing edge

gen_rot (udc)

UDPRIM $$/gen_rot
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           xbeg       x-coordinate at beg of axis [default 0]
           ybeg       y-coordinate at beg of axis [default 0]
           zbeg       z-coordinate at beg of axis [default 0]
           xend       x-coordinate at end of axis [default 1]
           yend       y-coordinate at end of axis [default 1]
           zend       z-coorindate at end of axis [default 1]
           rotang     rotation angle (deg)        [default 0]
       output arguments:
           azimuth    azimuth   angle in    x-y plane (deg)
           elevation  elevation angle above x-y plane (deg)
           general rotation of Group on top of stack
           beg and end points must not be the same

overlaps (udc)

UDPRIM $$/overlaps
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
       output arguments:
           overlaps    =0 if Body1 and Body2 do not overlap
                       =1 if Body1 and Body2 do     overlap
           checks for overlap of Body1 and Body2
           leaves the stack unchanged

popupz (udc)

UDPRIM $$/popupz
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           xbox       outline of popup (4 doubles)
           ybox       outline of popup (4 doubles)
           height     change in z for popup       [default 1]
       output arguments:
           scribes a counterclockwise quad and pops it up

replicate (udc)

UDPRIM $$/replicate
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           ncopy      number of copies (in 360 deg)
           xcent      X-center of rotation
           ycent      Y-center of rotation
           toler      tolerance for union
       output arguments:
           nunion     number of unions performed
           makes ncopy copies of Body on top of stack and UNIONS them
               together with the minimum number of operations

splitEdges (udc)

UDPRIM $$/splitEdges
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
       output arguments:
           for each Edge that has a mySplits attribute, split
               the edge at the relative arclengths specified
               in the value(s) associated with mySplits

spoilerz (udc)

UDPRIM $$/spoilerz
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
           xbox       outline of spoiler (4 doubles)
           ybox       outline of spolier (4 doubles)
           depth      depth of cutout
           thick      thickness of spoiler cover
           theta      spoiler deflection (deg)
           overlap    overlap at ends of spoiler
           extend     extension near hinge
       output arguments:
           scribe a quad in body and remove material
               to given depth
           scribe quad in body and create spoiler of
               given thickness
           spoiler is larger by overlap on ends defined
               by [4-1] and [2-3]
           spoiler is larger by extend on end defined
               by [1-2]
           define (xbox,ybox) counterclockwise
           hinge is between 2nd and 3rd point of (xbox,ybox)

swap (udc)

UDPRIM $$/swap
       input arguments (specified as name/value pairs):
       output arguments:
           swaps two entities on top of stack
           entities may be Bodys of marks

5.7: Number rules

The following is taken from the OpenCSM.h file:

    start with a digit or decimal (.)
    followed by zero or more digits and/or decimals (.)
    there can be at most one decimal in a number
    optionally followed by an e, e+, e-, E, E+, or E-
    if there is an e or E, it must be followed by one or more digits

5.8: String rules

The following is taken from the OpenCSM.h file:

    introduced with a dollar sign ($) that is not part of the value
    followed by one to 128 characters from the set
       letter                     a-z or A-Z
       digit                      0-9
       at-sign                    @
       underscore                 _
       colon                      :
       semicolon                  ;
       dollar-sign                $
       period                     .
       escaped comma              ',
       escaped plus               '+
       minus                      -
       star                       *
       slash                      /
       caret                      ^
       question                   ?
       percent                    %
       open-parenthesis           (
       escaped close-parenthesis  ')
       open-bracket               [
       close-bracket              ]
       open-brace                 {
       close-brace                }
       less-than                  <
       greater-than               >
       equal                      =
    the following characters are not allowed in strings
       apostrophe                 '  (except to escape ', '+ or ') )
       quotation                  "
       hashtag                    #
       backslash                  \
       vertical bar               |
       tilde                      ~
       ampersand                  &
       exclamation                !

5.9: Parameter rules

The following is taken from the OpenCSM.h file:

Valid names:
    start with a letter, colon(:), or at-sign(@)
    contains letters, digits, at-signs(@), underscores(_), and colons(:)
    contains fewer than 64 characters
    names that start with an at-sign cannot be set by a CONPMTR, DESPMTR,
       SET, PATBEG, or GETATTR statement
    if a name has a dot-suffix, a property of the name (and not its
        value) is returned
       x.nrow   number of rows     in x or 0 if a string
       x.ncol   number of columns  in x or 0 if a string
       x.size   number of elements in x (=x.nrow*x.ncol) or
                     length of string x
       x.sum    sum of elements    in x
       x.norm   norm of elements   in x (=sqrt(x[1]^2+x[2]^2+...))
       x.min    minimum value      in x
       x.max    maximum value      in x    velocity           of x

Array names:
    basic format is: name[irow,icol] or name[ielem]
    name must follow rules above
    irow, icol, and ielem must be valid expressions
    irow, icol, and ielem start counting at 1
    values are stored across rows ([1,1], [1,2], ..., [2,1], ...)

        declared by a DESPMTR statement only at the top level
        if a scalar, declared and defined by a DESPMTR statement
        if an array, declared by a DIMENSION statement
            values defined by one or more DESPMTR statements
        each value can only be defined in one DESPMTR statement
        values are not over-written by subsequent DESPMTR statements
        can have an optional lower bound
        can have an optional upper bound
        is only available at the top level
        can be set  outside ocsmBuild by a call to ocsmSetValu
        can be read outside ocsmBuild by a call to ocsmGetValu
        can be used to find sensitivities
        declared by a CFGPMTR statement only at the top level
        if a scalar, declared and defined by a CFGPMTR statement
        if an array, declared by a DIMENSION statement
            values defined by one or more CFGPMTR statements
        each value can only be defined in one CFGPMTR statement
        values are not over-written by subsequent CFGPMTR statements
        can have an optional lower bound
        can have an optional upper bound
        is only available at the top level
        can be set  outside ocsmBuild by a call to ocsmSetValu
        can be read outside ocsmBuild by a call to ocsmGetValu
        declared by a CONPMTR statement at the top level or
            via ocsmLoadDict
        cannot be declared in a DIMENSION statment
        is available everywhere
        can be set  outside ocsmBuild by a call to ocsmSetValu
        can be read outside ocsmBuild by a call to ocsmGetValu
        declared by a OUTPMTR statement only at the top level
        can only be set at the top level
        can be read outside ocsmBuild by a call to ocsmGetValu
        if a scalar, declared and defined by a SET, PATBEG, or
            GETATTR statement or via an INTERFACE IN statement
        if an array, declared by a DIMENSION statement
            values defined by one or more SET statements
        can have a string value
        values can be overwritten by subsequent statements
        are only available in the .csm or .udc file in which
            it is defined or in an include-type UDC that is
            called by the program unit in which it was defined
        is a scalar defined by a SOLBEG statement
        only available between SOLBEG and SOLEND

                                                D  C  C  O  O
                                                E  F  O  U  C
                                                S  G  N  T  A
                                                P  P  P  P  L
                                                M  M  M  M  V
                                                T  T  T  T  A
                                                R  R  R  R  R
                                                -  -  -  -  -
      Can be vector or array of numbers         Y  Y  Y  Y  Y
      Can have a string value                   N  N  N  Y  Y
      Can be restricted by LBOUND or UBOUND     Y  Y  N  N  N
      Scope (T=top-level, G=global, L=local)    T  T  G  L  L
      Defined during ocsmLoad or ocsmLoadDict   Y  Y  Y  N  N
      Can be set via ocsmSetValu(D)             Y  Y  N  N  N
      Defined and set during ocsmBuild          N  N  N  Y  Y
      Can be read via ocsmGetValu(S)            Y  Y  Y  Y  N
      Can find associated sensitivity           Y  N  N  N  N

    @-parameters depend on the last SELECT statement(s).
        each time a new Body is added to the Stack, 'SELECT body' is
            implicitly called
        depending on last SELECT statement, the values of the
             @-parameters are given by:

               body face edge node  <- last SELECT

        @seltype -1    2    1    0   selection type (0=node,1=edge,2=face)
        @selbody  x    -    -    -   current Body
        @sellist -1    x    x    x   list of Nodes/Edges/Faces

        @nbody    x    x    x    x   number of Bodys
        @ibody    x    x    x    x   current   Body
        @nface    x    x    x    x   number of Faces in @ibody or
                                     number of EFaces if @itype=4
        @iface   -1    x   -1   -1   current   Face  in @ibody (or -2)
        @nedge    x    x    x    x   number of Edges in @ibody or
                                     number of EEdges if @itype=4
        @iedge   -1   -1    x   -1   current   Edge  in @ibody (or -2)
        @nnode    x    x    x    x   number of Nodes in @ibody
        @inode   -1   -1   -1    x   current   Node  in @ibody (or -2)
        @igroup   x    x    x    x   group of @ibody
        @itype    x    x    x    x   0=NodeBody, 1=WireBody, 2=SheetBody,
                                     3=SolidBody, 4=ErepBody
        @nbors   -1    x    -    x   number of incident Edges
        @nbors   -1    -    x    -   number of incident Faces

        @ibody1  -1    x    x   -1   1st element of 'Body' Attr in @ibody
        @ibody2  -1    x    x   -1   2nd element of 'Body' Attr in @ibody

        @xmin     x    x    *    x   x-min of bboxes or x at beg of Edge
        @ymin     x    x    *    x   y-min of bboxes or y at beg of Edge
        @zmin     x    x    *    x   z-min of bboxes or z at beg of Edge
        @xmax     x    x    *    x   x-max of bboxes or x at end of Edge
        @ymax     x    x    *    x   y-max of bboxes or y at end of Edge
        @zmax     x    x    *    x   z-max of bboxes or z at end of Edge

        @length   0    0    x    0   length of Edges
        @area     x    x    0    0   area of Faces or surface area of body
        @volume   x    0    0    0   volume of body (if a solid)

        @xcg      x    x    x    x   location of center of gravity
        @ycg      x    x    x    x
        @zcg      x    x    x    x

        @Ixx      x    x    x    0   centroidal moment of inertia
        @Ixy      x    x    x    0
        @Ixz      x    x    x    0
        @Iyx      x    x    x    0
        @Iyy      x    x    x    0
        @Iyz      x    x    x    0
        @Izx      x    x    x    0
        @Izy      x    x    x    0
        @Izz      x    x    x    0

        @toler    x    x    x    0   maximum tolerance (at last SELECT)
        @signal   x    x    x    x   current signal code
        @nwarn    x    x    x    x   number of warnings (at last SELECT)

        @edata                       only set up by EVALUATE statement
        @stack                       Bodys on stack; 0=Mark; -1=none
        @scope                       scoping level (at last SELECT)
        @version                     version number

        in above table:
           x -> value is set
           - -> value is unchanged
           * -> special value is set (if single Edge)
           0 -> value is set to  0
          -1 -> value is set to -1

5.10: Expression rules

The following is taken from the OpenCSM.h file:

Valid operators (in order of precedence):
    ( )            parentheses, inner-most evaluated first
    func(a,b)      function arguments, then function itself
    ^              exponentiation             (evaluated left to right)
    * /            multiply and divide        (evaluated left to right)
    + -            add/concat and subtract    (evaluated left to right)

    An expression that consists of only the name of a Parameter may be
    prepended by a unary + or -

Valid function calls:
    pi(x)                        3.14159...*x
    min(x,y)                     minimum of x and y
    max(x,y)                     maximum of x and y
    sqrt(x)                      square root of x
    abs(x)                       absolute value of x
    int(x)                       integer part of x  (3.5 -> 3, -3.5 -> -3)
                                     produces derivative=0
    nint(x)                      nearest integer to x
                                     produces derivative=0
    ceil(x)                      smallest integer not less than x
                                     produces derivative=0
    floor(x)                     largest integer not greater than x
                                     produces derivative=0
    mod(a,b)                     mod(a/b), with same sign as a and b>=0
    sign(test)                   returns -1, 0, or +1
                                     produces derivative=0
    exp(x)                       exponential of x
    log(x)                       natural logarithm of x
    log10(x)                     common logarithm of x
    sin(x)                       sine of x          (in radians)
    sind(x)                      sine of x          (in degrees)
    asin(x)                      arc-sine of x      (in radians)
    asind(x)                     arc-sine of x      (in degrees)
    cos(x)                       cosine of x        (in radians)
    cosd(x)                      cosine of x        (in degrees)
    acos(x)                      arc-cosine of x    (in radians)
    acosd(x)                     arc-cosine of x    (in degrees)
    tan(x)                       tangent of x       (in radians)
    tand(x)                      tangent of x       (in degrees)
    atan(x)                      arc-tangent of x   (in radians)
    atand(x)                     arc-tangent of x   (in degrees)
    atan2(y,x)                   arc-tangent of y/x (in radians)
    atan2d(y,x)                  arc-tangent of y/x (in degrees)
    hypot(x,y)                   hypotenuse: sqrt(x^2+y^2)
    hypot3(x,y,z)                hypotenuse: sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
    incline(xa,ya,dab,xb,yb)     inclination of chord (in degrees)
                                     produces derivative=0
    Xcent(xa,ya,dab,xb,yb)       X-center of circular arc
                                     produces derivative=0
    Ycent(xa,ya,dab,xb,yb)       Y-center of circular arc
                                     produces derivative=0
    Xmidl(xa,ya,dab,xb,yb)       X-point at midpoint of circular arc
                                     produces derivative=0
    Ymidl(xa,ya,dab,xb,yb)       Y-point at midpoint of circular arc
                                     produces derivative=0
    seglen(xa,ya,dab,xb,yb)      length of segment
                                     produces derivative=0
    radius(xa,ya,dab,xb,yb)      radius of curvature (or 0 for LINSEG)
                                     produces derivative=0
    sweep(xa,ya,dab,xb,yb)       sweep angle of circular arc (in degrees)
                                     produces derivative=0
                     dbc,xc,yc)  turnnig angle at b (in degrees)
                                     produces derivative=0
    dip(xa,ya,xb,yb,rad)         acute dip between arc and chord
                                     produces derivative=0
    smallang(x)                  ensures -180<=x<=180
    val2str(num,digits)          convert num to string ("%d" if digits=0,
                                     "%f" if digits>0, "%e" if digits<0)
    str2val(string)              convert string to value
    findstr(str1,str2)           find locn of str2 in str1 (bias-1 or 0)
    slice(str,ibeg,iend)         substring of str from ibeg to iend
    path($pwd)                   returns present working directory
    path($csm)                   returns directory of current .csm,
                                     .cpc, or .udc file
    path($root)                  returns $ESP_ROOT
    path($file)                  returns name of .csm, .cpc, or .udc file
    ifzero(test,ifTrue,ifFalse)  if test=0, return ifTrue, else ifFalse
    ifpos(test,ifTrue,ifFalse)   if test>0, return ifTrue, else ifFalse
    ifneg(test,ifTrue,ifFalse)   if test<0, return ifTrue, else ifFalse
                      ifFalse)   if str match pat, return ifTrue,
                                     else ifFalse
                                        ? matches any one character
                                       '+ matches one  or more characters
                                        * matches zero or more characters
    ifnan(test,ifTrue,ifFalse)   if test is NaN, return ifTrue,
                                     else ifFalse

5.11: Attribute rules

The following is taken from the OpenCSM.h file:

Attributes assigned to Bodys:

    _body       Body index (1:nbody)

    _brch       Branch index (1:nbrch)

    _tParams    tessellation parameters that were used

    _csys_*     arguments when CSYSTEM was defined

    _hist       history for WireBodys only

           all global Attributes

           all Attributes associated with Branch that created Body

           all Attributes associated with "SELECT $body" statement

                Note: if the Attribute name is ".tParams", then its
                      corresponding values are:
                       .tParams[1] = maximum triangle side length
                       .tParams[2] = maximum sag (distance between
                                                  chord and arc)
                       .tParams[3] = maximum angle between edge
                                                  segments (deg)

                Note: if the Attribute name is ".qParams" and it
                      value is any string, then the tessellation
                      templates are not used

                Note: if the Attribute name is ".qParams", then its
                      corresponding values are:
                      .qParams[1] = Edge matching expressed as the
                                    deviation from alignment
                      .qParams[2] = maximum quad side ratio point
                                    count to allow
                      .qParams[3] = number of smoothing iterations

Special User-defined Attributes for Bodys:

    _makeQuads  to make new-style quads on all Faces in Body
                (.tessType is set to "Quad" and .mixed is created)

    _name       string used in ESP interface for a Body

    _stlColor   color to use for all Faces in an .stl file

Attributes assigned to Faces:

    _body       non-unique 2-tuple associated with first Face creation
        [0]     Body index in which Face first existed (1:nbody)
        [1]     face-order associated with creation (see above)

    _brch       non-unique even-numbered list associated with Branches
                   that are active when the Face is created (most
                   recent Branch is listed first)
        [2*i  ] Branch index (1:nbrch)
        [2*i+1] (see below)

                Branches that contribute to brch Attribute are
                   primitive  (for which _brch[2*i+1] is face-order)
                   UDPRIM.udc (for which _brch[2*i+1] is 1)
                   grown      (for which _brch[2*i+1] is face-order)
                   applied    (for which _brch[2*i+1] is face-order)
                   sketch     (for which _brch[2*i+1] is Sketch primitive
                               if making WireBody)
                   PATBEG     (for which _brch[2*i+1] is pattern index)
                   IFTHEN     (for which _brch[2*i+1] is -1)
                   RECALL     (for which _brch[2*i+1] is +1)
                   RESTORE    (for which _brch[2*i+1] is Body numr stored)

    _faceID     unique 3-tuple that is assigned automatically
          [0]   _body[0]
          [1]   _body[1]
          [2]   sequence number

                if multiple Faces have same _faceID[0] and _faceID[1],
                   then the sequence number is defined based upon the
                   first rule that applies:
                   * Face with smaller xcg  has lower sequence number
                   * Face with smaller ycg  has lower sequence number
                   * Face with smaller zcg  has lower sequence number
                   * Face with smaller area has lower sequence number

    _hist       list of Bodys that contained this Face (oldest to newest)

           all Attributes associated with Branch that first
                    created Face
                    (BLEND, EXTRUDE, LOFT, REVOLVE, RULE, SWEEP)
                    (CHAMFER, CONNECT, FILLET, HOLLOW)

           all Attributes associated with Branch if a RESTORE

           all Attributes associated with "SELECT FACE" statement

Special User-defined Attributes for Faces:

    _color      color of front of Face in ESP
                either R,G,B in three 0-1 reals
                or $red, $lred, $green, $lgreen, $blue, $lblue,
                $yellow, $magenta, $cyan, $white, or $black

    _bcolor     color of back of Face in ESP (see _color)

    _gcolor     color of grid of Face in ESP (see _color)

    _viz        if set to $off, then Face is initially not shown

    _grd        if set to $on,  the grid on Face is initially shown

    _trn        if set to $on,  then Face is initially shown transparent

    _makeQuads  to make old-style quads for this Face.  This is only
                available if there is no _makeQuads Attribute on the Body.
                Also, quads made by this option cannot be DUMPed to a
                .egads file.

    _stlColor   color to use for this Face in an .stl file

Attributes assigned to Edges:

    _body       non-unique 2-tuple associated with first Edge creation
        [0]     Body index in which Edge first existed (1:nbody)
        [1]     10000 * min(_body[1][ileft],_body[1][irite])
                      + max(_body[1][ileft],_body[1][irite])
                (or -3 if non-manifold)

    _edgeID     unique 5-tuple that is assigned automatically
          for an ordinary manifold Edge between two Faces
          [0]   _faceID[0] of Face 1
          [1]   _faceID[1] of Face 1
          [2]   _faceID[0] of Face 2
          [3]   _faceID[1] of Face 2
          [4]   sequence number

          for an Edge supported by more than 2 Faces
          [0]   _faceID[0] of Face 1  (Face chosen arbitrarily)
          [1]   _faceID[1] of Face 1  (Face chosen arbitrarily)
          [2]   _faceID[0] of Face 2  (Face chosen arbitrarily)
          [3]   _faceID[1] of Face 2  (Face chosen arbitrarily)
          [4]   sequence number

          or if a DEGENERATE Edge
          [0]   -99999
          [1]   -99999
          [2]   _faceID[0] of Face 1
          [3]   _faceID[1] of Face 1
          [4]   sequence number

          or if from a Sketch
          [0]   0
          [1]   0
          [2]   _faceID[0]
          [3]   segment in Sketch
          [4]   sequence number (always 1 when Sketch is created)

          or if from a SheetBody generated by the BOX command
          [0]   0
          [1]   0
          [2]   _faceID[0]
          [3]   _faceID[1]
          [4]   sequence number

          or if generated by SUBTRACTing two co-planar SheetBodys
          [0]   0
          [1]   0
          [2]   _faceID[0]                  of exterior SheetBody
          [3]   _faceID[1]                  of exterior SheetBody
          [4]   sequence number

          or if generated by scribing (SUBTRACTing a non-co-planar SheetBody)
          [0]   0
          [1]   0
          [2]   _faceID[0]                  of scribed  Face
          [3]   _faceID[1]                  of scribed  Face
          [4]   sequence number

                _edgeID[0]/[1] swapped with edge[2]/[3] if
                   10000*_edgeID[0]+_edgeID[1] > 10000*_edgeID[2]+_edgeID[3]
                if multiple Edges have same _edgeID[0], _edgeID[1],
                   _edgeID[2], and _edgeID[3], then the sequence number
                   is defined based upon the first rule that applies:
                   * Edge with smaller xcg    has lower sequence number
                   * Edge with smaller ycg    has lower sequence number
                   * Edge with smaller zcg    has lower sequence number
                   * Edge with smaller length has lower sequence number

    _nface      number of incident Faces

           all Attributes associated with "SELECT EDGE" statement

Special User-defined Attributes for Edges:

    _color      color of front of Edge in ESP
                either R,G,B in three 0-1 reals
                or $red, $lred, $green, $lgreen, $blue, $lblue,
                $yellow, $magenta, $cyan, $white, or $black

    _gcolor     color of grid of Edge in ESP (see _color)

    _viz        if set to $off, then Edge is initially not shown

    _grd        if set to $on,  then grid on Edge is initially shown

    _ori        if set to $on,  then orientation is initially shown for Edge

Attributes assigned to Nodes:

    _nodeID     unique integer that is assigned automatically

    _nedge      number of incident Edges

           all Attributes associated with "SELECT FACE" statement

Special User-defined Attributes for Nodes:

    _color      color of Node in ESP
                either R,G,B in three 0-1 reals
                or $red, $lred, $green, $lgreen, $blue, $lblue,
                $yellow, $magenta, $cyan, $white, or $black

    _viz        if set to $on, then Node is initially shown

Back to Table of Contents

5.12: Format of plotfile

A plotfile is a file that is specified via the -plot command line option to serveESP. The contents of this file is used for either plotting in ESP and/or as input for the -histDist or -plugs command line options. The plotfile contains a series of blocks of data with the format:

        imax  jmax  name
The name is a character string (without white spaces) that will be listed in the ESP Display list; this name must be unique. The entity will be colored black unless it ends in one of the following sequences:
        |r   red
        |g   green
        |b   blue
        |c   cyan
        |m   magenta
        |y   yellow
        |w   white
If the name ends in one of the above sequences, the sequence will be removed from the name. The meaning of imax and jmax depends on the type of data, as described below.

Series of points

Here imax is the number points and jmax must be 0. This is also the data block type used by the -histDist and -plugs options. There are imax 3-D coordinates.


Here imax is the number points in the line and jmax must be 1. There are imax 3-D coordinates specified.

Series of 2-point lines

Here imax is the number 2-point lines and jmax must be -1. There are two 3-D coordinates for each line; that is, there are 2*imax 3-D coordinates specified.

Series of shaded triangles

Here imax is the number of triangles and jmax must be -3. There are 12 numbers for each triangle: x1, y1, z1, f1, x2, y2, z2, f2, z3, y3, z3, and f3. The functions (f) are in the range -1 (for blue) through +1 for red.

Series of shaded quadrilaterals

Here imax is the number of quadrilaterals and jmax must be -4. There are 16 numbers for each quad: x1, y1, z1, f1, x2, y2, z2, f2, z3, y3, z3, f3, x4, y4, z4, and f4. The points are around the quad. The functions (f) are in the range -1 (for blue) through +1 for red.

Series of triangles

Here imax is the number triangles and jmax must be -2. There are three 3-D coordinates for each triangle; that is, there are 3*imax 3-D coordinates specified.

Grid of quadrilaterals

Here imax is the number i-lines (in the j direction) and jmax is the number of j-lines (in the i direction). There are imax*jmax 3-D coordinates specified.

End of data blocks

Here imax and jmax must be 0. Use of this block is optional.

Following the data block header is a series of 3-D coordinates specified as x y z.

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6.0: Example .csm file

The following is a copy of tutorial1.csm

# tutorial1
# written by John Dannenhoffer

# default design parameters
despmtr   Lbar      6.00      # length of bar
despmtr   Rbar      0.15      # radius of bar
despmtr   T         0.50      # thickness of weights
despmtr   D         2.00      # diameter  of weights
despmtr   Rout      1.20      # outer radius (for intersection)
despmtr   Rfil      0.10      # fillet radius at end of bar

set       L         Lbar/2

# shaft
cylinder  -L        0.0       0.0       +L        0.0       0.0       Rbar
   name      shaft
   attribute shaft     1

# left weight
box       -L-T/2    -D/3      -D        T         D*2/3     2*D
   name      left_weight
   attribute weight    1
fillet    Rfil

# rite weight
box       +L-T/2    -D/2      -D/2      T         D         D
   name      rite_weight
   attribute weight    2
fillet    Rfil

# clip weights with outer cylinder
cylinder  -L-T      0.00      0.00      +L+T      0.00      0.00      Rout
   attribute clipper   1


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7.0: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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8.0: Release Notes

The Release Notes can be found here.

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9.0: Error Codes

9.1: OpenCSM error codes

OpenCSM performs extensive error checking that can issue the following error codes:

SUCCESS                                 0

OCSM_FILE_NOT_FOUND                  -201
OCSM_ILLEGAL_STATEMENT               -202
OCSM_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS                 -203
OCSM_NESTED_TOO_DEEPLY               -205
OCSM_IMPROPER_NESTING                -206
OCSM_NESTING_NOT_CLOSED              -207
OCSM_NOT_MODL_STRUCTURE              -208
OCSM_EBODY_NOT_FOUND                 -210

OCSM_MISSING_MARK                    -211
OCSM_DID_NOT_CREATE_BODY             -214
OCSM_MODL_NOT_CHECKED                -218
OCSM_NEED_TESSELLATION               -219

OCSM_BODY_NOT_FOUND                  -221
OCSM_FACE_NOT_FOUND                  -222
OCSM_EDGE_NOT_FOUND                  -223
OCSM_NODE_NOT_FOUND                  -224
OCSM_ILLEGAL_VALUE                   -225
OCSM_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE               -226
OCSM_ILLEGAL_CSYSTEM                 -227
OCSM_NO_SELECTION                    -228

OCSM_SKETCH_IS_OPEN                  -231
OCSM_SKETCH_IS_NOT_OPEN              -232
OCSM_SELF_INTERSECTING               -238
OCSM_ASSERT_FAILED                   -239

OCSM_CLOSE_BEFORE_OPEN               -242
OCSM_MISSING_CLOSE                   -243
OCSM_ILLEGAL_NUMBER                  -245
OCSM_ILLEGAL_PMTR_NAME               -246
OCSM_ILLEGAL_FUNC_NAME               -247
OCSM_ILLEGAL_TYPE                    -248
OCSM_ILLEGAL_NARG                    -249

OCSM_NAME_NOT_FOUND                  -251
OCSM_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE                 -252
OCSM_PMTR_IS_DESPMTR                 -253
OCSM_PMTR_IS_LOCALVAR                -254
OCSM_PMTR_IS_OUTPMTR                 -255
OCSM_PMTR_IS_CONPMTR                 -256
OCSM_WRONG_PMTR_TYPE                 -257
OCSM_VAL_STACK_UNDERFLOW             -259  /* probably not enough args to func */
OCSM_VAL_STACK_OVERFLOW              -260  /* probably too many   args to func */

OCSM_ILLEGAL_BRCH_INDEX              -261  /* should be from 1 to nbrch */
OCSM_ILLEGAL_PMTR_INDEX              -262  /* should be from 1 to npmtr */
OCSM_ILLEGAL_BODY_INDEX              -263  /* should be from 1 to nbody */
OCSM_ILLEGAL_ARG_INDEX               -264  /* should be from 1 to narg  */
OCSM_ILLEGAL_ACTIVITY                -265  /* should OCSM_ACTIVE or OCSM_SUPPRESSED */
OCSM_ILLEGAL_MACRO_INDEX             -266  /* should be between 1 and 100 */
OCSM_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT                -267

OCSM_SOLVER_IS_OPEN                  -271
OCSM_SOLVER_IS_NOT_OPEN              -272
OCSM_UNDERCONSTRAINED                -274
OCSM_OVERCONSTRAINED                 -275
OCSM_SINGULAR_MATRIX                 -276
OCSM_NOT_CONVERGED                   -277

OCSM_UDP_ERROR1                      -281
OCSM_UDP_ERROR2                      -282
OCSM_UDP_ERROR3                      -283
OCSM_UDP_ERROR4                      -284
OCSM_UDP_ERROR5                      -285
OCSM_UDP_ERROR6                      -286
OCSM_UDP_ERROR7                      -287
OCSM_UDP_ERROR8                      -288
OCSM_UDP_ERROR9                      -289

OCSM_OP_STACK_UNDERFLOW              -291
OCSM_OP_STACK_OVERFLOW               -292
OCSM_RPN_STACK_OVERFLOW              -294
OCSM_UNSUPPORTED                     -298
OCSM_INTERNAL_ERROR                  -299

/* constants for backward compatability */
OCSM_EXTERNAL                        OCSM_DESPMTR
OCSM_CONFIG                          OCSM_CFGPMTR
OCSM_CONSTANT                        OCSM_CONPMTR
OCSM_OUTPUT                          OCSM_OUTPMTR
OCSM_INTERNAL                        OCSM_LOCALVAR

9.2: EGADS error codes

In addition, sometimes EGADS or CAPRI will issue an error code. The EGADS error codes that may be seen from time to time include:

EGADS_SUCCESS                           0
EGADS_NOTFOUND                         -1
EGADS_NULLOBJ                          -2
EGADS_NOTOBJ                           -3
EGADS_MALLOC                           -4
EGADS_INDEXERR                         -5
EGADS_NONAME                           -6
EGADS_NODATA                           -7
EGADS_MIXCNTX                          -8
EGADS_NOTCNTX                          -9
EGADS_NOTXFORM                        -10
EGADS_REFERCE                         -11
EGADS_NOTTOPO                         -12
EGADS_EMPTY                           -13
EGADS_NOTTESS                         -14
EGADS_NOTGEOM                         -15
EGADS_RANGERR                         -16
EGADS_NOLOAD                          -17
EGADS_NOTMODEL                        -18
EGADS_WRITERR                         -19
EGADS_NOTBODY                         -20
EGADS_GEOMERR                         -21
EGADS_TOPOERR                         -22
EGADS_CONSTERR                        -23
EGADS_DEGEN                           -24
EGADS_NOTORTHO                        -25
EGADS_BADSCALE                        -26
EGADS_OCSEGFLT                        -27
EGADS_TOPOCNT                         -28
EGADS_ATTRERR                         -29
EGADS_EXISTS                          -30
EGADS_TESSTATE                        -31
EGADS_READERR                         -32

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10.0: Bugs Reports and Other Feedback

All reports of possible 'bugs' and any other feedback should be e-mailed to ''. If a bug report, please include the version number you are running (listed in the title bar at the top of the program), what you were doing at the time of the bug, and what happened that you didn't expect. The more information that you include, the better the chances that the bug can be reproduced and hence fixed.

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11.0: Copyright

Copyright (C) 2010/2024 John F. Dannenhoffer, III (Syracuse University)

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

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12.0: Glossary

@-parameter A local variable that is set by the system every time a new Body is created or a SELECT statement is executed. The local variables, which cannot be set by the user, contain information such as the identity of various entities or mass properties.

argument An expression that is input to an CSM statement. Arguments are positional (that is, their meanings are specified by their order). Optional arguments are listed last, and their default values are listed in the command's description.

associative A concept that means that an entity in one Body is another representation of some other entity in some other Body.

autosave.csm A file that contains a snapshot of the state of ESP before any command is executed.

Attribute A user-defined name/value pair that is associated with a Branch, Body, Face, Edge, or Node. Names that begin with an underscore (_) have special meaning to CSM and those that begin with a period (.) have special meaning to EGADS. The values associated an attribute can either be a string value (prepended by a dollar-sign ($)) or a semicolon-separated list of expressions.

activity An characteristic of a Branch which tells if the Branch should be executed the next time the Model is re-built. ESP supports 'active' and 'suppressed' activities.

Body An object that is created by ESP to represent some physical artifact. ESP supports SolidBodys, SheetBodys (which consist of a collection of connected Faces that may or may not be manifold), WireBodys (which consist of a collection of connected Edges, where each Edge shares a bounding Node with at most one other Edge), and NodeBodys (which consist of a single point in space).

Boolean operation An operation that combines two Bodys (on the stack). The UNION operation returns the fusion of two Bodys, the INTERSECT operation returns the common part of two Bodys, and the SUBTRACT operation returns the portion of Body1 that is not in Body2.

Branch An entity in the Model's Feature Tree that corresponds to either a primitive solid, transformation, Boolean operator, sketch entity, or other item used in the construction of a Model.

Brep A boundary representation is a collections of Nodes, Edges, and Faces that describe the boundary of a Body.

browser A computer program with which a user interacts with ESP. ESP currently runs in FireFox and SeaMonkey.

client A program, typically a web browser, with which a user interacts. The client handles some of ESP's operations directly (such as image manipulation), but sends messages to the server to perform the majority of ESP's operations.

collapse The process of 'closing up' a node in a tree so that its children are not displayed. This is accomplished by pressing the - to the left of an (expanded) tree node.

command Synonym for statement.

command line The statement typed into a terminal window to start serveESP.

Configuation Parameter A value that can be set by the user, either programmatically or via the ESP user interface, that is used to generate a specific instance of a model. Sensitivities cannot can be found with respect to a Configuration Parameter.

constructive solid modeler A process by which complex Bodys are created through the combination of simpler (primitive) Bodys.

curve A path through space, where the locations of points along the curve are given as [x,y,z]=f(t), where t is called the parametric coordinate. Examples of curves include lines, conics, and NURBS curves.

degree of freedom A variable in a sketch whose value must be computed by satisfying one or more constraints. Each line in a sketch adds 2 degrees of freedom, each circular arc adds 3 degrees of freedom, ...

dot-suffix A mechanism through which some property of a (multi-values) Parameter or Variable is returns (rather than the Parameter's value). For example, x.nrow returns the number of rows of x.

drag An operation in which a user presses a mouse button and holds it down while moving it to another location on the screen.

Design Parameter A value that can be set by the user, either programmatically or via the ESP user interface, that is used to generate a specific instance of a model. Sensitivities of the geometry or tessellation can be found with respect to any Design Parameter.

Design Velocity A change in an input parameter from which changes in the local surface normals will be computed.

Edge The part of a Brep that is associated with a curve. Each Edge has an underlying curve, the parametric coordinate (tbeg) at the beginning of the Edge, the parametric coordinate (tend) at the end of the Edge, and the Nodes at tbeg and tend. If all the Edges in a Body support exactly two Faces, the Body is said to be manifold.

EGADS The Electronic Geometry Aircraft Design System, is an open-source geometry interface to OpenCASCADE, in which the functionality in OpenCASCADE that is needed for construction of typical applications is incorporated into about 70 C-functions.

ESP The Engineering Sketch Pad is a browser-based software system that allows users create, modify, (re-)build, and save constructive solid models built via OpenCSM.

expand The process of 'opening up' a node in a tree to see its children nodes. This is accomplished by pressing the + to the left of a (collapsed) tree node.

expression An algebraic combination of variables and constants that produce a single number. Expressions can use any of OpenCSM's built-in functions and/or dot-suffixes. Expressions are used as argument to OpenCSM's commands.

Face The part of a Brep that is associated with a surface. Faces are bounded by trimming curves in the form of Loops. Each Face has only one outer Loop and zero or more inner Loops (which represent holes). The trimming curves, which corresponds to the Face's bounding Edges, are described as a series of Pcurves.

Feature Tree A build prescription that is made up of a series of statements (or commands). The statements in the Feature Tree are executed sequentially (with loops being represented by patterns and logic represented by IFTHEN blocks). During the execution of the Feature Tree, a stack of Bodys are maintained. Each statement that generates a Body puts it onto the stack; statements that modify or combine Bodys get their inputs by popping Bodys off the stack (with the most recently created being popped off first). When CSM completes, the Bodys that remain on the stack are available as output of CSM.

flying mode A way of panning, zooming, and rotating a display in which the motion of the image in the Graphics Window changes as long as the user holds the mouse button. Use the ! key in the Graphics Window to toggle flying mode on and off.

function An atomic operation that transforms its inputs into a single value. Example include trigonometric operations and single in-line logical constructs.

global Attribute An Attribute that is specified before any other CSM command. Global Attributes are added to any Body created by CSM.

Graphics window The window on the top-right of the ESP screen that contains a graphical representation of the current configuration.

hostname The name of the computer that is running the server (typically serveESP). If using a single computer for both the browser and server, use 'Localhost' as the hostname.

journal A file that is written (on the server) that keeps track of the commands that user executed while running ESP. A user (who has access to the server) can copy the journal file to another name and use it to automatically replay the session that was journalled during a future invocation of serveESP.

Key window The window on the bottom left of the ESP screen that contains a spectrum to indicate sensitivity values. If no sensitivity is active, this window in blank.

Local Variable Either an array of numeric values (which can contain only one value, in which case it is called a scalar) or a string of characters. Local variables get their values via SET and GETATTR statements. Local variables are not accessible outside CSM, but only within CSM while the Feature Tree is being executed.

Loop A collection of Edges, arranged end to end, where each Edge has exactly two neighboring Edges. Loops, when applied to a surface, tells the part of the surface that is inside the Face.

manifold solid A manifold solid is represented by a Brep, whose Edges all support two Faces.

Messages window The window on the bottom right of the ESP screen that contains status information and other messages to the user.

Model A container that contains the Parameters and (Feature Tree) Branches.

Node The topological entity associated with a single location in space. Nodes can be free-standing, such as in a NodeBody, but usually are at the ends of Edges.

OpenCASCADE An open-source geometry system on which EGADS is built.

OpenCSM The open-source constructive solid modeler that is a feature-based, associative, and parametric and which build Bodys that are either manifold solids (the typical output) or non-manifold sheets and wires (such as may be needed for representing wake sheets and antennae).

Parameter A two-dimensional array of floating-point numbers that is used during the build process to generate a specific instance of a Model.

pattern A looping construct, originally used to generate a series of features on a Body (such as a regularly-space series of holes).

point A location in space either at a Node, along an Edge (or curve), or on a Face (or surface).

port The port number on which the server (typically serveESP) is listening for requests by the browser. serveESP uses 7681 as its default port.

primitive A CSM statement that generates either a box, sphere, cylinder, cone, or torus, or a user-defined primitive.

semicolon-separated list A list of expressions (that evaluate to numeric values) that are written with semicolons (;) between entries. A semicolon-separated list may optionally be terminated with a semicolon.

sensitivity The derivative of the location on a Body with respect to one or more of the Design Parameters.

server A computer program in which OpenCSM runs and which 'serves' Models and Boundary Representations to ESP. The program 'serveESP' is the initial server for ESP.

sketch A 2-D drawing composed of lines, circular arcs, a splines, that is used to define a SheetBody (with a single Face) or WireBody. Sketches are typically used as the basis of grown solids such as EXTRUDE, REVOLVE, RULE, and BLEND. (The latter two of these actually use a series of sketches.)

sketch constraint A rule for specifying the relationships between sketch variables.

sketch variable A degree of freedom within a sketch. There are two sketch variables associated with the point between each pair of sketch segments and one additional sketch variable associated with each circular arc segment.

stack A construct used with the build process to establish parent-child relationships between various features in the Feature Tree. Primitive statements, which create Bodys, push them onto the top of the stack. Transformation statements pop the top Body (or group) from the stack, transform it/them, and then pushes the transformed result back onto the stack. Boolean operation pop two (or more) Bodys from the top of the stack and push the resultant Body back onto the stack.

statement A line of CSM code that corresponds to one of the steps in the build process in the Feature Tree.

suppressed A possible state for a Branch; Branches that are suppressed are not executed when the Feature Tree is executed. Suppression is typically used to temporarily remove a feature during a build.

surface A sheet in space, where the locations of points on the surface are given as [x,y,z]=f(u,v), where u and v are called the parametric coordinates. Examples of surfaces include planes, cylindrical surface, and tensor-product NURBS surfaces.

transformation A type of CSM statement that pops a Body (or group) from the top of the stack, modifies it, and then pushes the modified Body (or group) back onto the stack. Examples of transformations include TRANSLATE, ROTATE*, and SCALE.

Tree window The window on the top-left of the ESP screen that contains command buttons, a tree-like view of the current Parameters, a tree-like view of the current Branches (of the Feature Tree), and a tree-like view of the display settings.

UDC User-defined component. This is essentially a macro that is stored in a .udc file. It is execute with a UDPRIM statement, where the primtype either starts with / or $/

UDF User-defined function. The difference between a UDF and a UDP is that a UDP does not get any of its inputs from the stack, whereas a UDF consumes one or more Bodys from the stack.

UDP User-defined primitive. This is a user-supplied compiled file (from C or FORTRAN) that creates a non-standard primitive. It is executed with a UDPRIM statement, where the primtype starts with a letter

WebViewer A piece of software, built upon the standard WebGL, that allows for the real-time view angle changes in a browser.

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